At the creation of the life there were the Edenains. A Guardian race set upon this earth to guard the fledgling races form the darkness and evil that plagued creation. For billions of years they putting down demon uprising, and settling wars between human, elves, demons and vampires. While they were naturally good and tried to rid the world of evil, no living being is perfect. Buried deep down inside of them a evil slumbered. It was never a concern for a full blooded Edenian, but it was another story for half-breeds. Due to the powerful nature of this evil a half-blood must vent it or be consumed. There came a time when a girl was born of Edenain and Fallen Angel parents. Her backgrounds are unknown but the actions she took remain to us this day. Her name was Ara. Not only didn't she try to vent the latent evil in her she embraced it. She was consumed and twisted into a being of extraordinary power. She soon found out that by biting and drinking the blood of Edenains she could unlock the evil within and turn them into faithful followers called Clanlords. She soon waged war with the Edenalins throwing her armies of demons, vampires and Clanlords at the Guardains. For two million years the War waged with Ara gaining no ground, but while she couldn't acheive any soild victory in battle she was slowly gaining more Clanlords. The problem was the the demons and vampire , while numerous, couldn't stand up the technolgically advanced Edenains much less there superior physical ablities. The only ones who stood a chance were the Clanlord. Just they were to small in number they couldn't turn the tide in the war for her favor. So it wasn't long before she decided to look for more effective measures. She turned to gene splicing. Within a few thousand years she was able to create and mass produce a genetic hybrid. A mix of demon, vampire, and Clanlord dna resulting in a artifical Clanlord. She named this new race Bloodguard. With the introduction of the Bloodguard into battle the war slowly turned into a stalemate. Within another million years Ara finally started to push the Edenains back. Only recently have Ara's forces finally made there way into Edenian territory. This is where you come in. Which side will you chose? The Edenain, or will you go with the demonic forces or Ara? Chose your side wisely.