Welcome to the MPH Member Bios Subforum!

Please create a thread to house your member biography. You should probably title the thread something like 'Yourusername's Info!' but feel free to be odd and creative.
We like that here.

The main idea of a member bio is to help us learn more about you, your likes, dislikes, where you live, age, etc.

Also, feel free to comment in the bio threads of others AS LONG AS THEY ARE DONE SETTING UP. Please put something like 'DO NOT POST' in your thread if you're still adding posts and such. And if someone does post too soon, just contact your friendly neighborhood Crew Member!

Here are some things that you might want to talk about in your bio but, again, go crazy and add different things too:
-Favorite Music
-Favorite Books
-Favorite Gaian Item
-Other Websites You Visit

Have fun!