This is something that I still cant get my head around.
The thing is, to my mind and understanding such a thing is in direct breach of the Ordains and the Oath and therefore absolutely and without question should not be either asked nor fulfilled by an initiate.
To request a person to sign a contract that is legal through the law of the land is a serious breach or ethics.
There are long standing and proven ways to deal with oath breakers or whatever. Hence the taking of the measure and the witness and it is in the hands of the Gods to deal with such also.
But seriously, this is extremely worrying to me and that I cannot stress enough!
Here are some of the reasons why I cannot figure how a proper Wiccan coven can request something and carry out that request if it is fulfilled (ie. that it is not a test)
the Ordains

Tis the Old Law and the most important of all laws, that no one may do anything which will endanger any of the craft, or bring them into contact with the law of the land or any persecutors.

the Ordains
So be it ordained that no Coven shall know where the next Coven bide.
Or who its members be, save only the Priest and Priestess and messenger.

the Ordains
And while there, none shall say whence they came nor give their true names.

the Ordains
So be it ordained that no one shall tell anyone not of the craft who be of the Wicca, nor give any
names or where they bide, or in any way tell anything which can betray any of us to our foes.

the Ordains
If they try to make you speak of the Brotherhood, do not.

the Ordains
Have no names or signs on anything.

the Ordains
But the curse of the Goddess be on any who cast suspicion on any of the Brotherhood.
Or who speak of any real meeting-place or where they bide.

It also contravenes the oath!
Art thou willing to protect and defend thy brothers and sisters of the Arte
ever keep secret, and never reveal

and what ever happened to "perfect Love and perfect Trust" Those two of the three sacred passwords?
Possibly the most important of all the oathbound secrets is who our brothers and sisters are! How, if their names are in contract of the law of the land can this be justified?
Please help clear my mind on this before I draw blood from banging my head against the wall!!!
It really doesn't matter what sort of thing would have been covered in such a contract, even down to third party disclaimers it is still breach of oath and law.
Did you use your real name, a pseudonym or your magical name? Did they use theirs? What reason was given and what explanation?
The Kingstone tradition is not found this side of the pond so maybe it is further removed from traditional Wicca than I imagine? Or maybe just your line.
I think for clarification I might benefit from understanding more about your tradition and or your line if it is only your line that does not uphold the Ordains.
I don't want to upset you or disrespect your tradition so please can you explain to belay my fears!
I would still advise anyone perusing the path of Wicca to run very ******** fast in the other direction if asked to do such a thing.

Sorry if I'm not making sense, but this is really boggling! smile