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What happens when Yu Yu Hakusho and Parody mix? Many Fun Stories 

Tags: Parody, Yu Yu Hakusho, Yusuke, Kurama, Hiei 

Reply Untold Stories....:::FanFic::...
Shadow from the Sky

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Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:33 pm
~Shadow from the Sky~

~A note from the author

Alright so a long time ago back when Toonami was awesome and still aired shows like Yu-Yu Hakusho, I decided to start writing fanfictions. At the time Hiei was (and still is) my favorite character. So like the many raging fangirls out there, my first Fanfic was of course Hiei based. This was started back at the start of 2005 and has yet to really be finished. The entire story was originally posted on quizilla. I moved to fanfciton soon after but never refinished it. So here's attempt three, maybe I"ll get off my lazy @$$ and finish now. I"ll clean some of teh chapters up before I post them. I again state that they were written along time ago and my writing skills have very much improved since then. Hope you guys enjoy it.

Link to Original story on FanFiction.net  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 1:41 pm
~Chapter 1

Ayame laid on the ground in a field while starring up a the cloudless sky. She had just gotten rid of two demons that found there way into the human world. The wind blew across the field, making her blonde red tipped hair cover her eyes.

“Why can’t every day be like this,” She sat up and looked out at the forest in front of her. “No demons attacking, no having to defend the human race, just a normal ordinary day with nothing to-” She stopped when she saw a black figure falling from the sky into the forest in front of

“What the hell is that? It better not be a demon, I was really enjoying the peace and quiet.” She picked up her katana and headed for the woods. As she got closer to teh tree line she stopped,picking up on something behind her.

“Hey Ayame,”

Ayame turned at the sound of her friend Miu’s voice. Miu was 18. She was taller then Ayame (then again everybody is, Ayame is only 5’3”) and had brown eyes that matched her long brown hair that was usually in a braid.

“Hey Miu, what’s up?” Ayame asked.

“Nothing much, I haven’t seen you for awhile so Naoko and I thought maybe we could hang out again sometime soon.” The girl sad hopefully.

Ayame shook her head. “Probably not, the number of demon attacks has increased dramatically lately, in fact I think one just fell in the woods.”

Miu’s face paled. She had been attacked by a demon before, a long time ago. She learned about all three worlds, Koenma, demons, and everything else soon after.(except for the spirit detectives)

“Umm, on second thought, I have things to do, so I’ll just be going now.” Miu said as she went to turn.

“Miu it might be a better idea if you stand here and wait for me to give you the all clear.”

Miu turned and looked at her friend pleadingly. “You’ll be fine, here.” Ayame put her ands out in front of her and focused her energy. Soon Miu was surrounded by a dark purple bubble. “That shield will stay up until a) I let it down or b) I get knocked unconscious.” Miu nodded in understanding. “I’ll be right back.”

Ayame walked into the woods toward where she felt a slight energy signal but it was fading. ‘It must have gotten hurt when it landed.’ She soon came to an area of the woods where a bunch of branches had broken off of the surrounding trees. She starred in surprise at the body laying on top of them. He had black gravity defying hair, a white starburst in the center. There was a white bandanna tied around his forehead as well as a bandage around his right arm. He was wearing a black tank top and baggy pants to match, a katana by his side, she also noticed that he was slightly taller then her, but only a few inches. “Miu! Come give me a hand!” Ayame walked closer and checked the guys pulse, as well as an energy signal. Cuts and scrapes covered his body, some made by the trees others made by a weapon of some sort. ‘He was fighting something recently, those wounds are fresh.’ A twig snapped nearby, causing Ayame to turn.

“Is the demon gone?” Miu asked as she came up behind you.

“No actually, he’s unconscious. And he’s not a demon, he’s an apparition. Come on, help me get him to my house.” Miu stood still for a moment. “He’s not bad Miu.” Ayame stated while gazing at her friend with icy blue eyes. “Huh, oh it’s not that. I was just noticing his hair. It’s all spiky, how much gel do you think he uses.”

“Miu, nows really not the time.” Miu snapped out of it. “Oops sorry.”

at Ayame’s house

Ayame set the guy on the bed in the guest room of her house. “Miu, I need you to bring me the first aid kit and the ointment.” Miu nodded and took off for the down stairs. Ayame pulled the black shirt off of him and realized it was covered in blood as well as ripped in many places. ‘Geez this guy lost a lot of blood, it’s a wonder he’s still alive.’

“I got the stuff, I brought of a couple of wet rags as well.” Miu stated as she entered the room.

“Thanks Miu.” Ayame grabbed one of the rags and started cleaning the wounds.

