My real name is Chris Valentine

I'm called: Chris, Steve, "hey you", and sometime Monkey
I live in Louisiana
I'm 20 yrs old
College Freshman
I'm engaged with a girl from New York
I love sugar
If someone told me to choose between my brother and a piece of string it would take a few hours to deside
I'm a Christian
I have a brother-26 and sister-22
I really don't have a favorite color I like them all
Did I mention I like sugar?
I'm not very political because I'm lazy
If I had one wish I would wish for more wishes or nothing
If I could be any animal I'd want to be a wolf or a falcon
I like just about all kinds of music except death metal and heavy metal
I'm going into Computer and Technology 2 year degree right now I want to work in an office or something with computers
I like to draw sometimes
I mainly do homework, talk to my fiance, and play Gaia
I have lived in the same house all my life
I will pretty much help people when asked as long as there not greedy about it
I'm kind of a romantic
The stars, moon, and clouds are my favorite things to look at
I also like the sea when I get to see it and listening to the wind blow
I like to make peoples life better if I can when I can
That's about it that I can think of lol