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PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:28 pm
*Left Standing
[L/OC, Matsuda/OC, Light/OC] (no warnings, just that you might want to hold your breath a couple of times.....) Three ordinary girls with "extra"ordinary powers come to help L in his investigation of the Kira case. One has the uncanny ability to see mental stability in people. One has an unnerving sense of the world. And the last..... well, she's an odd one.... in more ways than one....
In a quiet way, these girls change the face of the investigation when the odd-girl out tells L a secret....  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 7:59 pm

L sat there, his head tilted to the side, his eyes following the lettering on the page. This was so.... odd. He had never seen such lettering. It was ornate and very beautiful and seemed like a girl had written it.

'Kira's recent note to me is so odd. "I see three".... three of what? Or is it something else? And why is it so fancy the lettering? This is not like Kira to write something so "handsome".' He twitched when he heard the door open and he looked over his shoulder cautiously. His eyes met her's and he stared in awe at those eyes.

Her eyes were a bright blue, like electricty, and it was disrupted every few inches by several locks of fire-red hair. Her skin was pale, like she'd been indoors more than outdoors. She was wearing a white fur coat that looked warm, wrapped around her and all. She held her head up high, as if she was afraid to touch the fur coat, and her collar and shoes matched perfectly with her hair. She probably didn't stand much taller than 5' 2" and seemed even smaller in the doorway as she was accompanied by both Watari and Yagami.

"Ryuzaki, this is Toru. She's come to have her interview done for the Kira case." Watari gave a quick bow and scooted aside Yagami. It revealed Light behind Toru. "She does think she will not pass."

L stood up and held out his hand to her. His barefeet made an eerie tap on the floors. He quietly stopped before Toru and shook her hand. He felt a tingle run up his spine and she giggled and quickly put her jacket on the side along with her purse, which was, strangely, red, like blood. "So, you're L?"

'She doesn't pay attention.' He nodded. "I am L. It's a pleasure to meet you, Toru."

"Yes. Always a pleasure!!"


The lights went out. I couldn't see. I can't see. All I see.... is death. My sister's see life. I see death. I save death. I will not accept death. Shed light on me again. Lights....  



PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:23 pm

Toru dashed down the hall, running down time as she rounded a corner. Her hair was starting to tangle and whip at her face, but she didn't care, she might be late!! She was going to be late!!

She rounded a corner again and almost ran into somebody. She managed to skid to a halt, but she slammed into the ground. She muttered that she was hurt and she quickly got up to apologize to the man.

His black hair was a little ruffled from the near impact. He told her it was okay. He quickly brushed it off and rushed off to return something.

"Huh, what an odd guy!!" She shrugged and then remembered why she was running in the first place. "NOO!! I can't be late on my second day!!" She made a mad dash for the room she was due to arrive in, avoiding people and just barely making it.

"I'M SORRY!! I'm--"

There was a girl seated across from Light playing chess. She had dark green hair, obviously dyed, and she had stern brown eyes that were concentrated solely on the game. She was wearing a black tank top with red fish-net sleeves and a red rose printed on the front over the heart. Her jeans were pure leather and had yellow stitchings on the sides. Her boots were black with silver clasps and something red on the soles. She made her move and spoke. "Check Mate."

Light smiled. "Yup."


"Ah, Toru! Toru, meet Kagura. Kagura, this is our other helper, Toru. I'm surprised L trusts both of you.... especially with how you're dressed." Light gave them a smile and stood up. "Well, I'll go see if L is finished with his cake and tea." He nodded to Toru and made his way to a side door.

Kagura stood up and began to put the chess pieces away. "So, you're Toru, huh? You're much prettier than they say you are." She turned to look at Kagura. "But you don't know your place just yet."

Toru blinked as she saw a swirl of black and then red filled her vision around Kagura. "You're quite balanced, aren't you?"

Kagura smiled and her aura was purely balanced in all directions. "Yes. I trust myself before I trust another. By trusting another, I put faith in them and, to be honest, people just aren't good with that kind of thing."

Toru gave a weak smile and decided to help as L and Light returned to the room. Toru noticed Light was black instead of white. She stopped for a moment and almost fell away from reality, watching the aura around Light.

L stopped at the look on Toru's face. 'Is there something wrong? She doesn't have that look. Perhaps I may be misunderstanding these women that i've hired. I don't think they're going to be that bad. However, if I see that face again, maybe there is something wrong with Light Yagami....'


