Howdy people. As you know I, Nanne, Jani and a few others of our threads regulars are from Finland, I thought I could send up a little christmas adventure to you from the Lapland of Finland, the Korvatunturi, home of Santa Claus... who does Parkour! eek
So, here's a story, presented by Finlands Parkour Association (Suomen Parkour RY), where Santas mysterious history and the reasons for his long age and good health are explained, not to mention his long time rivalry with Easter Bunny.

Enjoy and Merry Christmas! biggrin

Santa Claus 2007 (Part 1)
Two representatives of Finlands Parkour Association go to meet Santa Claus to Korvatunturi and thus begins the story of how Santa has been alive for all these centuries, also leading us to a little adventure.

Santa Claus 2007 (Part 2)
The continuation of part 1. A thief has stolen Santas stuff, so now in order to save Christmas, Santa Claus dashes into pursuit to find the responsible for this crime.