I can generally decode the meaning's of my dreams, but this one was I little odd for me (perhaps it what I get for leaving the High Priestess under my pillow three days). If you have any insights it would be appreciated!

There was a woman and a man in the sky on a horse. The woman was older but still attractive with shoulder length white hair and stong blue eyes. The man was ugly with dark eyes and a lot of curly hair. The man was subserviant to the woman and acted terrified of her. While she was general distasteful of the man she commanded him to have intercourse with her and he complied out of fear. She grew angry with him for ineffeciancy, and raped him before turning him into a tusked ape as punishment and cast him out of the sky. As he fell a forest appeared and she cursed him to roam earth forever in his 'true form'.

I got the idea that it was sort of a creation story- Perhaps the woman represented the sky and the man earth, which concieved life (the forest and first animal)?