◙▪ Hy Heart and Soul, Zion ▪◙

My heart grieves for Zion, for Zion is my heart
She forgets the laws you gaveto set her apart
And while the idle laws of man she never fails to keep
Her dissrespect for your Mitzvot drives my heart to weep

My soul bleeds with Zion, for Zion is my soul
The golry of your temple mount, which Islam's temple stole
The lands of Abraham are filled with war, death, and pain
Come, ADONAI, to Zion! Restore her once again!

My heart will pray with Zion, for Zion is enslaved
She does not see Yeshua, who has risin from the grave
Zion expects Messiah, though he is already come
He waits patiently for Zion, till into his arms she runs

Then, my soul will dance for Zion, and Zion will be new!
As fresh as any flower, or crystal drop of dew
Then all will flock to Zion, as all of Zion sings
Yeshua H'Meshiach! ADONAI, out King!