“Well there’s something I don’t see everyday.” Miu said while giggling. “What?” Miu pointed at Ayame. “Usually I’m bandaging you. It’s kind of weird to watch you bandage someone else.”

Ayame smirked and tied the bandage off. “There all done.” She set a roll of bandages on the table next to the bed along with the ointment.

“Thanks for your help Miu, sorry we couldn’t spend the afternoon hanging out like old times.”

Miu shook her head. “Don’t worry about it, you have a duty to protect the city. Naoko, the boys, and I understand.”

Ayame smiled. “Thanks, apologize to Naoko for me.”

Miu nodded. She looked at her watch and gasped. “Ahh, I’m gunna be late for soccer practice.” She ran toward the steps, stopped and turned back to Ayame. “Call me and let me know if he’s alright later on, Ja ne.”

“Ja ne, Miu.”

Ayame closed the door to the room and headed for her own. As she did, she glanced at the locked door next to it. The room hadn’t been opened for a few years now, and thinking about it just made it hurt more. She felt tears try to force their way out but she forced them back, she hadn’t cried in a long time, she refused to.

Once in her room, Ayame grabbed her drawing book and then headed back downstairs. She sat down at the table and started to sketch what ever came to her mind. After a while the picture started to take on shape. A girl with long hair flowing down her back stood in the middle of a field. Beautiful wings adorned her back and two short swords where clasped in her hand. Flames danced around her, but left her unharmed. Her eyes starred back, reflecting a mixture of sorrow, pain, and somehow joy and victory as well. Ayame studied the picture; it wasn’t like her to draw something with so much detail. She set the pad and pencil down and started on dinner.

She had just finished getting out two bowls for the soup when she felt the energy of her guest upstairs, spike dramatically. ‘I guess he’s awake.’ She dished up a bowl of soup and put it on a tray with a cup of tea, then headed upstairs with it.

Ayame set the tray on the floor next to the door, then knocked. “Hello, are you alright in there?”

No answer.

“I brought you something to eat, your probably hungry after recovering.”

Still nothing.

Ayame felt a twitch of her nerve “I know your awake in there.” There was still no answer. She turned the doorknob and walked into the room. The bed was empty save for some old bandages, and the window was open. ‘He ran off! I helped him out and everything and he goes and disappears with out a word!’ “That jerk, errr he’s lucky I don’t know who he is.” She leaned out the window and looked around. Nothing.

She sighed in defeat and turned to go back to the door only to come face to face, umm, well, point with a katana. She looked up from the blade into two crimson eyes. “Uhh, if this is how you thank somebody, I’d hate to see what you do to those that hurt you.”

“Hn, that doesn’t happen.” The crimson eyed guy replied.

“Ahh, so you can talk. Oh, and obviously it does seeing as how me and my friend carried your unconscious body back here.” Ayame felt the tip of the katana push harder on her neck.

She sighed then snickered.

“What so funny?”

Ayame glared at the guy. “Oh nothing, but why don’t you take a look at your stomach before you start getting any ideas.” The man looked down and saw a dagger only a few centimeters from his already wounded abdomen. He smirked and removed his katana. Ayame did the same with her dagger.

“So what’s your name?” Ayame asked as she leaned against the window frame.

“Why should I tell you.”

That same nerve twitched again. “Look unless you want me to start calling you spike, I suggest you tell me your name.”

The guy paused for a moment. “Hiei”

She smiled. “Nice to meet you Hiei, I’m Ayame Mitzuru.”

Ayame walked toward the door and grabbed the tray. “And this is your dinner. I hope you like Miso soup, cause it’s all I have right now.” She set the tray down on a table and turned to Hiei. “When you’re done eating just leave the tray outside your door. I’ll be right back with a change of clothes for you.” Before Hiei could protest Ayame left the room.

Hiei looked over at the soup, and then sat down. He tasted it and found that it was surprisingly good.

Ayame came back with a black t-shirt and a pair of black sweat pants. “I’m pretty sure these will fit you. I’ll leave them on the bed. When you get done and stuff bring the clothes your wearing now down with you so that I can wash them, there covered in blood.” Hiei didn’t reply, he just starred at her. “What?”

“Where am I?”

Ayame gave him a puzzled look. “You’re in Kyoto, why?” Hiei looked back down at his soup. “Something wrong?”

“I don’t belong here.”  

Vice Captain

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:06 pm
~Chapter 2

Ayame looked at Hiei questioningly. “Excuse me?”

“I said I don’t belong here. How did I get here?” He asked as he turned to her. Ayame thought a moment.

“To tell the truth, you fell from the sky. You landed in the woods out back. I was actually going to ask you how you managed to do that seeing as how fire apparitions can’t fly.”

