dramallama Welcome to my club here at Gaia! Come on in, post up your dream avi and have a blast! While your here feel free to chat, dance wahmbulance , order a drink or food cheese_whine , or even help me with MY dream avi! So grab your dancing shoes and come on in! wahmbulance
Okay, my first dream avi is done and it's on to my second! I had one donator, Galileo Q help me with my last one so thanks to him! This is also a hangout so feel free to just shoot the breeze, or dance. I will make a competion/lotto every now and then and dish out some gold to the people here.
wahmbulance So come on in!
wahmbulance Total Value: 234,557 Gold
[Item Information]Item List:
That Black 90s Top [Bought]
Those Black 90s Pants [Bought]
Those Black 90s Gloves [Bought]
Expensive Sneakers Black[Bought]
Mythrill Armor [Questing]
Black GetaGRIP Headband [Bought]
Ancient Katana [Needed]
Chyaku Norisu Scarf [Needed]