I don't remember when it happened. Can't you turn around? I'm standing here, in the dark. My sisters are my path. But my path may be losing ground. Please, turn around.... I'm all alone.  
PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 8:56 pm

She was sitting opposite Toru and playing a chess match and losing. She didn't care much. She just enjoyed thinking during her breaks that she was often requested to take.

She heard the alarm and stood up to stretch. L and Light had spent the break learning to live with each other and starting to comprehend each other as well. Kagura heard them as they came closer.

"Perhaps. But all the same. You can still be Kira, no mater how you put it. The percentage still stands."

"I know, but time is starting to prove you wrong, you know." Light smiled brightly at the girls and then turned back to L with a serious look plastered there. "I'm not Kira. How many times do I have to tell you such a thing?"

"Until the percentage reaches zero. If not, then I won't even bother with the formalities. I will call the police on you."

Kagura's ears perked when she heard something outside the door. She turned her attention to it and watched it apprehensively. With a quick swipe, she held her hand out with a gun as the other detectives readied their weapons to sheild L from being seen. She waited and then heard the knock....

They all lowered their weapons and Watari opened the door. He was holding a laptop open to show them a single letter written on the screen.

"A" spoke as Watari set the lap top down. "This message is for L. I would like for L to enter the name of his house."

L stepped forward and entered two letters.

The screen fuzzed and a girl appeared. Her eyes were blinded by some bandages. She was wearing a white turtle neck and had black hair. She opened her mouth and spoke out. "I am A. If you are L, then you have answered correctly. I have seen Kira in death. I wish to speak with you personally. Is there a place I can meet you? Or perhaps him." She raised her hand and pointed at the screen.

They all followed her finger and saw Matsuda in utter shock. "M-me?!"

"I wish to speak with either L or Matsuda. If I get neither, I will show you my wrath." The screen went black for a moment and then the A appeared again and a new voice spoke. "You have three hours to comply; send Matsuda or L. This laptop will ring when you have run out of time or our end shall become visible if you chose to come forward first."

L watched it go black and decided to close it. He wasn't quite sure he wanted to look at that symbol at the moment. He turned to sit down when Matsuda pulled a chair closer. He quickly got to thinking. 'If she's really telling the truth, how can I be certain? And how did she know what my home was like? But then again, she hasn't revealed her whole face. Perhaps she thinks Kira is among us? Then that increases everyone's chances of being Kira by .05%.... then that makes Matsuda the only one she eliminated.... if she indeed is a "she"....' He looked up at the others and his finger found it's way to his lips and he began to chew on the nails as he began to ponder all the bits and pieces.

'That makes everyone but me and Matsuda suspects to her. But who is she?'


I'm in the dark. Turn on the lights. Turn on the noise. Turn on the world. I want to see it, hear it, feel it. Something inside of me wants to be turned on and be known.  



PostPosted: Tue Jan 15, 2008 9:37 pm

L looked up at the simple apartment and looked back at the door and decided to walk in with Matsuda at his side. He found the right floor and walked to room 2076 and knocked as he had been instructed.

The door opened and she was seated in the very center of a very empty room with a laptop beside her and a single soul standing by the door holding it open. She still had the bandages over her eyes and when they came in she quickly swished her hand in the air and the door man closed it behind Matsuda. She put her hand down so she was back in her serene style.

"Welcome, L, Matsuda. My name is not 'A', as displayed in your office. I ask that you please leave your cell phones with Yoshi. He will return them as you leave." She stood up and came only up to Matsuda's shoulder. She smiled softly and reached out to touch L's shoulder. "I will appreciate your help, L."

"Are you blind?"

"Yes, Matsuda. I am blind. I was born blind." She gently tugged the bandages and they fell away to reveal silver eyes with red pupils. "I was born an albino. I had Yoshi dye my hair so I wouldn't scare away people by just that. My name is Kaze. Yoshi and I have longed for a long time to tell you what I have seen. I have a lot to tell you."


Light shot out of his chair when the door opened and a girl walked in with bandages over her eyes. The night was just creeping on them when L returned with the girl from the laptop. Matsuda seemed uneasy. The girl held her bandages over her eyes as if they had just been working on and she was just out of surgery. Almost as if she had never been blind, she lowered her hands and stepped through the threash-hold to stand before Light.

"Don't be uneasy. I won't be here long." Despite looking forward, she was talking to Light as if she could see him. "I don't intend to make you uneasy." She turned to the computers and stepped over the down chair and pressed one key and the screens flipped through several channles on the TV. "The Second Kira has a message for us...."

