Hey Panic! At The Disco Fans! Welcome to the Other Music Discussion sub-forum. In this sub-forum you may discuss all of your other favorite bands and performers. Lets try to keep the guild organized by keeping Panic! At The Disco threads in the main forum, and keep discussion about other music in this sub-forum. If your thread is ever moved between forums, please do not be alarmed - I am just trying to keep the guild neat and tidy.

The Rules

    The rules for this sub-forum are the exact same as the official Panic! At The Disco Fan Guild Rules, with just one more rule added:

    - Never criticize anyone else's favorite bands or performers. I want this guild to feel welcoming to all shapes and forms of other music. It will always be perfectly fine to have an opinion, but do not ever flame another band in this sub-forum. Other people in the guild may love the band you are talking bad about. Please be open minded. No hate posts or threads, okay? If you really feel the need to get some anger out about a band, please go to the "I JUST HATE THEM! v.2" thread which is located in Gaia's music forum.

Now, feel free to make threads for your favorite bands! Posting a link to their website might be helpful for members who haven't heard of that band or performer before. Have fun, and keep enjoying Panic! At The Disco just as much as your other favorite bands!