I've come up with a few fanfic ideas in my time as a pokemaniac, but I've yet to actually write any down. So, tell me, if I did, which ones should I consider writing?

The Little Marill
This is a play off of The Little Mermaid, only instead of a mermaid falling in love with a sailor, a marill falls in love with an aspiring trainer/co-ordinator. Very cute.

This is a slightly darker story, which takes place in a foreign country, far from the lands known in the anime/games. It's ten years after a terrible war. Much of the land is damaged, but one area in particular has become a deadly wasteland, home only to a few toxic pokemon, and one sad, ghost-like trainer.
Basic story: A young trainer gets caught on a war battlefield, loses most of her pokemon, etc, etc. Ten years later, she's still there, trapped in the memory of it all. But maybe some wandering trainers can coax her into the present?

Name Missing(help me think of one?)
This one I've thought of quite recently. It takes place in... our world! Some high school students are walking to school, when they find some eggs in the grass. When they get to school, they find that most of the student body has them!
A what-if story about pokemon appearing in the real world. Filled with Feebas vs school desk action! razz

If I think of more I'll post them here. And if I write any, I'll post links!