"KIRA" appeared on the center screen and the voice spoke out. "This message is for A. I know you have insisted to defy me. I will make it know that you are a betrayer. You have stabbed me in the back for the last time. L, Kira, you will be decieved, should A come to your aide. I will personally see to it that she is killed. I recomend the Police Task Force stay OUT of this. If not, I will kill you all. I have murdered your precious, A."

One of the screens went black and noise filtered through that sounded like somebody stabbing themselves.

"And I will kill the Others in your force."

A few more screens went black. The noise of dispair and fear began to errode away the darkness.

"And, as an example, I kill this one, as well."

The screen to A's left suddenly had movement and one of the police at the station was shot in the head due to friendly fire as several gangs stormed in and fired. The man who fell looked oddly like her, in more ways than one.

"I will not tollerate you interrupting Kira's visions of truth and honesty!!"

A turned to L and gave him a kind smile and turned to the others. "Do not feel threatened. I am not going to let you die. Trust me."

"There's still a 7.9% chance we might die. You must understand that, A." L reached over and pulled a chair closer tothe desk. "And there's now a 14% chance that they will never trust you. Do you still wish to follow through with the plan?"

"Kira 2 gives us no choice. I give myself a 97% chance to live after this, but I will assist where possible. Despite my disadvantage, I do believe we have the advance." She let the bandages fall to reveal her silver eyes as she stared at a place comfortable to her eyes. "But we have the disadvantage now and forever. Kira is trying to make us believe he is God and that's not who he is. Kira is not God, he's a deamon. God shines on those who do not kill."

L turned to see Light deep in thought. 'Do you know? Do you think you can fall appart now? Give us some credit, please.'

"If Kira doesn't come to me, then we will go to him."  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 11:47 am

It was about noon when Light returned home for lunch to find Ryuk sitting by the door. He was shocked for a moment or two before he slid his shoes off and made a bee-line for his room. On his way up, he noticed there was a shadow on the landing.

He took a deep breath and slowly pushed forward, his hand on his gun and his eyes fixed upon that shadow. After a moment, it moved and so did he.

He raced after it and saw the hem of a white coat slip into his room and he felt rage fill his whole being and he stormed forward, forgetting he was holding a gun, and shoved the door open to find his room empty. Nothing was out of place, except his Death Note was on the floor and open with a single white feather lying on it.

He relaxed and looked around. No one was around and he was sure that something just wouldn't fit with a Death Note and a feather lying on the floor of his room. He felt a breeze and saw the hem of the white coat outside his room and Ryuk in utter shock standing out in the hall. He rushed out and down the stairs to find a simple white jacket restting on the back of a kitchen chair. He stared at it and slipped his bag off his shoulder finally and reached out to touch the jacket.

It was a plain white jacket with nothing special. He let his hands wander over it and he felt something within him sort of disipate over it. It wasn't like someone would break into his house just to put their jacket on his dinning room chairs. As he set it back down he heard movement behind him and he slowly armed his gun.

"Who are you?!" He had a gun pointed between the eyes of a woman who looked no older than twenty-seven. She had pure white hair and sterling silver eyes with red pupils. Her skin was held a soft copper color and she was wearing a long white dress and a white scarf. All the white was a bit blinding and the lights weren't helping Light's eyes any....

"I'm a Kami."


"I came to claim the life of Ryuk. Sadly, it seems he's become attatched to something. I can't find Ryuk. I'm a Lady of Death, per say." She smiled and revealed sharp, pointed teeth that made her seem like something more vicious than she had seemed prior to that smile. After a moment, she returned to her serene look. "If not, I might have to take another...." She shrugged and reached right through Light and picked up her coat. "Oh, and good luck saying your not crazy!!" She slipped her coat on and vanished only to appear a few feet away and vanish after a moment, she was skipping down the hall....

Light slapped himself. 'Get a grip, Light! She's probably just messing with your head, sending a different Shinigami to take over my job.... L is sneaky!! And that A charachter.... she's something to behold!! I will win, I swear, L, because I'm not losing to you. I will kill A when she's not of any use to my own investigation. I won't lose to the likes of her!' He smiled evily and quickly swiped an apple and threw it over his shoulder to Ryuk. 'I will never lose. I'm the God of the new era.'  


Elisabell-angel enraged

PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:29 pm
I love it so far! It seems so interesting, keep it up!  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 3:42 pm

Light was walking into the elevator up to HQ when he saw her seated on a bench nearby. He watched the doors close as Toru and Kagura came over to A holding some cups and a tray of something that was steaming. As the doors closed, he saw something strange.

