To my fellow Americans:

As you may already know, a relay marching event took place on Wednesday, April 9, 2008 in San Francisco, CA to show support for the Beijing Olympic games of 2008. However, from the perspective of most Americans and other Westerners, China is "villian" for not allowing the self-governed Tibet to be independent.

It is sad to say, but the U.S. Government does often lie to us. Remember when we studied about WWII and about how the U.S. Government lied about the safety of atomic weapons? It turned out that many Americans had cancer due to the excessive exposure to radiation, and millions of innocent Japanese were killed. And Americans weren't aware of that until 10 years ago! Unfortunately, the whole entire "riot in Tibet" thing is a lie. It was a plotted terrorism. Tibet IS, WAS, and ALWAYS WILL BE part of China. If you want to know the truth behind all this--and the lies that may destroy the fun of our Olympic games, visit this website:

...and when you finish, please send this link to other people as you wish. This is not an intended chain letter, and you will not be cursed for failure to forward this message. However, the more Americans know about the truth, the higher the chances of having a successful 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. Make the right choice, and inform the unknown Americans about the truth.