Look what the cat dragged in...

Given the fact that I spend a good part of my day, everyday, drawing.. I decided it was high time I made a thread here XD At the moment it'll just be a place for me to show my own personal fav pics, or any avvie art I do where the owner said I could post it. I'm also going to put up icons and sig banners that I've done, that I like. In the future I might get it approved to be a shop thread but at the moment, it's just a showcase xD;

Anyway, the first little batch of pictures.. All of them are taken from, and linked to, my DA gallery rather than put in here directly, although there are thumbnails to give you an idea of the pic itself. The icons and things though, will be put in here directly. Any Gaia-related art is said as such, although very little of it will be ^^;;; (Mostly because I just got into drawing the Gaia stuff)

First.. Well, might as well start with the full version of the pic I used for my DA banner in my sig xD It pictures my character Legato (as an adult) with a strange shadow..
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Next is an actual Gaia picture xD It shows this avvie, as well as my main account, who looks a little irritated at poor ol' Jailcat..
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Now, as long as I'm at it, here's a pic of the character Jailcat, which inspired this account, pictured with what inspired the character. It was in my sig for a time, so you might have seen it, but I put it here anyway XD
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All I have to say is.... Thank god for little girls ;P XDXD
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A pic of a character I RP with someone, who's technically the younger version of another character, that came back in time and... It's...all very confusing XD; But the pic is pretty.
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And to round things out, a few sig banners and icons that I've done lately. I guess they're free to take for your own sigs and random images and the like, as long as you credit me. Later, once I get this thread approved as a shop, I'll start taking banner/icon requests.

The majority of the icons are taken from my own posts in my LJ icon community.

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That's it for now. Any and all comments, crit, whatever is welcome. I'll probably add more drawings and icons over time ^^

Cat got your tongue?