The figure clad in white was whispering in A's hear. He figured it was his imagination, but then his eyes settled on Kagura. She was wearing a beautiful brown jacket and had a silver pendant around her neck with her name engraved on the plaque hanging from it. He wasn't too an tuned to reading America symbols just yet, so he had no idea what it said or anything like that. She was turning her eyes to him as the doors closed and he thought he saw her glaring at him.

Light felt fear grip him as he watched the numbers above the door light from one place to the next. When the lights finally stopped, his heart stopped, too. He breathed and the door opened and he almost collapsed in fright and surprise because there stood Kagura, eyes stern, head held high, arms crossed, and a fearful aura around her that could have easily been mistaken for the feeling of dominance and superiority. She glared down at him as he scrambled to his feet and gave her a weak smile.

"Kira." She greeted him with venom dripping off her lips. "Nice to meet you, finally. She tells me you tried to kill our guardian. Guardian's can die much easier than Shinigami. Despite that, you decided to try and kill him. I doubt it was an accident. All the same." She put a hand on his chest and he felt fear warp his thoughts. "I can see a God in you, Kira, Light, whomever you are. But Toru and A both say you are unstable. Perhaps you are. I wouldn't know. But you need to find yourself a hobby, if you aren't Kira, so we won't be bothered." She turned away, her hands clasped behind her and her head still held high. "I think of you less and less as a threat. It's odd, really. Despite A's predictions, I believe that you aren't Kira. Your actions, for one, state that of someone trying to prove himself, not trying to kill anyone." She sighed and turned her head to look at him. "But you could be Kira. Your reaction says so." She vanished with a small leap into the air but her voice carried like she was still there. "If you are, then you've taken away my heart."

He quickly scrambled to his feet and looked out and saw no one there. He bit his nail. 'She knows. Now what should I do? I could just lay low and pretend it never happened, but then someone might be suspicious! I suppose I could just pretened like I was shaken by her and nothing else.... I think that just might work....'


A was sitting alone in the cement-walled room waiting for the second Kira to respond to her demands. Sure enough, their bluff was simply that. Kira and Kira two were just two people trying to figure each other out.

A had sent the request that Kira two send a video feed to her stating her claims were either tru or false. Somehwere in there, she had mentioned that she wanted to speak with Kira two via video feed. With little left to disturb them, they would both present themselves in a white space to show that they were being honest. Kira two was taking their time responding.

Matsuda was to be her sheild during the first part of the conversation. He was the only one who had voulenteered to put his life on the line so he could protect one of their many assets. He didn't seem worried one bit, in fact, he was happily striking up a conversation with her, but he was having trouble keeping it alive by himself.

"So, to be frank, you don't like the dark?" Matsuda asked, his voice full of curiousity.

"Yes. I'm always afraid of the dark. If the bandages are over my eyes, I feel insecure. If I'm left alone for too long, I start screaming. I'm not very good at being really.... blind. I can hear things people don't. Any noise gives me the demensions of the room and I feel comfortable. The hardest part, however, is knowing I'll always be blind." She sighed. "Do you have any phobias?"

"Haha, yes." He gave her a smile, forgetting she was blind. "I'm afraid of guns and death and violence."

She turned her head towards him. "Then why are you a police man?"

"Oh! That's because I believe in peace. Fear was always something I hated seeing." He stood up and adjusted her bandages as they began to slip slightly. "But this case is teaching me to stay strong. Doubtfully, I might die. But at least I died trying for peace."

"Does Matsuda fear me?"

There was silence at that. His hands were frozen over her eyes and he felt his hands begin to shake before he saw it. "No. Actually, I like you."

She tipped her head to the side, obviously not understanding. "'Like me'? Matsuda likes me?"

He flushed, glad she couldn't see him. "Yes. You're a sweet person, A. I've not met a girl so.... happy to die. I'm quite proud of friends like you, who are always ready to die for peace." He quickly stood up straight when he heard a soft voice say "here" and he looked at the laptop as she pointed at it.

He took a deep breath and lifted the top and saw KIRA sprawled across the screen. He typed in the keyword to get the voice warp on so they would be much different on the computer than in reality. "Kira, please state your terms for contacting A."

Kira two spoke. "I.... refuse. I will not bow down to you. Only to Kira do I obey and trust."

Matsuda was about to say something when A spoke. Her voice echoed in the empty room. "If you refuse, then you shall perish. No matter how much you decided to run, you will die. I am through with your lies. I will take matters into my own hands! Now, show me your face and I shall show you a personel working on your case."

