[How We Roll]
There are a few simple rules for threads posted in this forum.

  • This forum is for designated Mentor Threads only.

    Please do not make a thread asking for a mentor. You will be BANNED.
    Joking. You won't be banned, but the thread will be locked and whisked away to the dark reaches of your mother's nethers. Isn't that a scary thought?

    Please post threads offering general art advice, discussion, or otherwise in the main forum. This includes activities and challenges.

  • Forum Etiquette

    Do not spam the threads. This includes off topic chit chat. We ask that discussion between mentors and mentees stay focused on the purpose of the forum.

    Please post in your designated threads. Unless you fall into one of 3 categories, you should not post in a thread.
    • You are the mentor (author of the thread).
    • You are authorized by the author of the thread to post there. This includes designated mentees and for those who allow it, people who are looking for critique from a specific mentor that they are not signed under.
    • You are requesting to become a designated mentee of the thread author.

    Adhere to gaia tos and the mentor's requests.


Mentors are held to a certain standard in this forum and are expected not only to set a good example as for as skill and knowledge is concerned in art, but also attitude and behavior. This includes spelling and formatting. Proofread your threads and type properly. If you can't be assed to follow the simple rules for making a thread here, you shouldn't be a mentor and your thread will be removed after a warning.

We will not judge who should be a mentor and who shouldn't. We do ask that you think realistically before setting up a mentor thread. Please consider what you have to offer and make your decision accordingly.

It has come to my attention that some people are making lofty claims as to their level of experience. Please be REALISTIC in telling people what you have to offer. If you have NO formal post education training (university, trade school, rigorous personal studio study) in a subject, I have a lot of trouble believing you are advanced in that subject. As it stands, no one is restricted from being a mentor. While we feel everyone has something to offer, please don't lie to yourself or the rest of us. Be honest.

Please format your threads for easy navigation. Avoid paragraph form. Be sure to include:

- A little bit about you. Skill set, education, and experience are all things you'll want to include as well as any other personal things (things not information. We don't need your phone number).
- Link to art site. While it's not required, linking to examples may helps people decide if you're right for them.
- Timezone you're in.
- How often you're online.
- Things you feel you'd be best at teaching. Tell us your strengths.
- Things you feel you wouldn't teach well. Tell us your weaknesses.
- Level of mentee you can take. If you are easily frustrated be beginners, then don't take beginners.
- How many mentees you can take Limit yourself and make it clear how many you will take. They are to be listed visibly.

DO NOT UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES COPY/PASTE FORMATS FROM OTHER PEOPLE'S THREADS. How you format the thread is as personal as your own art style. Copy/Pasting this is the same as copying someone's art here. THIS WILL BE STRICTLY ENFORCED.

Your username must appear in your thread title as well as your status in taking mentees.

One mentor, one thread. All others will be locked. Should you want to clean house and start fresh, feel free to make a new thread with the same information in your opening post and PM a crew member to lock the previous thread for you.

Everyone is expected to commit to some degree in this forum. It's common courtesy to let your mentor know when you will be inactive and for how long.
By creating a thread here, mentors are committing themselves to their mentees per the guidelines they each set in their threads. Consider it an informal contract between mentors and mentess.

Mentors, please respect the responsibility you've taken in signing on mentees. Don't promise what you can't deliver.
Mentees, please respect that many of our mentors are working professionals, students, or have family responsibilities outside of gaia and will have to take time away or may not have the availabilities you'd like at times.