
Ok, honestly the most informative thing I have read on Djinn was this book, the Akhenaten Adventure. It is a fictional childrens story (Afterall I read it when I was just that...a child.) However, in the back of the book there is a section on the history of Djinn. Look in the childrens section of your local bookstore, but I found my copy in the book section of Wal-Mart. Its by P.B. Kerr, its in the afterwords section (in the soft copy).

Like wise I found the best rounded concepts about Djinn to be in a fiction books.

Rose of the prophet by Margaret Weis and Tracy Hickman deal well with the
topic and the cultral inferences despite being in a fantasy setting.

Direct scouces on djinn one has only to look to the Qur'an.
Also placing the word djin in the search at will reurn a lot of information


Are the Djinn comprable to the Sidhe of Ireland? Not as powerful as Gods, but more powerful than mortals? If memory serves, I have read about the Sidhe being trapped in rings or lamps or something...

Ah no, no and no.

They do not serve any god let alone a abrahamic one.
Depending on the where and the when mortals can have more powers then them.
They can not be trapped like that but there are ways to make them come to your call, but usually this is a scource of ire and wounded pride and not done lightly and has it's perils.