The screen fuzzed and a girl with blond hair, ruby red lips, and bright red eyes appeared and she stared at Matsuda, her anger flaring. She spoke without the warp and Matsuda was sure he would pass out from seeing Misa. He choked and quickly stood up straight to block A from Misa and he waited and when nothing happened he quickly stated the next part. "If you are not going to do anything, then perhaps you would perfer to speak to her?"


A cleared her throat and Matsuda stepped aside. He felt his heart pounding as she sat so still and so perfect. "I am here, Kira. I wish to say this and only this; You are seeing wtih eyes blind. The world is not on your side and God does not exsist to kill all. God does not, under any circumstances, kill his offspring. We stand in awe at his feet and await our final judgment." She raised a hand like she was going to slice something in half. "You're judgment is final. You ar the enemy of God, now and onto forever."  



PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 8:50 pm

Matsuda, Light, and L were all stadning in a very brightly lit courtyard where they were to meet a person they were told would guide them to where A would be staying in her time being with them. She wasn't quite sure she wanted them to meet her in her bedroom so she was coming to meet them in her courtyard in her time share. Despite all of that, it was just awkward in general because she had sent a young girl no older than twelve to get them from the front door and lead them into a courtyard full of roses and bright sunlight.

They stood there for a good twelve minutes before they heard something like wheels moving on the coblestone path and voices like two people having a small conversation before a meeting. Around the corner came A and her butler, Yoshi, and they both seemed very uneasy to be out and about and not doing much by doing so. A greeted them, her eyes still bandaged and her face as pale as ever.

She seemed a bit unnerved by something, but seemed unwilling to admit that just yet. She quietly let Yoshi drive her closer before he went to stand by the enterance as Kagura and Toru came in. The two girls were both wearing black dresses and had their hair down as well as having parasols to carry around. A was dressed in a pin-stripped, powder blue and white PJ set and had a tan blanket lying across her lap. She smiled warmly at them and they noticed that her white roots were showing through her black dye. "Welcome to my timeshare. I'm happy to have you here. Kagura and Toru, will you kindly escort L and Light to their rooms? I would like to take a walk with Matsuda, if you don't mind."

Kagura and Toru looked at each other before leaning down and placing a kiss on either side of her face. "Sure!" Kagura took Light's hand and Toru took L's arm as both men flushed a crimson color.


He looked up and she signalled for him to come closer. He ambled forward, his heart racing like it was trying to run a thousand miles with every step he took. "Yes?" He knelt beside her chair.

"Will you please push me around? Yoshi will follow us." She whispered the last part as Light looked back at them. "And you can call me by my first name if you like."

Matsuda felt his face heat up and he smiled and said, "Yes. I don't mind. I'll push your chair softly, I promise." He stood up and took hold of the handles as Yoshi moved to walk along the edge of the enormous courtyard that was the very core of the house.


L couldn't help himself, he just did it. He had grabbed Toru's hand and she had been startled enough to jump and now she was sitting under a lamp fixture trying to stop the stars from exploding in her eyes. He decided to sit next to her in his usual fasion. He quietly reached out and touched her head as she ducked it again and then quickly sat back when he touched her head.

She looked somewhat afraid of something in his eyes and he decided to take up her hand instead of touch her hair. He softly raised her hand so he could kiss it and he did. He gave her a kind smile when she looked baffled at the sight and then she smiled a kind, thousand-watt smile and he felt something odd tingle in his heart and he smiled his ever-sweet smile at her and the two of them stared in awe at each other.

That was until Light and Kagura came around the corner, running top speed, still holding hands. L stared at them and Toru gaped at them before they saw it, a guy holding a bloody knife and a gun.

Toru covered her mouth and looked away. Obviously, she was still seeing stars and wouldn't be able to run, so, L, being the nice guy he was, picked her up and ran for it, making sure she was holding on tight so he wouldn't drop her by mistake or she wouldn't fall.... whichever happened.


Matsuda had found his way through the courtyard and was taking her out to the rose garden when he noticed she was looking one direction before he was able to open the door. He looked down the hall and saw nothing and then remembered she was probably hearing something he'd probably hear in a bit, so, he waited....

There was a gun shot and he ducked slightly before he noticed she was doubled over and covering her ears. He quickly pushed her out into the open air and then pulled out his weapon and aimed it down the hall. He almost shot Kagura in the head as she ran passed.

