Plot: The first episode of invader Zim where all the invaders come for the Great Assigning. We start by the massive traffic, in the beginning a lot of ships fly towards Planet Conventia. this is where the RPG starts. in this RPG we will start off with your character info.

age: ~guide line~: 50 years would be zims age
Image sad If you created an image)
Ship: You can get the ship from Wikipedia
inventory: What does your character have?
Short description:
height: ~guidline~: A short 2'11 feet would be Zims height.

Follow that format, I guess you can add a few things about your character in if you want.

back to the RPG. Another example of where we will begin is you and your random character saying" As I parked my ship and... yata yata yata.

Here is my character

This is my invader Zim character. He is useful for when I find a good Invader Zim Role playing site.

Name: Nux *AKA*: Invader Nux
Race: Irken
Age: 64(around the age of Tak)
height: 3'10
picture:User Image
Personality: Shadow like person, serious about his job as an invader. Got a scar from impeding doom 1 when Zim shot his ship into a building.

Equipped list: Pak, Sir-unit, ship, Probs, an under sea base on a new planet called"Aqualia"(His planet to conquer ,215,000 moneys(makes 1000 money's every week"like most invaders I assume").

Pak : has all the features of a normal Irken Pack

Ship: A custom made Ripper with a dark super permanent paint job.
Picture of Ship and details : User Image

Just so you know you don't have to put all that. I just did it because I wanted too. I made all this stuff before I found this guild. having pictures is optional. The info you see in my character is optional too. Just make sure you follow the basic format.

Type of ship: *Find on wikipedia*

Someone is gonna have to play

Tallest Red
Tallest purple
~only play these characters if you know them well.