Ever wonder what is in the foods your eating? calorieking.com has the most complete database of foods I've ever seen. Whole foods like veggies and meats but also Taco Bell and McDonalds and other restaurant foods. My recent post to meme, I didn't have my list of my foods on Fit Day PC so I went to calorie king and looked everything up, the quaker oats and the protein powders all listed in his database.

Calorie King has a weight loss support feature that is subscription based as well as a pay PC version of his database (which I wish had been out when I bought Fit Day) but even if you don't can't/want to spend the money the entire database is free of charge (you just can't save your foods in a daily intake like you can with the paid versions).

The Calorie King also puts out a print version of many foods as an almost pocket sized reference when you eat out, the 2003 edition got me through many a dorm cafe meal. Having so many foods on the web is completely awesome, in my opinion.