"Out!" He ushred to the door and Kagura made a sharp turn, dragging Light out the door. He waited a few moments and noticed L running and he quickly stepped in the way to direct him outside. He waited and saw a crazy man sauntering towards him and he raised the gun, this time he was sure he could shoot.

Out of pure fright, the man raised his knife rather than his gun and shot at Matsuda, missing horribly. He was about to pull the trigger when something was charging him from the side and he gasped, pulling his attention away to aim again only to have the gun pulled from his grip and fired.

A had perfect aim and she had taken him down by the knee. A bullet whizzed passed her and cut her face and she didn't bother with it, she fired again and he was knocked to the ground. She lowered the gun as Yoshi grabbed the young man by his injured shoulder and dragged him away so she couldn't see him anymore.

Matsuda quickly took out his hankercheif and touched it to her face. It was then he realized she was shaking and he quickly withdrew, but as soon as he did, he saw the shaking become more visible and he put his hand back as the blood collected on his hankerchief. He felt silly standing there as she began to calm down before anything else.

He finally was able to withdraw his hand and she held the cloth to her face as he quietly picked up his gun and the bullet casings as he went. It was a few moments later that he realized Yoshi was back and was puting a band aide on her wound. He quietly watched as she stood like a child who'd just scraped her knee and asking for a hug from her father.

Matsuda felt heat rise in his face when she smiled at him and gave him a hug, as if to say thank you without actually saying it. After a moment or two, Light cleared his throat to tell Matsuda and A they had an audience watching them and they quickly parted so Yoshi was standing between them. L seemed upset because he'd been enjoying the hug they were sharing and was still carrying Toru.

After a moment, Toru put a hand on his and asked to be put down. "Oh, yes, not a problem!" L put her down and made sure she was okay before he let go and the other three men watched him.

Matsuda decided to help A back to her wheelchair. This was going to be a long week at A's house.... even though he was going to be spending it roomed all by himself by the front of the house....  
PostPosted: Wed Jan 16, 2008 9:55 pm

It was the fourth day they were staying at A's home when Light finally decided to use the Death Note to kill one of the servants, who was stealing from A. He felt he had to keep up his judgment even in the house of someone else and with theiving servants.

He flipped open the Death Note and quickly stood behind the door, just in case and scribbled their name and how they would die and when they would die. He smirked and quickly stored the book in his suite case that his father had brought for him and made his way down to the dinning hall.

On his way, he noticed the servant was sneaking away with something under her arm. She gave him a kind smile, waved, and quickly ran off, being sure to not show what she was hiding and he glared after her, being sure that she would be in the right place to die and he would be far away so he wouldn't be asked questions about it.

He found his way into the dinning hall and saw Kagura was eating a small bowl of soup and some bread all by herself on the farthest end of the hall with no company with her. He decided he would sit beside her as she ate away.

"Hey, this seat taken?"

She looked up at him and shrugged. "Depends if you think that anyone wants to sit next to me today. If you think so, go ahead." She quietly sipped some of the soup out of her spoon before she looked at him and quietly set aside her food. "You wish to say something?"

"No!" He swallowed. 'Does she know what I'm thinking right now? Does she know that I'm Kira? Does she really think I'm Kira? What should I do? No!! Calm down. She's probably thinking you have something to say. If I say I feel guilty, she might think I'm trying to say that I'm Kira. But if I don't say anything, then maybe I might be even more suspicious. If I do say something, what should it be? I mean, saying something nice is out of the question!! Oh, whatever....' He cleared his throat and leaned on the table. "Do you ever consider being someone's girlfriend?"

"Not many people understand me. Only Toru and A are my friends and they're also the only one's not afraid of me. Why? Am I pretty?"

'Oh, dangit!! I wasn't expecting such a comeback!!' "Well, it's not like you're ugly or anything. I think you're.... pretty. But not that I'm trying to hit on you!" He waved his hands as if to say "sorry for making you feel awkward!!" before he noticed she was smiling and his face turned a beat red color and he quickly looked away, afraid she was going to think he was crazy. "You look cute when you smile." He peeked over at her and she was choking slightly on the soup. "GAH! Let me help you!" He swiped a cup of water and spilled some of it. After handing it to her, he quickly mopped it up with his sleeve and he quickly grabbed the tipping pitcher. He felt like a complete idiot now....

She giggled and he looked at her and she looked away and burst out laughing and he couldn't help but collapse back into his chair and laugh with her. He finally was able to swallow his pride and just laugh until he cried as the two of them tried to look at each other, failing misserable by the way, and he choked a couple of times.


