"Don't Have A Cow" Quesadillas



2 TBS each- Nutritional Yeast, Flour, and Margarine [NOTE: I suggest using around 2.5 TBS margarine, to help it spread]

Between a dash and a pinch of each Spice- Cumin, Cayenne Pepper Powder, Chili Powder, Onion Powder, and Garlic Powder

To taste- Betty Crocker's Baco Bacon Bits

Two Small, Warm Tortilla Shells



Mix the Nutritional Yeast, Flour, and Margarine in a bowl with a fork. Mashing with blend this much more efficiently than stirring. Mash until a smooth consistency is reached. This is your "cheese."

Then add your spices. Don't overdo it!

Spread the "cheese" on one tortilla, then sprinkle on the Bacos. Put the other tortilla on top like a sandwich. Cut into 4 triangles and enjoy!