Houka Ryuu had learned about the Slime Laboratory from another person which she had already forgotten about. Since she had liked the little Slime who accompanied said person, she had endeavored to take the steps in acquiring herself a Slime of her very own. And so, after careful investigating of the Gaia World, she finally found out where the Slime Laboratory was located. Not wanting to waste time, she immediately applied to join the Laboratory and waited patiently for her application to be either approved or rejected by the board of directors. While she waited, she browsed around the Laboratory and found exciting things about Slimes but she was not allowed to actually look at them yet. It did not take long for her application to be approved and Houka Ryuu was ecstatic at the news. Frantically she read everything she could about Slimes and how to acquire one of her own.

At last after tedious reading of reports, notices, and what not, she found out the steps that she needed to make in order to get her very first Slime. Without hesitation, Houka Ryuu followed the steps to the letter and waited as patiently as she could for her first Slime. Tapping her foot on the floor in impatience, though she tried not to scowl at any passing lab workers, she idly wondered if she would get her Slime that same day or if she would need to come back for it at another time. After what seemed like forever, although it was just two hours in reality, a lab worker came out of the breeding chamber and presented her with a Slime.

Reaching out tentatively to the still sleeping Slime, Houka Ryuu gently caressed the little one's head. Upon her touch, the Slime woke up and looked at her. Houka halted her movements not wanting to startle the Slime and softly said, "Good Evening little one. My name is Houka Ryuu." as she tried to project feelings of love and safety to the blue Slime.

The blue Slime liking Houka Ryuu's voice jumped once as he... bubbled, if such a word exists, happily back at Houka Ryuu. Then he started rolling about hopping on her hand and rolling up her arm to settle on her left shoulder.

Smiling at the little blue fellow, Houka said, "Well, it seems that you like me." Then as an afterthought, she added, "Umm... I have to call you something you know. I can't very well just call you slime. So... how about Seiryuu?"

Seiryuu practically produced bubbles in happiness for he liked the name that Houka Ryuu had come up with for him. And showed his assent by jumping up and down on her shoulder and alternatively rubbing his head at her cheek. But then he was getting hungry so he let his new bonded know of his hunger by flattening himself and appearing lethargic.

Houka Ryuu having read about a Slime's way of showing he was hungry, quickly thanked the lab worker for bring out her Slime. Then turning backwards, she walked out of the Lab heading towards home. As she walked, she said to Seiryuu, "I know you are hungry but just hang on. My home isn't too far away. Once we get home, I find you a nice plot of dirt with a pink flower where you can bounce around all day."

Seiryuu inflated himself back up once he knew that his bonded knew of his hunger. And he just jumped once to let Houka Ryuu know that he would wiat until they reached home. And that was how Houka Ryuu acquired her first blue Slime, Seiryuu.

Post Points: 30 sentences = 6 points