Hiei looked at her accusingly. “You’re a demon?”

Ayame smirked. “No I’m the same as you minus the koorime part. I’m part psychic instead.” She smiled and looked at Hiei. “So where are you from?”

Hiei didn’t answer, he just continued eating his soup. “You’re a quiet one aren’t you?” Ayame asked sarcastically.

“What was your first clue?”

“You know, you could at least say thank you. I mean I did bring you to my house and bandaged you up without having a clue as to who you are.”

“Hn.” Hiei closed his eyes and ate silently.

“Alright fine.” Ayame sighed and left the room. “Don’t forget to bring your stuff down when you’re done.” She called before going down stairs.

Hiei sat in the room, thinking after she left. ‘What am I doing here? Is Ryu dead or not? I could have sworn I was about to get rid of him when…’ Hiei stopped, realization hitting him hard. He dug in his pockets and pulled out a small communicator. He flipped it open and pressed one of the buttons.

Koenma appeared on the screen and seemed to be relieved to see Hiei, but only briefly.

“Hiei! Where are you?! Do you have any idea the state of chaos I am in right now?! Ryu still has the Key!”

Hiei glared boredly at the screen as the tiny ruler went on. When he had finally finished Hiei had found out that the rest of the Rekai Tentai was also missing.

“I’m in Kyoto, and no, I don’t know where the idiots and fox are. I’m the only one here as far as I know. Now how do I get back?”

Koenma was silent for a moment, deep in thought. “I hate to tell you this Hiei but until we are able to retrieve the key you won’t be able to return to Tokyo or Spirit World.”

“You mean he’s stuck here!” Ayame’s voice sounded from the doorway. She stood with one foot in the room and two bowls of ice cream in her hands.

“Who is that, Hiei?” Koenma asked his head turned as if he were trying to look around the screen.

“Her name is Ayame and” Hiei started, but Ayame cut him off.

“He knows very well who I am!” Ayame walked up to Hiei, set both bowls of sweet snow down on the tray, then grabbed the communicator.

“Ahh Ayame! Your still alive?!” Koenma said in surprise.

“Very funny Koenma. If I died you would have been the first to know. Now explain to me what he’s doing here and why he won’t be leaving any time soon.”

Koenma cleared his throat. “Well you see, recently a demon by the name of Ryu has stolen my Portal Key. With it he can create portals where ever he pleases. We had tracked him down and I sent my Spirit Detectives after him.”

“But why is he here?” Ayame asked impatiently while pointing to Hiei, who was sitting on the windowsill with his sweet snow.

“I’m getting to that! As I was saying, they were fighting Ryu when he opened up multiple portals. Hiei is one of my detectives, there are three others who's locations are unknown at this point.”

Ayame nodded. “That might have something to do with the increase in demon attacks recently.”

Koenma looked at her suspiciously. “What increase?”

“The number of demons has basically tripled in the past few weeks. It’s getting harder to track them as well. I’m going on fours hours of sleep right now.” Ayame answered.

“Why wasn’t I notified of this?”

Ayame’s eye started to twitch. “Maybe because I have yet to receive a new communicator. My old one is still broken.”

Koenma sweat dropped. “Oh, heheh. Yes well since I have no way of getting that to you, you’ll just have to use Hiei’s. By the way, he will be staying with you until I can get him back here.”

“Huh?” Ayame just about fell over. ‘Why me? Can’t I just put in a hotel? Oh well’

“Hiei, you are to help Ayame with any demon attacks while you are in Kyoto. Is that understood?”

Hiei paid no mind to him.

“Darn it Hiei answer me!”


“Well I guess that will have to do.” Koenma said while rubbing his temples. “I need a vacation. Any way, I wish you luck in the future Ayame, and keep me posted on the attacks. I’ll be checking in in the future.” Koenma stopped and was about to end the transmission when a thought crossed his mind. “Umm, please try not to kill each other. Goodbye.”

Ayame shut the communicator and tossed it back at Hiei.

“So how do you know the toddler?” Hiei asked after putting it back in his pocket.

Ayame picked up her half melted bowl off sweet snow and sat on the floor. “I’m his tracker here in Kyoto. I’m the only one he has here.”

“How’s that different from a Detective.” Hiei asked emotionless.

“I don’t ever leave Kyoto. Unlike you, I don’t get the luxury to travel to the spirit World or the Makai.” Ayame looked out the door as if deep in thought. She snapped out of it and put her empty ice cream bowl on the tray. “Are you finished?”

Hiei nodded and handed her his empty bowl. She took it and left the room. “I’ll let you change. Your welcome to take a shower if you want the bathroom is the second door to your left that way.” She pointed down the hall.

