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Lonely Browser

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:09 am
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o1. This is not just a love thread. If you make a mate offer, I will ask about a roleplay trail period to discover if they are indeed compatible.
o2. Conversation is welcome.
o3. I am currently holding two jobs, moderately suffer from depression. Please understand if I don't get to everything ASAP. If you cannot wait longer than six months to a year for a reply then it may be best to look elsewhere.
o4. If you have any suggestions to more plot twists, please post them in thread and I'll decide if it's plausible or not. Please don't get offended if I decline the suggest since I try to put my Soquili is situations that work with their characteristics.
o5. It is my right to refuse roleplay with individuals for any given reason.
o6. For more information on pictured Soquili, please visit my teepee.

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Note: You are more than welcome to use the basic outline and rules of my plot thread for you own. Free permission.

Please PM me or post in this plot thread if you wish to contact me with ideas.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:13 am
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Astranaar Single
Dylan Llyr Single - Testing out 'raze's Anastasia
Ever Sacrifice Lifemated to Tawali
Kerr Irvine Single
Muirgen la Anise Single
Myrddin Single - Testing out Tsunake's Theia
Nacio Lifemated to Peony
Royce Garnet Single
Tsis'Newadi Single - Testing out Death Resurrected's Ares
Vidia Plotted for Celeanor's future Hunter
Wild Wind Plotted for my future Spitfire
Windstorm Plotted fling with Psycho Shocker's Prometheus; Sabin Breeding; Joint Breeding  


Lonely Browser


Lonely Browser

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:14 am
General Plotline

Starting Time Tsis'Newadi and Royce Garnet are still foals.
  • Vidia doesn't spend all of her time at the herd grounds, far too plagued by her own self doubt. She meets a stallion named Zuilian and his two-legger (I Have Seen the Rain & The Past is the Past).
  • Fearful of the feelings and potential let-down, she runs away from home. (Skeletons in the Closet) She decides to give her life a purpose other than love.
  • Royce Garnet wishes to be trained in the ways of knighthood to counteract his pink pelt color. He meets Seresai and asks her to be his tutor. (The Order of the Knights)
  • Vidia has traveled across the Uunule Noyi Desert in the north and beyond to look for a medicine horse. (Pilgrim solo RP)

One Year Refer to timetable with Celeanor's General Plot timeline
  • Royce went off in search of a seeing-eye bear for Ellina and fails. (A Knight's Failures)
  • Royce runs into his sister and niece. The bitterness between him and his sister has not subsided while he was gone, so puts his focus in protecting his herd and his training.
  • Royce meets Armelle and proceeds to court her.
  • Everything is right in the Thunderbird herdlands. The Alpha is back and healing, an angeni was born to the leaders, and Wild Wind is finally doing something to help! He's even teaching his daughter, Windstorm. (A Storm is Coming...)
  • Omani'ceta finally finds Wild Wind! She brings bad news for the wind that his first mate is looking for him. Wild Wind tries to flee unnoticed, but his daughter demands to go with him. (The Breaking of the Storm).
  • Wild Wind, Windstorm, and Omani'ceta never stay in the same place twice, so journey the lands far and wide. They make a chance encounter with another wind, Prometheus, and he joins their party. (Objective in Sight)
    Prometheus feels out Wild Wind and asks to court Windstorm. (Infiltration Operation)
  • Windstorm and Prometheus go off on a late night flight. Displeased his daughter acted before being properly lifemated in front of her grandfather, he does the act himself. The mates go off to live in Prometheus's isolated mountain cave. (Swallowing the Rabbit)
  • Cele General Plot With the call for aid sounded, Royce will rally to help his former teacher during the skinwalker attack on Elderwillow. He will join the second search party that is looking for Tai, the group that will be attacked by Amaroq.
  • Royce's future mate will be caught in the middle of this battle unexpectedly and he'll come to her defense, luring the cursed away from the mare. The group is victorious and Royce offers to protect the mare back to safety.
    Muirgen la Anise places the forget-me-nots in Vidia's hair before they start the journey home.
  • Vidia meets a little filly named Bellezza who is as "cursed" as she without wings. First encounter of her haunted past. (Wishing to Fly)
  • After the death of Otaikimmio'tokaan "Tai", Muirgen and Vidia return to turmoil. They will both be busy healing the injured.
  • Royce remains with the Elderwillow herd to help defend against Seeth and Amaroq and the relocation. Myrddin has shadowed Sere and will witness some of the hubbub.
  • Aine is chased into Myrddin's path by another stallion. Myrddin intervenes and "collects" Aine as his first treasure. (Lives and Treasure)
    Aine is very grateful and finds the dragon heroic for stopping the rude stallion.
  • Myrddin starts to restrict Aine's mobility, lashing out when she tries to leave. He will probably be making her move a lot to keep the other kalona from finding them.
  • After the successful move, Royce goes back to Unega'Gohunvhi herd, making frequent visits to Elderwillow with Sere and Gen.
  • Royce runs into the mare again on less hostile terms. He continues to remain friends with said mare while he's still seeking inner tranquility and a way to confront his sister on family matters.
  • Vidia continues her healing by seeking out Zuilian (Yuuka) and Althalus (Uta).
    Muirgen la Anise will place lily of the valley in Vidia's hair as a sign she has healed.
  • Myrddin is distracted from guarding his "treasure" Aine by watching the Elderwillow and Unea'Gohunvhi herd. (self RP)
    Aine starts to travel further away, still fearful that Myrddin would chase after her if she didn't return, but meets a potential stallion.
    Myrddin discovers the mare's absence and goes charging after her scent and decides it’s time to move the herds closer and settle his treasure down.
  • After the Elderwillow herd has moved, a massive flood to the river will occur and turn the Unega'Gohunvhi lands inhabitable. Ever Sacrifice will be unsure of what to do and Vidia will take charge in following suit of the Elderwillow herd and strike up the option of a herd coalition. Vidia will be the next Alpha after the move with Royce Garnet as Protector.
    Myrddin will destroy the family tree before the move is a final decision.
    (All self RP)
  • Vidia makes a new friend, Huhu. (Self RP)

