Since the futurepop thread sank, here's a more generic EBM thread.

Brief history: The genre name Electronic Body Music (EBM) was founded by Front 242 for their 1984 EP. They were influenced by Industrial Records and early electronic music pioneers such as Kraftwerk and created a more danceable industrial sound, which is largely seperate from industrial. It has since split into sub-genres such as harsh EBM/terror EBM and futurepop, a more trancey and synthpoppy sounding EBM.

Some bands:

Nitzer Ebb
Mind: State
Front 242
Funker Vogt
Wumpscut (arguably industrial)
Bigod 20
VNV Nation
Apoptygma Berzerk
And One
Tysk Ludder
Assemblage 23
God Module (again, arguable industrial)
Angels & Agony
Die Krupps
Suicide Commando
Deviant UK
Mesh (another debateable)
Absurb Minds