Hiei again nodded and Ayame left the room. She walked down stares and looked at the sketch book on the table. The wind had blown in from the window and had turned the pages. It now laid opened to a picture of a boy who looked to be in his early twenties. His hair was white and cut short, and he had violet eyes. Ayame put the tray down and quickly shut the book. ‘Damn it Riku, why did you have to go do something so stupid?’  
PostPosted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 10:48 pm
~Chapter 3

Ayame was sitting on her front porch sketching once again. She had decided to put some details into the picture of the winged warrior as she had dubbed it.

“What are you doing?”

Ayame turned to see Hiei wearing the clothes she had laid out for him. They fit him surprisingly well. “I’m drawing, just and idea I had.” Ayame stood up and closed her sketch book before Hiei had a chance to see anything. “Do they fit okay?” Hiei nodded.

“Where are your clothes?” she asked. Hiei motioned toward the door that led to the laundry room. “Okay, you can have them back as soon as there clean and fixed. I’m surprised you were still wearing them, they were so torn up.”

Ayame walked over to the pile and picked it up. “If you’re still hungry there’s still some soup left, other then that, make yourself at home.” Hiei watched as she put his clothes into the washer before walking into the living room and perching himself on the window sill.

Ayame shut the door to the laundry room just as the phone rang. She walked over and picked it up.

“Hello, Mitzuru residence.”

“Ayame, this is Miu.”

“Hey Miu, what’s new?”

“Hopefully the condition of that hot guy you picked up.” Ayame heard some one yell in the background.

“I take it Naoko’s there.”

“Umm yeah, huh....She wants to talk to you. Just a sec.”

“Hey Ayame, where have you been? I haven’t seen you in at least a week. You missed movie night at Miu’s twice!”

Naoko Tome was another one of Ayame’s best friends. She was taller then Miu by and inch which put her at 5’7”. She had short hair that was died blue. She was a fighter and usually sparred off with Ayame. Like Miu she too, knew about the demon and Spirit world.

“Heh, sorry Naoko. I’ve been really busy lately, you know how it is.” Ayame’s voice dropped and sounded disappointed. She hated letting her friends down, she barely saw them any more.

“Hey, don’t worry about it. We’ll hook up some other time. Hey Miu told me about your new friend so what’s he like?”

“Uh well, I think that should wait for some other time, he doesn’t seem like the type who likes to be talked about.”

At this comment, Hiei turned his attention to the girl on the phone. ‘At least she’s respecting my privacy.’ Hiei closed his eyes again and listened to the conversation the best he could.

“Alright fine. Hey Koji and Sage got a gig, they’ll be playing in town soon.” Koji was Naoko’s boyfriend and Sage was Miu’s. They played in their own band, Koji being lead singer as well as playing guitar. Sage played bass as well and both were really good at it.

“Wow, that’s great let me know when it is. I’ll try to go see them.”

“Alright sounds good. Ack, just a sec Miu. I got to go, here’s Miu Ja ne Ayame. Keep in touch.”

“Will do, bye Naoko.”

“Alright, well I guess Naoko already told you about the boys. My mom is calling us now, she needs the phone.”

“Alright, I’ll talk to ya later Miu. Sayonara.”


Ayame hung up the phone with a sigh. She glanced at the clock and smiled. “Things are going good, two hours and not a single attack.”

“You shouldn’t jinx things.” Hiei said in monotone, his eyes still closed.

Ayame smiled, “Yeah your probably right.” No sooner had the words left her mouth did her tracker start beeping.

“Told you.”

Ayame glared at him and then at the infernal device now in her hand. “This better not take long. Are you coming Hiei...Hiei?” Ayame looked at he window were he was sitting only moments before, to see that he had disappeared. “I’m over here.” Hiei said from the door way. He had his katana.

Ayame grabbed hers as well and walked toward the door. “Alright then, lets go.”

At location

Ayame and Hiei had followed the tracker to the location of the demon which was in a park area. A couple that had been dating in the wrong place at the wrong time, were cowering against one of the stone walls as the demon loomed over them.

“So how do you do this?” Hiei asked once he saw the target. “Pretty simple, eliminate the threat.” In a flash both apparitions were gone and attacking the demon. The demon howled in pain as cold metal sliced down and across his stomach. Ayame stood in front of the monster, back to the humans. “Go! Get out of here!” The two nodded and left at a run.

The demon tried going after them but was blocked by both Hiei and Ayame.

“You let my dinner run away.” The demon hissed. Judging by the scaly skin, reptile like eyes, and the toxic smell coming from his breath, Ayame guessed he was a lizard type demon. “Oh well, you two will do nicely.

