Hi. I'm new to the guild, but that's not what this is about. I was hoping someone who is very knowledgeable would mentor me through PM's. The reason for this is, my parents don't much like my choice in religion. They won't let me go on pagan sites, read pagan books, have candles or any other tools, or anything that could be remotely pagan. They act this way, because my dad met this wonderful woman (which she is) and married her. She's super Christian though.

Things I'd like to learn:
-History of Wicca
-How to set up an altar
-How to construct a spell
-The God and Goddesses
-What colors, herbs, animals, days, months and seasons correlate with and what they're best for
-The correct way of casting a circle (I may have been studying for 4 years before I moved in with my step-mom and dad, but that doesn't mean I'm perfect)
-The correct way to call the corners (elements)
-The rituals that go with the sabbats
-Anything else you'd deem important

Thanks so much in advance. If you would like to help me out, please PM me or post in this forum. Thanks again and Blessed be.