Posted: Sun Oct 07, 2007 6:45 pm
I recently got a job and I'm working full time now, mostly to help my family out but I've met alot of really cool people in the process. However, I think since I started, I've noticed my motivation go way down because I'm so tired when I get home. Not to mention I'm on my feet all day and the last thing I want to do is be on them to exersize. And whats worse is trying to eat well, I just grab what I can caus I'm always in a rush. I know I sleep alot more than I should as well, but it's due to the sleeping pills I take. (last year I had a breakdown due to not sleeping restfully and I've had problems with it my entire life. So I've been on sleeping pills for about a year now.) My goal is to lose weight to feel better about myself AND so I can pick up snowboarding. I tried it and loved it but my body inhibits my abilities confused
Any suggestions on how to get back on track, while adjusting to this sort of change? I really want to get back on track...I'm just not so sure how anymore.
Posted: Mon Oct 08, 2007 1:20 pm
1. Prepare your workday lunch the night before. Grab it from the fridge on the way out the door. Alternatively, if you work near a McDonald's, order a salad -- it doesn't cost more than a burger, it doesn't take more time to order, and it's a lot healthier. I find I eat less during the day, simply because I'm not home near the fridge!
2. Exercise in the morning before your shower, or over your lunch break, or BEFORE you go home. Energy breeds energy. If you'll commit to daily exercise for two weeks despite feeling tired, that third week you'll realize that you actually do have the energy to do it, after all.
3. Find out if there's a Weight Watchers meeting in or near your office. There are a lot of programs that will actually bring the meeting to the workplace.
Eloquent Conversationalist