The demon charged at the two with his claws out. The fire apparitions dodged to opposite sides. Hiei kicked back as he did and sent the demon into the ground face first. The lizard quickly recovered but not quick enough to block the blade of Ayame’s sword. In desperation he tried to dodge to the side but only succeeded in having the blade go through his shoulder and pinning him to the ground.

“Bad move.” Ayame said quietly. Hiei saw Ayame’s eyes flash from their normal blue to a shade of bright orange. Almost instantly the Lizard was incinerated. Ash was all that was left, and that too disappeared with the wind that blew by.

“Why didn’t you just do that in the first place?” Hiei asked as Ayame pulled her katana from the ground.

“I have to have some sort of contact with the enemy. I can’t just spontaneously combust things on a whim. It would be nice though.”

It had grown dark by the time Hiei and Ayame had reached her house again. “I’m going to get washed up and changed for bed, Goodnight Hiei.” Ayame said once they were inside.

Hiei didn't bother with a reply. He watched her ascend the stairs then walked back into the living room. He looked around and saw a family picture on the wall.

Ayame was only what looked like 6 in the picture. She sat on top of an older boys shoulders. Hiei figured it was her brother even though he looked nothing like Ayame. Their parents stood behind them content smiles on there faces. Ayame was the spitting image of her mother. Blonde hair and icy blue eyes. The boy was different though. His eyes were violet and his hair was white. And the father figure didn’t look like he belonged at all.

‘Were is everyone else in this picture?’
Hiei asked himself as he looked at some of the other pictures. There were only three others containing the parents. The rest were of Ayame when she was still young, and the white haired boy.

“They don’t live in this world anymore.” Ayame’s voice replied closer than Hiei had realized she was standing. He turned to Ayame and saw a mix of sorrow and pain behind her eyes. “My parents died when me and my brother were still young. I was 6 in human years, my brother was 10.”

Hiei watched the girl lean against the wall, deep in thought. “My brother died four years ago. Heh, it doesn’t really seem that long ago.”

“How did they die?” Hiei asked after a pause.

“All three were killed by other demons, not the same one mind you.” Ayame walked into the kitchen and got a glass of water. “Any way, I just came down to tell you that you can help your self to what ever you are able to find for breakfast tomorrow morning. Goodnight.”  

Vice Captain

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 7:50 pm
~Chapter 4

Ayame was sleeping soundly when Hiei walked into her room. The phone had rang a few minutes ago and he regretted picking it up. Naoko had basically insisted on talking his ear off until he agreed on waking up Ayame.

Hiei walked over to her bed and shook her shoulder. “Wake up onna, you have a phone call.” The only answer he received where a few inaudible mumbles. Hiei shook her harder with still no affect. He placed the phone to his ear.

“You’re going to have to call back. She won’t wake up.”

Naoko snickered on the other line. “You just don’t know how to wake her up.”

Hiei cocked an eyebrow. “There’s a certain way?”

“She’s going to pummel me for telling you this... You have to tickle her, mainly on the sides.”

“You can call back later.”

“Oh, come on. It won’t be that bad. Please.”

Hiei gave a “Hn,” and set the phone down. He was willing to do anything to get Naoko to shut up. He walked over to the edge of the bed. He grabbed Ayame by her sides and began to tickle her. Instantly she was out of her sleep coma and trying desperately to get away from Hiei.

“I’m up, I’m awake!!” she cried while crawling into the corner of her bed.

Hiei stopped with a triumphant smirk and handed her the phone before leaving without a word. Ayame looked after him, a little puzzled before putting the phone to her ear.

“I’m going to hurt you severely Naoko.” she said in a low voice.

Naoko began to laugh. “Oh come on Ayame, I asked him to do it because I had important news.”

“This better be good. I was enjoying my first uninterrupted sleep for the week.”

“Sorry, I just wanted to let you know that the boys will be playing at the Moon Shadow Café tonight. They start at 9:00.”

Ayame smiled. “That’s great, I’ll try to make it if I can. No promises though.”

“I know, the boys will understand. Me and Miu will meet you there okay.”

Ayame nodded. “Alright, see ya then.” Ayame clicked off the phone and got dressed. She went downstairs to see Hiei sitting in the living room window sill, eating an apple.

“Good morning, or at least it would have been if I wasn’t woken up so rudely.”

Hiei smirked and looked out the window.

Ayame walked up next to him with her cup of tea. “You home sick or something?” she asked.

Hiei shook his head. “I don’t have a home.”

Ayame leaned against the wall and sipped her tea. “So you travel a lot then?”

“You could say that.”

