Embassy Suites
Uptown Seacouver
Just After Sunset

The Immortal known as Gaston Marceau had taken up residence in one of the hotel's hospitality suites. Intended for visiting celebrities, board meetings, business bigwigs, and so forth, such a sweet was just a bit larger than many starter and one bedroom apartments. It had a small living area, a conference area with a good size board table, a small yet fully equipped kitchen, a second sitting area, and then the king sized bedroom.

It was the end of Gaston's first full day in Seacouver, and he was in the process of unwinding. The laptop and portable fax machine set idle at the moment, the days reports and correspondence caught up with. A number of maps, charts, and random reference materials sat next to it on the board table.

Gaston himself, however, was in the kitchen preparing dinner. As he works with different parts of the meal, he sings a silly little song for random amusement. "I'm thinking of thinking of calling her right after my afternoon nap." He takes the lid off a simmering saucepan, giving the trio of meats, rice, and some vegetables a stir, helping the flavors of the home made Jambalaya blend together properly. "I'm thinking of thinking of sending her flowers right after Bonnie gets back." He pulls enough dishes out for a place setting, arranging them neatly on the bar. "So many fishies left in the sea...so many fishies, but no one for me." The timer on the oven dings, and Gaston carefully pulls out a small cornbread. "I'm thinking of thinking of hooking a love soon after supper is done."

That complete, the Immortal serves himself up a healthy portion and sets it on the bar, retrieving a can of soda from the refrigerator before sitting down to dinner.

(OOC - 10 Brownie points to anyone who guesses where I got the little song from. Think geeky. rofl )