L was standing outside the doors to the library. The servant had directed him this way, he was sure it was this way, but something said "no, it's the OTHER door, dummy!" but here he was, standing in front of the door with nothing to stop him from just knocking and running for it. Well, it was either this door or the door further down.

He took a chance and opened the door and found himself nose-to-nose with Toru. Well, at least it was the right door..... kind of....

She gave a yelp and fell back, books falling everywhere and she was hit a couple of times with a few lighter books as the heavy ones whent flying back. She sat there for a few moments rubbing her head as the books settled and a few papers decided they were going to take there time and find a good place to land. She quickly got up and made sure L was just fine before she picked up the papers and the books.

He knelt down to help her and noticed they were books about death and the paranormal stuff. He stopped when he saw a book about profiling people and stared at her as she stared back and the two of them looked at the book between them. She reached out and so did he and their hands met over the cover of the book and they just stared at each other's hands before they leapt back and she flushed when she tried again. L just tried again, but this time, he accidentally grabbed her hand and he stared up at her and they stayed like that for a long time.


Matusda sat beside A on a bench as he watched her pet tigers walk around and eat the raw meat she had left for them to eat. He noticed she was fidgeting and he quietly touched her sleeve before he realized she was uncomfortable about something and he moved closer so she could feel his body heat in their distance. "Is everything okay?"

"Yes. Yes. I think so." She was reaching out and one of the tigers came over and he brushed against her fingers and she scratched him as he moved along. "I don't know." She reached out to Matsuda.

His hand met her's half-way and she flinched for a moment before she relaxed and let him hold her hand. She sighed and let her head go back and she was staring up at the sky with her blind eyes. "Its okay, really, I'm listening."

"I sent someone to their death...."

"Is it because Light's here?"


"What's so wrong about that?"

"I sent one of my servants to her death. She's suffered so much, is it okay? I mean, to kill her?"

Matsuda's throat constricted. "I think it's more like relieving her."

She smiled. "Thank you."


There was an explosion. Light came rushing over, as did L and Matsuda and the girls all came later, all seeming to take their time.

One of the female servants was lying face-down as one of the male servants was trying to put his arm out. The explosion was from a bursting fire on the stove. Light looked disturbed as the face-down servant slowly moved and she groaned and creeked as she got up.

A stood up and came forward to take the woman in her arms and she quietly held her close. "Is everything okay?"

"Y-yes, ma'am.... but I saw Kira."

There was silence. Light gritted his teeth and the sound was heared in A's ears and she quietly led the woman to her wheelchair and let her sit down in the comfort. "It's alright."

"Ma'am, I think he wants to kill you."

"No. He won't win. I'll make sure of that. I want you to picture Kira in your mind." She reached up and put her hand on the woman's forehead and the image appeared in her mind as crystal clear as if she could actually see. The brunette hair, the bright red eyes, the deamon look, the menacing smile.... the features of a distorted, evil Light shone brightly through the darkness.


She turned her head slightly to Yoshi.

"We have an intruder. Her name is Misa. What should we do?"

"Eliminate the threat." She spoke it so coldly and she didn't bother trying to hide anything. "No one is allowed on my property unless invited by name by me. Kill her if you have to. Take the Life Note with you. In case she tries to kill you first."

Yoshi bowed and quickly scurried off as the images of death and decay flashed everywhere around her.

'You will never win, Kira. No matter who you are.'  


Elisabell-angel enraged

PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:38 am
Oh, the life note! Sounds interesting.  
PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:17 pm

Light stood in frustration as he stared at the floor. He was alone in his room he was using in A's house. Despite that, he was sure he had the upper hand, until she spoke of this "Life Note" that could save a person's life, even under the strain of the Death Note....

He decided to find out what it was..... he wasn't going to be upstaged by this "Life Note"!!


Matsuda squirmed slightly before he felt himself stop and then fidget again and again. He didn't feel comfortable in silence when A was seated right beside him and very quiet as well.... it was unnerving and quite awkward to just..... sit in.... this thick silence.


"Yes, Kaze?"

"Hold this." She passed a white piece of paper into his hands and waited quietly.

He stared at it, unable to look at anything else. It was thin, like regular paper, and was quite plain. He stared at it and then up at her and then down again, wondering what he was supposed to be looking at and then he saw a hand come down and touch his.

It was soft, like a woman's touch, but the voice that spoke was anything but female.