Ayame nodded and finished her tea before she walked off to the Laundry room. She soon returned caring a folded pile of clothes.

“Here you go.” She handed the pile to Hiei. He took them.


Ayame smiled, “No problem, I sewed up the rips too, by the way.”

Hiei held up the shirt and looked it over. Sure enough all the rips were sewed, you couldn’t even tell they were there in the first place.

Hiei heard Ayame at the door. “Where are you going?”

Ayame looked up from putting her shoes on. “Training. Want to come?”

Hiei nodded and followed her out the door.

(In the Field)

Hiei and Ayame stood in a field, a few steps away from each other. A few trees were scattered around the field as where a few large rocks. A lake was off to the side, in a small alcove of trees. “Ready when you are.” Ayame said as she held her katana. Hiei drew his and smirked. In a blink he was no longer visible.

Ayame sensed him and brought her katana into a block on her right. The sound of striking metal sounded through out the field. They broke and Ayame charged. She feinted an attack with her katana and instead sent a kick to Hiei’s ribs. He grabbed her by the ankle and tossed her across the field. Ayame skid to a halt and instantly blocked and dodged a number of attacks from Hiei.

“You’re holding back.” Hiei stated when his onslaught was finished.

Ayame smirked. “That obvious, huh?”

Hiei nodded.

“Alright then.” She held her katana out in front of her with one hand and pressed the palm of the other hand on the bottom of the hilt. Ayame eyes flashed again, the same way they had when she incinerated the lizard demon.

Hiei watched as flames wound there way around the blade.

Ayame shot at Hiei with increased speed, her katana poised for a downward slash. Hiei brought his Katana over his head to block. At the last moment, Ayame switched her attacks and slammed her elbow into his shoulder. Hiei dropped his katana as he lost control of his muscles.

Ayame smirked and went in to attack once more. This time Hiei dodged and kicked Ayame in the side sending her into a nearby tree. As Ayame recovered Hiei picked up his katana once more.

Ayame looked up a little too late to block Hiei’s attack, he pinned her to the tree. “I win.” he stated calmly.

Ayame smirked. “Not quite.”

Hiei saw her eyes flash again. He jumped back as a wall of flames shot up in between him and Ayame. “Your turn to quit holding back.” she called once her barrier disappeared.

“Your death wish.” Hiei unwrapped his bandages on his arm to reveal a tattoo of a black dragon.

Ayame’s eyes widened. She knew exactly what that was, and she wasn’t about to find out if she could withstand a hit from it. Hiei picked up on her uneasiness and smirked. “You asked for it.”

Ayame gulped.

“Dragon of the Darkness Flame!” The dragon on Hiei’s arm shot toward Ayame, faster then she anticipated.

‘Here goes.’ Ayame brought her sword in front of her and plunged it into the ground. Energy pulsed through it then exploded just before the dragon hit her.

As the dust cleared, Hiei could make out Ayame’s form standing in a good sized crater. She was leaning against her katana for support, but other than that she was fine. ‘The dragon didn’t hit her.’ Hiei noticed as the girl steadied herself once more. She flicked her wrist as she did but Hiei didn’t notice.

Ayame held the daggers in her hand by the blade with the tips of her fingers. ‘This is going to take a lot of energy but-‘

Beep Beep Beep

Ayame sheathed her daggers and pulled out her tracker. “Where going to have to postpone out match Hiei.” she called as she held up the tiny compact.

Hiei sheathed his katana and walked up to her. “Where is it?” Ayame looked at the tracker.

“Eh, it’s in the city area. Great, now we’ll have an audience.” she replied, sarcasm hanging heavily in her last comment. “Well lets go.”  
PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 8:01 pm
~Chapter 5

Ayame and Hiei raced to the location of the demon attack. A concerned look crossed over Ayame’s features. Portals hardly ever opened up in the city, Koenma had made sure the strongest points of the barrier were in those areas.

“What’s the matter?” Hiei asked when he had seen the concern in her eyes. Ayame snapped out of her thoughts and looked at him.

“It’s nothing, I was just hoping Ryu doesn’t open any more portals in the city. Sense Koenma can’t send anybody here from Spirit World, there won’t be any memory demons to erase what people will probably see today.”

Hiei nodded.

The duo stopped when they came to the location of where the demon was supposed to be. There was only one small problem, nothing was wrong.

“Are you sure that thing is functioning properly, there’s no demon here.” Hiei stated while examining all the people bustling through the streets.

Ayame opened her locater again and checked it. Sure enough the dot was still there, blinking continuously. “I’m sure. It should be right here.”

Ayame looked up into the crowd. There really was no demon, there wasn’t even any energy signal, or at least not one that she could read. “This really is strange,” She checked the locater one more time.

