[b]Username:[/b] Your Username Here
[b]Name:[/b] First name then last name
[b]Age:[/b] from 4 to 2000
[b]Gender:[/b] male or female
[b]Race:[/b] some sort of demon, vampire, ghost, or human
[b]Hair Color[/b]
[b]Eye Color[/b]
[b]Personality:[/b] a few words to describe your character
[b]Appearance(s):[/b] links to pictures preferred, but descriptions are ok if you use enough detail. Can have more than one form.
[b]Weapons:[/b] up to 3 for new characters
[b]Powers:[/b] up to three for new characters
[b]Their Life:[/b] What happened to them up to now
[b]Other:[/b] [ Anything else we should know?
[b]Parents:[/b] Who are there parents
[b]Theme song:[/b] Hey even people need badass theme songs!

______This is a place where you build your character, Please make a new topic with the subject [ [insert you Character names] Reikai File] If you have another character you want to make just post in on the same place as the first with your [Insert username] Reikai Files