Extended discussion, interesting because what can one truly say is an extended discussion, well in this context, its for things like scientific, philosophical, theological and any kind of intelligent debate or discussion. The rules here, are to be taken very seriously, and the slightest infraction, will be heavily punished.

So here are the rules, which must be obeyed at all times.

No spamming, we have a separate forum for that.

No flaming, this is for intelligent discussion, don't agree with someone, say why, don't insult them over it.

No one word posts or 'I agree' posts, say why you agree and any other points you'd like to make.

Do not make a repeat topic, if theres something you have a new point to add too, add it in that post.

Personal attacks on someones beliefs, especially during theological debate, will result in an instant banning, without possibility of appeal.

Those are the rules, stick to them and have a nice time posting.