The red dot blinked a few more times before fading away. “Well it’s gone now.” Ayame heard a growl of irritation come from Hiei. “I’m not happy about it either you know.”

Hiei gave an “hn” in response. “Now what?” he asked.

Ayame shrugged. “I guess we should stick around in case it decides to show up again.” Ayame walked toward a store. “Besides I’m out of food and I now have an extra person to feed.”

Hiei glared after her.

“Aren’t you coming?” Ayame asked when he didn’t follow.

“Hn, why should I?” Hiei replied.

Ayame glared back at him, “Because mister tough guy, I don’t know what you like to eat, and unless you come with me you may not eat at all.” Ayame turned to go into the store. Hiei growled under his breath and followed after her reluctantly.


“Well, this should last for a while.” Ayame said while leaving the store with a few bags in hand.

Hiei came out after only carrying two bags to the four that Ayame had. “I can’t believe you only bought two cartons of sweet snow.”

“Has the demon come up on that tracker yet?” he asked, ignoring her comment.

Ayame pulled the device from her pocket and examined it. “No it hasn’t, I guess it was just a glitch or something.” She pocketed it once more and turned to Hiei. “We should head home and drop these off, I have somewhere to be tonight, and I’m pretty sure you don’t want those to melt.” She said while pointing to Hiei’s bags.

“Where are you going tonight?” Hiei asked.

“I told Naoko that if I wasn’t busy tonight I’d meet her and Miu at a Café to watch some friends play in their band.” Ayame smiled as a thought crossed her mind. “You wanna come?”

Hiei looked at her like she had lost her mind. “I have better things to do than sit around with you and a bunch of girls while you talk about nonsense.”

Ayame glared at him. “You could have just said no.”  

Vice Captain

Vice Captain

PostPosted: Tue Jun 24, 2008 9:08 pm
~Chapter 6

“Are you sure you don’t want to come, Hiei?” Ayame asked as she threw her hair up into a ponytail. She was wearing a red blouse with a pair of black pants.

“I’m sure.” Hiei replied coldly.

Ayame frowned a little. “Alright.” she grabbed her tracker and cell phone and stuffed them into a backpack type purse. “The Café is right near the spot where we picked up that demon this morning. I’ll call if I get anything.”

Hiei gave a “Hn.” and just stared out the window where he was seated.

“I’ll be back in about and hour and a half, lock the door if you leave or go to bed.”

Another “Hn.”

Ayame sighed and opened the door to leave. “See ya later Hiei.”

((At the Moon Shadow Café))

“Hey Ayame” Miu called from there table a little ways from the stage where her and Naoko sat.

Ayame smiled and went over to the table. “Hey guys, how’s it going?”

Naoko gave a grin. “It going great, we didn’t think you would make it at first.”

Ayame sat down with a triumphant grin. “I got lucky, the only attack today turned out to be a dud.” The lights dimmed and a spotlight shined down on the center of the stage where a blonde haired teen stood, he had deep blue eyes and his hair was slightly spiked. He looked over at the table where the three girls sat and winked.

“Hey Naoko, looks like Koji spotted us.” Ayame teased.

Naoko blushed then waved up at Koji.

Koji grabbed the mike as the curtain behind him opened up, revealing the band. The bass player, Sage, nodded over to the girls table. Miu couldn’t help but giggle and wave.

‘I’m glad their having fun.’ Ayame thought as the band started up.

Breath in right away,

Nothing seems to fill this place.

I need this every time,

So take your lies,

Get off my case.

Koji voice carried through the café. “I forgot how good they were.” Ayame said as she sipped a glass of water a waitress brought. Naoko and Miu giggled a little from their seats. “What’s so funny?” Ayame asked.

“We have something to show you back stage.” Miu said as she motioned to the curtain.

“Huh? But I want to hear the rest of the song.” Ayame protested.

“You’ll be able to hear it back stage.” Naoko said while getting up. “So lets go.”

Ayame followed the girls backstage and stood in the make shift dressing room. “So what was so important that we couldn’t wait till after the song.” She asked. Miu smiled and handed her Koji’s list of songs to be sang for the night.

“Yeah so?” Ayame said after looking at the titles.

“Take a look at who’s singing song number three.” Naoko chided.

Ayame looked at the sheet again then dropped it when she saw the name. “You can not be serious.” The sound of clapping and cheering could be heard from the front of the café.

“Sounds like the first song is done.” Naoko said with a grin.

“Why is my name on that sheet?” Ayame asked, still not sure if she should run, or pound the girls into the ground.