One Year
  • Wild Wind has gone into hiding with Omani'ceta.
  • The veil of love slowly starts to fall from Windstorm's eyes and she starts catching Prometheus in small lies.
  • Windstorm is pregnant finally!
  • Prometheus is conveniently missing at the time of the birth and Windstorm discovers she dalliance with a mixed Wind as she puts the foals in their baskets.
    She immediately calls for her father.
  • Wild Wind is gravely disappointed in his daughter and himself. They decide to leave the baskets at his rival's herdlands. (Self RP)
*rest is pending on Wild Wind's first mate and son*
  • Wild Wind's first mate will see grandchildren at Tiabi Herdlands. Windstorm x Prometheus's children will have interacted with Omani'ceta, so will let slip about Balrog x Stormwind's herd. (Self RP)
  • Wild Wind's first mate will scout the Wind herdlands and probably see Vortex. (Self RP)
    Still figuring out how his first mate will learn of Wild Wind's whereabouts. Might have her stalking the Tiabi herdlands and follow Omani'ceta. Idk.
  • -insert some random fling Wild Wind's first mate will have with another stallion to spite Wild Wind*

Four to Five Years
  • Five to six years will have passed since the herd moved. Royce has been a constant feature in both herds. Myrddin will still be watching in the wings.
  • Crous returns with company! Events between Sere, Gen, and Tia will effect Royce. He'll seek out the mare to confine in about his feelings over the whole situation. *idols Sere muchly*
  • Myrddin will finally face Crous again (pending discussion with Cele). Royce and Cele's Gen to the rescue even though old boy could probably handle himself well enough.
    Myrddin takes offense that Royce was head of the charge. Decides to stalk Royce and see his habits.
  • Several months later. Another meeting with lovely mare. Feelings start to grow on Royce's side.
    Myrddin takes note.

  • One week passes and Myrddin swoops in and steals the mare, keeping her as his personal pet and sends a raven out to let Royce know he's got the girl. -insert dragon being scary RP with mare-
  • Royce gathers forces to help him get mare back!
  • Battle against Myrddin. Dragon flees due to numbers.
  • Royce confesses his feelings. Possible rejection, but will continue to be at her side since they know Myrddin won't give up.
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:15 am
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Personality: Vidia was once shy and withdrawn from those around her. She was constantly worried about what they were thinking about her which didn't help her own self-doubt because she didn't have wings to fly with her father. She grew jealous over time and often lashed out against those she cared about the most. Often she ran away from home trying to find something to fill the void within her.

With a bit of encouragement, she is a much happier Soquili and is learning to cope with the mistakes of her past. And the path of a medicine Soquili she has taken shows her just how responsible and productive she can be once she has stepped past her resentment.

Looking For: Soquili to heal both physically and emotionally, potential herd members
NOT Looking For: Degrading interactions, death, no progression interactions


Lonely Browser


Lonely Browser

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 8:16 am
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Personality: Tsis'Newadi is always looking for the next adventure around the corner. If adventure can't find her, she'll go off seeking it without thinking about the possible consequences in store for being reckless. And she's always willing to take a couple of friends with her as she goes off exploring and discovering the next rumor, though she does tend to forget about their needs sometimes.

She is always on the go, ready to discover the next big thing. And if that next big thing turns out to be a dud or to take too long, she will seek out the next one that's in store for her. Sometimes, she'll pit herself against some unknown marker just for the sake of the thrill or to make her time spent much more enjoyable.

