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What happened before the Vampire Invasion(based off of rp) Goto Page: 1 2 3 4 [>] [»|]

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Do you think this is a good idea? ( tell me truthfully this will tell me what people think)
Yes it's a great idea! I love it!!!!!
 66%  [ 4 ]
It's an ok idea but it could use a little work.
 16%  [ 1 ]
No way this idea sucks! Stick to writing things without telling us what happens first.
 16%  [ 1 ]
Total Votes : 6


PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:39 pm
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Profile Skeleton


This roleplay is based off of the roleplay i already started but it is supposed to be what happened before the accident that turned human into vampires and what happens in the two years that pass after the accident. I will announce in the rp when that will happen and I will make the events occur to make that happen. People from the other rp may bring in their own already started characters to tell their story about what happens or may start new characters in this rp what ever one you would prefer is fine with me. So I hope everybody enjoys themselves.

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Profile Skeleton


1. No God Moding people who god mod will be kicked out of this rp no matter what
2. Follow the gaia TOS duh
3. Keep it pg 13 or lower please
4. NO killing other player no matter what. You may kill off made up characters or your own character but not something played by another player.
5. You are aloud three character only. If you really want a third character then you must pm me and I will talk to you about it.
6. Swearing is aloud but don't go over board ok.
7. I reserve all rights to change and edit these rules at anytime i feel need be
8. be semi- literate no one liners at all. I do understand writers block but one liners don't work here!

Table of Contents
profile skeleton

profile skeleton

Gaia Name:
Character Name:
Appearance: ( I would like a pic if possible but is you don't it's fine just a description will do)
Other: (optional)  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 06, 2008 6:44 pm
Gaia Name: Horselover1009
Character Name: Cheza
Age: 19
Gender: Female
Bio: Cheza is a young girl who helps out her parents a lot in the labs. Her best friend Tsume also works with her and they are secretly dating without their parents knowing about anything.
Appearance: User Image

Character name: Tsume
Age: 20
Gender: male
Bio: Tsume is Cheza's best friend and secretly her boyfriend. He loves to be at the lab and work along side his parents as well as Cheza and her parents. He is very active especially when he and Cheza go out and do sports as well as many other things.
Appearance: http://i213.photobucket.com/albums/cc301/BBhappiness-8o8/hot guys/32693ddf.jpg  



PostPosted: Sun Mar 09, 2008 12:50 pm
gaia name:emo warrior21
character name:jake
apperance:http://i92.photobucket.com/albums/l37/Narume13/Anime Guys/EvilKenta.png[/img]

bio:He works at the lab speacializing in the gentic splicing feild he also is very skilled in swords he has tested some of his experiments on himself giving him the red eyes.
Other:he always carrys around a sword and is good friends with tsume and also with Chezas parents.
PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 6:02 pm
( Alright time to start this rp up)

Beep! Beep! Beep! Cheza's alarm clock went off at 5 a.m. waking her for a day at the lab with her parents and Tsume! She almost squealed at the thought of spending the whole day with him at her favorite place in the whole world. She jumped out of bed and got ready. She pulled the covers neatly up on her bed and set off out her bed room door quietly closing the door behind her so as no not wake her older brother next door to her. She tiptoed down the stairs and strode into the kitchen. " Morning mom. Morning dad." she greeted her parents and took the plate her mom held out to her with her breakfast on it. Cheza got one smell of the plate of food in front of her and became surprisingly hungry eating every last bit. Cheza stood up from the table and thanked her mom for breakfast. " I'll meet you at the lab I'm going to make sure Tsume is up and ready to go" she called over her shoulder as she she almost pranced out the door in pure delight at going to see her boyfriend at his house before they had to get to work.

Tsume was awakened by a knock on his door from is mom telling him to get up. He just barely remembered that he and Cheza were both going to be at the lab today. Tsume let out a sigh " better get ready quick " he mumbled to himself knowing that instead of meeting him at the lab she would most likely be on her way to his house now. He tiredly got out of bed and got ready. Just when he had finished getting himself ready he heard a knock on his door. "Hello are you awake sleepy head" he heard a voice call from outside. " Yeah
I'm awake Cheza you can come on in." he responded to her. As she walked into his room he saw how awake she was and how perky she was acting today. " What got you in such a good mood today Cheza? " he asked puzzled at how up beat she was. " Oh nothing I was just excited to go to the lab with you today Tsume thats all." she responded. Tsume called over his shoulder as he walked out of his room " well if you don't come on we'll never get there in time" By the time he and Cheza were downstairs his parents had already left and a doughnut was on the counter for him to eat as breakfast. He grabbed the doughnut and he and Cheza set off for the lab.  