"Matsuda, don't jump and don't scream. I am a Shogami. A life-giver." He slowly knelt beside Matsuda and that's when his features became prominent. He was a dark-haired young man with soft features and a white trench coat with a high collar. His hand that touched Matsuda was very elegant and very smooth while his other was elegant and decorated. There, on his middle finger, was a gold ring made in the shape of a dragon and a wing on the dragon's side. "My name is Kuro. I know you can see me now. Now that you know, she'll explain." He gestured to her and she smiled softly.

"Kuro is an angel, a life giver. He is the counter to a Shinigami. He handed me this." She held up a pure white notebook. "It's called a Life Note. It works two ways. One, you can write a name in it or two, you can draw an image of that person. The rule is, they must be elderly or dying from some cause or other. Each angel is given two, one for themselves and one for someone else. This is the 'one for someone else' that Kuro held. I recieved it because I am pure. I haven't killed anyone who didn't deserve it and i have yet to steal." She reached out and placed the book in Matsuda's hands. "But it comes at a cost. Take a look inside."

He let it fall open and he saw pictures cramed on pages that were filled to the brim. It was almost like a collage of people's faces. "What's the cost?"

"I lose a small amount of life. You see all of them there. With all that I save, I lose. I save the lives of the innocent. But to bring someone back from death is something I do daily. I bring back images of the dead. It's complicated....."

Matsuda stared at one picture that took up one whole page. L was staring back at him in perfect detail and he felt like this wasn't something a blind person should be able to do, and certainly not something the average person could do. "Did you draw all of these?"


'This is amazing! She draws with such detail! No way she's really blind!' He flipped the page and the book gave a soft moan and he dropped it, confused. "Wh-what was that?"

"It makes that sound when a Death Note is near. The Death Note makes no sound. That was how I knew who Kira was. I carried the Note with me the first time I went to go see you guys. It was awkward, trust me, but it was worth it."

Light gritted his teeth and edged away from the door. That meant that pretty much anything the Death Note did, the Life Note did the opposite of.... maybe they were just the flip sides of the same coin?

'No, I won't lose! This "Life Note" is a real threat.... apparently. I won't lose my new world to a fake! I am the REAL God of the new world! You are merely my pawn!' He smirked and stalked off down the hall as he quickly thought of his new course of action. The whole way there, he never noticed the eyes watching him..... not even as he closed his door and she turned away....  



PostPosted: Thu Jan 17, 2008 7:31 pm

A was seated at the head of a table as they ate their last meal at her house and in mostly silence. The servants seemed to like Light because he was "beautiful" or "handsome", even to some of the men, and they kept whispering behind their hands as they passed by or as they stopped to stare.

Yoshi finally ushered them out as A decided she would talk to them alone, without the servants or the paid helpers were around.

She slowly leaned back and finally rested her elbows on the armrests of her chair. She listened to them finish their meals.

"Before you leave, I have something to say. I believe that there is a traitor amongst you. I've decided I will tell you before you leave. I think Kira sits beside you and talks to you as if it's no big deal. Kira is...." There was a collective intake of breath. "Light Yagami."

Light stood up and glared down at her. "You assume it's me?! I wouldn't dare disobey my father's orders!! I'm here to assist where I can! I'm not here to start killing people!!"

A stood up, her presence looming higher than his God complex. "I will not tolerate retaliation from sepculation!"

"That was an awfully quick speculation!"

Her fist came down and the sound ressonated through the emptiness in the hall's walls. "You are no longer welcome here. Despite my inability to see you, I can see you have a problem with me." She reached up to her bandages. "If that is so...." The bandages fell to the table and she opened her eyes. Blue pierced through the space between them and right through him. "I will not show mercy on the guilty." 'Check mate.'

"I'll kill you!" His voice was gravling and doubled.

"Try." Her voice became more than doubled. She flattened her palms to the table and stared him down.

Matsuda saw Kuro and two other angels standing behind her with their wings flared out and prepared to fight to the death with whatever was behind Light. He had remembered back to the first time she had spoken to them....


"I believe that Light is Kira."


"Matsuda, relax. Let her talk...."

"But, L--!"

"Please, don't supress him. He's right to ask me 'why', really."

"Then do continue."

"He may have evaded you, but the look in his eyes and the sound of his voice say otherwise. He has to expose his foes in order to feel dominance and I will expose him before you. I will risk life and limb to show you who he is. If I die, don't pitty me. Feel more that I have owed you a debt and I paid it. Light will not pull his punches on me."


'Light will not pull his punches on me....'

Matsuda covered his face as Light stormed up to A.

'It's started.... he's going to kill Kaze....'  

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