So so so O: I haven't made one of these threads in a while, so I thoguht I would.

The MCs opened on the 15th of this month, as usual.

The Wonderland MC is a mix of classic things that go along with Alice in Wonderland. And the Samurai Yoroi includes many pieces of red and gold armor.

What'd you all think about the items this month?
Has anyone bought any of them or do you want to buy some?
Do you think they'll be popular or forgotten in the months to come?

And how about that St. Patrick's Day? O:
Did any of you celebrate it on Gaia? How about that cash shop Luck of the Gairish item?

...You know what I've never understood? :S If someone was really going to ask a question in a poll, wouldn't they want to have at least two answer options? You can't ask a question and then force the same reply out of everyone...
...So why doesn't the add a poll section start out with two options instead fo one? =P