~Insert spiffy banner here~
Hey folks! Welcome to yet again another quest.
This time, two folks are questing two Soquili (and a co-owned single one, but that'll come later.)

The Questers:
Kuro-Kasai and Duelist of Pokemon
The Soquili wanted:
o-0 Brother and sister? What the heck? This should be interesting.

Kyan: What the heck? Where are we?
Keegan: Doesn't look like the Golden Saucer, or Flightless Winds.
Kyan: -.- Nah, ya think?
Keegan: Oh shut up, Kyan! Or i'll glue yer yap shut fer ya!

Table of Contents
1) Intro and Table
2) About Keegan and Kyan
3) Questing Status
4) Soquili Forms
5) Donators and Donations.