Pssh, don't get there that early.
Lessee, my personal rule of thumb is get there around three hours early. And there will still be a massive line.
But just make a beeline for the pit once the gates open and DON'T LEAVE YOUR SPOT THE ENTIRE TIME BECAUSE YOU WILL LOSE IT.
Thankfully, not all people are familiiar with this piece of information and some will leave, allowing you to take their spot. Squish your way forward as un-annoyingly as possible every now and then.
It may sound like you'll have crap spots, but remember, pits are big and seated areas can be bigger, so at least 1/3 of people are sitting.
For example, I got to the April 14 show about three hours early and there was a dreadful line awaiting me. However, I ended up being like, 20 people back, which is fantastic for a venue that big. It's a little bit of luck (and it doesn't hurt to have a big friend who can pull you up closer who people won't mess with rofl ) and planning.
Good luck. 3nodding And don't skip school, pssh that's not worth it. You need your education, fool! sweatdrop