“We haven’t heard you sing in a long time.” Miu said while taking Ayame’s hair out of the ponytail. “Koji and Sage thought this would be fun idea.”

Ayame sighed in defeat as Miu began putting a small braid in on the side of her head. She looked up and spotted Naoko heading toward the door. “Where are you going?”

Naoko stopped dead and her tracks and put on a cheesy grin. “I, umm... I’m just gunna go tell the waitress not to take our drinks.” She replied in fake innocence.

“Uh huh, you better not do anything that you’re going to regret, Tome.” Ayame said teasingly.

“Oh never, Ms. Mitzuru.” Naoko replied then dashed off.

Naoko ran out the back door then dialed a number on her cell phone.

The phone rang a coule of times, and was then answered.


“Hi, Hiei? This is Naoko. I think there’s something you should come see.”

(Back with Miu and Ayame)

“I can’t believe you guys did this.” Ayame said as Miu watched the end of the song from behind the back curtain.

“Okay he’s about to announce you.” Miu said excitedly.

Cheers and applause sounded once more as Koji and the band finished their song.

“Good evening ladies and gents, and thank you for coming out her tonight to watch us perform. It’s good to know we have so many fans back here at home.” more applause. “Speaking of fans, there’s one in particular that we would like to introduce to you, she’s lived here all her life and is an up and coming singer. Ladies and gentlemen I give you Ayame Mitzuru.”

Miu pushed Ayame out on stage as the crowd began to applaud and cheer. Ayame walked over to Koji and smiled weakly. “You have some explaining to do later.” she mumbled.

Koji grinned and handed her the microphone. “Knock’em dead.” he said then clapped her on the back.

‘They are so dead.’ Ayame thought as the music started playing.

Now here you go again, you say you want your freedom

Well who am I to keep you down

It's only right that you should play the way you feel it

But listen carefully to the sound

Of your loneliness

Like a heartbeat drives you mad

In the stillness of remembering what you had

And what you lost

Yeah, thunder only happens when it's raining

Players only love you when they're playen

Yeah, women they will come and they will go

When the rain washes you clean you'll know, you'll know...

Now here I go again, I see the crystal visions

I keep my visions to myself

Well It's only me that wants to wrap around your dreams and

Have you any dreams you'd like to sell

Dreams of loneliness

Like a heartbeat drives you mad

In the stillness of remembering what you had

(Drives you mad,) and what you lost, (remember what you had)

Thunder only happens when it's raining

(Thunder only happens when it's...)

Players only love you when they're playing

(Players only love you when they're...)

Yeah, women they will come and they will go, (they will go...)

When the rain washes you clean you'll know...

Yeah, thunder only happens when it's raining

(Thunder only happens when it's...)

Players only love you when they're playing

(Players only love you when they're...)

Yeah, women they will come and they will go, (they will go...)

When the rain washes you clean you'll know...

You'll know, (the heartbeat drives you mad,) you'll know, (remember what you had)

You'll know...

(I do not own this song, It’s Dreams by The Corrs)

There was silence after Ayame ended the song, complete and udder silence.

‘Was I that bad.’
Then someone started clapping...then another and another. Pretty soon the whole audience was standing up clapping and cheering. Ayame smiled and took a bow then walked back behind the curtain after thanking the band.

“Ayame you were awesome.” Miu cheered after she hugged the girl to death.

“Heh, Thanks Miu.”

Naoko came over and gave her a high five. “Yeah, you rock.”

Ayame smiled.

“Remind me to call you next time I can’t sing.” Koji put in.

“Yeah, you should of done that this time, but I thank you anyways. It was fun.”


Ayame’s eyes widened as she realized who the remark came from. She turned toward the stage exit to see Hiei leaning against the door frame. “Wh-What are you doing here?” she asked, trying very hard to hide the color her cheeks wanted to turn.

“She called me and told me there was something I needed to see.” Hiei replied while pointing toward Naoko.

Naoko rubbed the back of her head and whistled innocently.

“Me and you are going to have a talk about what qualifies as doing something-“


Ayame was interrupted by the sound of panicked screams and the front wall of the café collapsing.

“What the hell?” As the words left Koji’s mouth, Ayames locater started beeping like crazy.

“I guess it wasn’t a dud.” Ayame turned to see Hiei ready with his katana. She turned to the others to see that the rest of the band had joined them. “Stay here and if anything makes it past us, you get the hell out of here.” The group nodded and stared as Hiei and Ayame charged headlong into the chaos.

Hiei and Ayame looked out over the debris and scattered people to see a rather large bat looking demon standing in the hole in the wall. A few people ran past the two as they made there way toward the demon.  
Untold Stories....:::FanFic::...

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