PostPosted: Mon Mar 10, 2008 9:21 pm
Gaia Name: DarogaDaae
Character Name: Aljan (goes by Jan)
Age: 21
Gender: female
Bio: Jan is the only child of parents that have spent all of her childhood working in the labs. She puts on a happy face, and does the best she can. She tends to be reserved until she knows you, and then she'd trust you with her life. Her closest friend and secret love interest is Fawkes
Apperance: (still no pic... sweatdrop ) dark skin, purple hair, red eyes, wears tight skirt, corset, and boots

Character Name: Fawkes
Age: 23
Gender: Male
Bio: Fawkes is the youngest in a family of scientists, but he prefers music and reading to the labs. He and Jan have been best friends for fifteen years. He cares deeply for her, and would do anything to help her.
User Image  
PostPosted: Tue Mar 11, 2008 3:41 am
*Yawns* "Its time to work this will be great fun *Remembers somthing* I need to give Tsume this gift he asked me to make for Cheza."  



PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 12:15 pm
Jan sat up with a start. "Get up, Jan, we're going to be late!" came Fawkes' voice. She cast her red eyes towards her door, and jumped out of bed quickly. "I hear you!" she said as she rummaged around, looking for something decent to wear, settling on a fishnet top, her old high school uniform skirt, and her normal boots. She grabbed her bag and ran out the door, and smack into Fawkes.

Fawkes was standing, tapping his foot and looking at his watch. "Come on, come on, come one!" he muttered to himself, right before the door opened and Jan barrelled into him. He stumbled slightly, and somehow managed to catch her before she hit the ground. Collecting himself quickly, he grabbed her bag and started running. "Come on, we're late for morning history!"
"Whaaat?!?" Jan whined. "I thought today was afternoon classes!" She stopped and bent down, her hands on her knees. "And I can't run in these boots!"
"Then why'd you wear them?!?" he cried, his voice cracking slightly. He stopped, turned around, and handed their bags to Jan. "Here," he said, picking her up on his back. "You carry those, I carry you."
Jan squeaked, but just wrapped her arms around his neck and held on as he sprinted faster than she could ever hope to manage, even without a load. "How long do we have?"
Fawkes looked at his watch. "CRAP! Five minutes!"
"Whaaa! You've gotta be kidding me!"
"Well, it's your fault!"  
PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 2:54 pm
Gaia Name: Cking1batl
Character Name: Crow
Age: 19
Gender: Male
Bio: Crow is very popular among his peers but very disliked among the adults. However he has a secret that may make people frightened of him. He travels a lot: as soon as people find out about his secret. He has just come to town and is hoping he can start a new life.
User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.  



PostPosted: Wed Mar 12, 2008 6:40 pm
As the two walked through the crisscrossing streets that led to the lab they held hands and talked about what they might be working on when they got to the lab. They were both hoping that they would be assigned to the same part of the lab as they usually were. As they walked on Tsume remembered something he had almost forgotten about. I have to go to Jake's place and get the gift I asked him to make for Cheza he thought to himself not wanting to say it out loud and let Cheza know. When the pair finally reached the lab they went to find their parents and see what they had to do for the day to finally get their pay checks that afternoon.Tsume and Cheza were both assigned to the same part of the lab as always and Tsume turned to face Cheza. " Well shall we be heading to the locker to get our things?" he asked Cheza.

Cheza let out a sigh of relief that bother Tsume and herself were both going to be able to spend the day together and turned to look at Tsume." Yes we should." she answered Tsume and the two of them walked side by side to the locker rooms where they would get their lab coats and then set out for the secret part of the lab that both their parents worked in. Once they had reached their parents they strode over to they pair of couples standing observing and taking notes on one of the creatures that they had been working on together. " So mom what do you want us to be doing today?" Cheza asked in behalf of Tsume and herself. Cheza's mom looked up from her notes and answered " Well why don't the two of you go study and work on modifying that experiment over there." she pointed to the experiment and continued" The information on it are right on the table over there." and with that Cheza and Tsume got the info and started to work on that days assignments.  
PostPosted: Thu Mar 13, 2008 8:28 pm
Jan and Fawkes, laughing, were nearly to the building their class was in when a cell phone rang. "Oh, crap..." Jan muttered as she dug in her bag for the phone. "Hel-" she started, smiling, but her expression quickly changed to a crestfallen one. "But I-... Okay... Okay... Yes, ma'am, I'll be there in a few min-... I'm at the university, I can't be -... Okay..." She closed the phone with a click. "Dammit..." She dropped her head into her forehead, frustrated and upset at the phone call she had just gotten through with. Why did it have to be today? she wondered to herself, upset that her plans for that night were ruined before 8. "Was it your mother?" came Fawkes's voice softly. She nodded. She felt Fawkes grab her hand, and her eyes opened slightly, her dark skin hiding the slight blush.

"What did she need?" Fawkes asked, and frowned when she heaved a heavy sigh and said, "She needs me at the lab, right now. She could have left a note, or something... Damn..." she muttered as she turned and started towards the labs. "Sorry, Fawkes..." Fawkes, after watching her for a moment, ran to catch up. She looked at him strangely. "There's no reason for both of us to suffer through this," she said. The white-haired boy just grinned. "Well, maybe it won't be suffering if we're both there, right?" Jan smiled slightly, then stood up on tiptoe to kiss Fawkes on the cheek. "Thanks."  



PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:01 pm
Cheza yawned " This is so boring" she complained. Looking down at her notes she realized something " Hey Tsume I think we can perfect this experiment if we just change a few things" Cheza showed Tsume what she had discovered and started to work on the project adding things and taking away things that weren't needed anymore. After an hours worth of work they decided to take a break from work and went to their parents. " We're going to take a break now ok" she told her parents and Tsume went over to his parents.

" Mom Dad I'm going to take a break now" he told his parents as well and met Cheza who was waiting impatiently at the door to exit the lab work room. As they walked down the hallway to the locker room they grasped each others hand and walked like that all the way. When they reached the locker room the got their lunches and ate. After finishing they set off back to the lab to hopefully finish the experiment off.  
PostPosted: Fri Mar 14, 2008 8:55 pm
hey ima join too XD lol mrgreen but new person lol KAI'S SISTER!!!!!!!!! XD lol...the / is Izy then on the other side of / is the person inside of her.....

Gaia Name: Sayuki-Uchiha
Character Name: Izabel, Izy or Belz/Rin
Age: 17/18
Gender: Female
Bio: She is Makaia's sister. She is very shy compared to Kai, their parents were killed in a fire so she has to take care of her little sister who is just 10 at the moment. Although she is very beutiful, she has little confidence. But what no one knows is that she has a secret. She shareds a body with the total oposite kind of person, she has ever since she was a baby, but what is worse is that the girl iside of her is teh one who killed their parents. the girl inside of her is named Rin who loves bloodshed and killing. Although Izabel is a caring sweat person, Rin's bloodthirst gets in the way of her feelings sometimes. The two have got in a fight when she was 13, this caused them both to have a scare on the oposite sides of their faces [when Rin takes over her body] they cover it over their eye but covers the bottom of it down their cheek with their hair......

Izabel: User Image

Rin: User Image

Other: Izabel has teh ability to control the basic four elements [fire, water, air, earth]/ Rin controls demons


Gaia Name: Sayuki-Uchiha
Character Name: Makaia
Race: Human [at the moment]
Age: 15
Gender: Female
Bio: She is Izabels youger sister. she has always dispised her sister for her looks and kindness and people geting along with her emediatly, even guys just look at her and cant keep there eyes off her. Makaia has always been in her sisters shadows but Izy helps her make herself noticable. She has always seen one guy around that always seems to steal both their hearts, Ian dosent really try to talk to them much becuase he is sy himslef. Makaia has always been friends with Ian but tehy still seem liek strangers.

Other: dosent have much friends and is usualy bullied by other vampires because of her goal in life to help the humans and she wants to find a cure for herself as well

Name: Ian
Age: 16-17
Bio: Ia a fried of Izabel, Makaia to him is a little kid and sister of his crush. He is always shy and dosent talk to them much. Although he is very well dresed and all the girls at his school seem to be head over heals for him, he dosent take advantege of that. he is a real gentleman and has his moments every once in a while.


srry i couldnt find the pics again they are on the first page of teh other rp tho sweatdrop  



PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 11:36 am
Throws a pebble at tsumes head "Pssst come her I got the Necklace you wanted"Strays out of the shadow"Hi cheza come on Tsume."  
PostPosted: Sat Mar 15, 2008 2:01 pm
When Jan and Fawkes reached the door to the office that her parent's used, Jan heaved a heavy sigh. She grabbed the doorknob, with Fawkes right behind her, and pulled the door open. As usual, her mother had her face in a microscope and her hand holding a pen and hovering over a page, waiting to take notes. "Why don't you have your lab clothes on?" she asked without looking up. Jan watched her, her red eyes sad, as she responded, "I was going to class, and hadn't planned on com--" "Go get dressed," her mother cut her off. "Mother, I don't have anything to change into!" Jan cried. Her mother looked up at the same moment as her father hung up the phone. "And why not?" he asked. "I just told you, I was go--" Her mother set her pen down and looked her over. "Why?" she sighed. "Why is our daughter so--"

Fawkes watched this exchange between mother and daughter, his temper rising, but not showing. "I have an extra set of lab clothes," he interrupted before Jan's mother could finish her statement. He looked at Jan, meeting her teary eyes, then put his hands on her shoulders and steered her out of the room, looking back at her parents, who were going back to their work as though nothing had happened. As soon as the door was closed behind them, Jan broke down, crying softly as she headed to the locker room. She was muttering as she walked, wiping her eyes angrily. Fawkes was getting distressed as he watched her, and wrapped his arms around her shoulders, trying to calm her down. As her breathing slowed, she put her hands over his before she pulled away and looked back at him, smiling. "I'm fine," she said, her voice breaking when she spoke. Fawkes shook his head as she walked away. Never changes...

((wow, long post! sweatdrop rofl ))  


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