Blackrose Kaire
Isobel Bellamy
Blackrose Kaire
Rellik San
Isobel Bellamy
Rellik San
Rape Battle Royale if the rumours are too be believed.
aparently that lohan girl gets killed.....I'd pay money to see that!
Ewwwww.... Lindsey Lohan in Battle Royale... thats low... even for an american remake of a film.
Hey, if she dies, it'll make it ever so slightly more tollerable. Like House of Wax and Paris Hilton.
I was reading something about the Live action evangelion movie (that their suppose to be making...but I doubt it will happen)
that they were casting Lindsey to play Asuka.....I cried alittle bit emo .....But those were fake castings ofcourse...But the thought of her being in something like that makes me die alittle inside...
That movie never got off the concept stage as was pointed out, they'd have to either dumb it down and get backlash from NGE fans, or keep it at the same level and get backlash from movie goers. I mean come on, the creator got death threats when the series ended, so its hardly a safe project for anyone to under take.