Romance: I am wanting Tsis'Newadi to eventually fall for her childhood best friend. That means any possible suitors will have to have had a foal stage at the least and be prepared for a LOT of background RPs to catch up. She needs a stallion who will be able to keep her recklessness in check as she gets older or be able to rescue her from her own follies. He will need to have patience and understanding when she randomly flies off to seek the next big thing or a willingness to follow her to keep her out of most trouble.
(Possibly filled by Death Resurrected's Ares) [PRP] Just Around the Bend

Looking For: Foal RP, Adventures, Challenges
NOT Looking For: Death, Degrading interaction
PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:37 am
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Personality: Royce Garnet is the kind of stallion other Soquili want around them be it for good or ill. He is enthusiastic about everything involving him and puts a lot of effort into being a worthy knight of his herd. His enthusiasm can usually go to the extreme, making him appear a bit hasty and making poor decisions.

Sometimes he can be a bit gullible when listening to others' ideas, unable to fathom up his own. He is a good listener to others' problems too, but he has been known to get a little carried away with his protectiveness. If he feels like he is encroaching too much on another, he is willing to be flexible to their needs.

Romance: He's looking for his damsel. A sweet, kind, and possibly innocent minded one.

Looking For: Fellow knights
NOT Looking For: Death


Lonely Browser


Lonely Browser

PostPosted: Sat Feb 02, 2008 10:38 am
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Personality: He is of the old draconic mindset of superiority above the other Soquili races, so is very prone to acts of violence when dealing with "lessers" while he is famished. When he's not plagued by hunger pangs, he can be very deceptive about his true motivation. Often he will try to lure his prey into a false sense of security before he will strike. By going about his hunt this way, it has earned him a better tasting meal. If a meal gets away, he will ensure to hunt it down to its last breath.

His determination is present with everything he does, regardless of race. He believes that others would benefit best if they followed his orders explicitly which has caused him to be very stringent towards others' behaviors. He has learned that being blunt about another Soquili's flaws will end up into a strength of prowls, so tries his best to go about it from a philosophical side to convince them to his way of thinking.

Myrddin misses his bed of gold that was lost before his imprisonment in The Great Ring. Aine is chased across his path by another hungry kalona(-mix) that wasn't happy to have lost his first meal. Displeased with having lost a second one, the kalona(-mix) leaves the golden regular in the care of the dragon with a warning of revenge. Myrddin collects Aine as his first treasure, guarding her like his greatest possession to the point that she will feel restricted.

Ice_Dragon_Demon and I developed this plot for our two Soquili and so we're both looking for a male to come to the "rescue" of Aine. Myrddin, being a dragon, will not willing part with his treasure, but he will strike a bargain to allow the other stallion to visit his treasure so long as he keeps her happy.

The male in question will need to be pliant and not prone to challenging the dragon's authority. I will warn you that if he loses another "treasured" item, he will be very difficult to barter with and you are risking your stallion to a lot of bodily harm. If you are at all interested in offering your male for Aine please send a PM to Ice_Dragon_Demon.

Looking For: Confrontation
NOT Looking For: Death
PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:01 pm
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Personality: She doesn't seem to fit any generalized category since she tends to be insensitive to others' feelings. Often, she forgets what it was she said to have injured them so. But once she's on a "ground breaking" idea, she will see it to its fruition.

She has a very detached sort of view on those and the world around her which can make her seem uncaring and sometimes callous. However, she is still very observant even if it seems nothing effects her. This allows her to make quick decisions when asked point blank, even if they come off a bit fanciful.

Romance: Life-Mate Broken

Looking For: ???
NOT Looking For: Death


Lonely Browser


Lonely Browser

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:02 pm
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Personality: No matter what may come, Muirgen will face it with a confident mind. Everything is for the greater good. If there is an obstacle in her path to happiness, she'll find a solution. That doesn't mean she doesn't feel the let downs of life, it just means she doesn't dwell on the disappointments. She knows she's the only one in control of her life and only she can control her own happiness.

Because of this idealism, she's seen as a happy-go-lucky Alicorn with a good sense of humor. She's firm in her beliefs and more than happy to share her outlook on life with others. She'll try to cheer up others if they're feeling blue, but if they refuse to pull themselves out of their own funk she'll tell them what's-what. The insults and negative attitudes of others slides right off, never effecting her deep down.

Romance: Not looking.

Looking For: Soquili to help and heal
NOT Looking For: Death
PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:03 pm
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Personality: Dylan is a reserved stallion who does not enjoy being in the heart of a crowd. He prefers solitude or the company of a select few who have earned his loyalty. He comes off as indifferent and a bit coarse to those he is not familiar with or he feels are beneath his standards. He is proud of his breed, proud of his family, and proud of his select associates.

A friend to him is a treasure. Though he is unwilling to reveal much to others, he can be depended upon to give whatever aid he can. To those he trusts, he is the best sort of stallion and guards those most precious to him.

Looking For: Little kirin (half-breed allowed) sister
NOT Looking For: Death


Lonely Browser


Lonely Browser

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:04 pm
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Personality: Words about being a Mr. Wickham

Looking For:
NOT Looking For: Death
PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:05 pm
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Lonely Browser


Lonely Browser

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:06 pm
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PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:07 pm
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Lonely Browser


Lonely Browser

PostPosted: Fri May 23, 2008 11:11 pm
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