Okay...so I gotta do this. I want to be able to look amazing in a bikini for next year and go back to Ohio for Thanksgiving and look totally amazing. So, here goes nothing!

Weight- 180 lbs (ick!)
Largest area- Hips & thighs
Goal Weight- 130 lbs
Current Goal- 170 lbs
Goal Prize- A pair of my favorite old jeans and maybe a new DS

Exercise for first goal:
Crunches (going for 100 every other day)
Squats (3 sets of 10)
30 min dog walk
Work (hey, I'm climbing and on my feet all day, it counts)
Some sort of inner thigh exercise (someone suggest something please!)

Veggies (broccoli, cherry tomatoes, carrots, low-fat refried beans, low-fat slasa)
Fruits (grapes, strawberries, whatever else is in season)
Dairy (low-fat cheese, milk, low-fat ice cream (on occasion), low-fat cottage cheese, sour cream)
Grain (whole grain bread, saltines (for the little cheese wheel and chilli), pasta, rice, tortilla chips)
Meat (whatever mom makes for dinner! XD)
And one mom cooked meal every night

Off-limit foods:
Candy (Nuuuu!)
Anything high in sugar
Fast food of all kinds
Large portions

100% Whole Juice

Off-limit Liquids:
Everything else! XD

It's going to be really hard for me not to stray. I'm notorious for giving up...so that's why I set my goal low. Your all welcome to send encouraging things my way. Watch the first post for updates on the goal and the like. I love talking so please feel free to talk!

This week:
Current Weight- 180 lbs
Current Goal- 170 lbs
Reward- Old jeans and maybe a DS
Week starts- Sunday May 20th

Exercise done- 0
Lbs lost- 0

We can do it! Yes we can!

(Funny motivational posters go here...GO GO 4CHAN!)