Those are weird dreams, TokyoSamurai.

At least you could eat all the gingerbread and smurfs, well you could always smash em, they're so tiny. Or threaten to kill the girl smurf.


I remember I had a dream where I went to some sort of carnival/ fair thing and went to play a video game, like the ones they have at walmart, ya know, to let you try the systems. Well, the only thing was this one sucked me and some other people in it!

Worst part was it was a game where we were being chased by some crazy, physco killer all around some freaky fun house!! A lot of stuff happened, but not to make this long, ill cut it short.

[ This was also a two part dream, meaning it took two nights to conclude. Very odd, anybody else ever had that? ]

In a crappy twist of fate and the fact that I was the last in the group, I ended up having to go up the stairs, but the killer grabbed my legs and I ended up falling and he stabbed me through the stairs. (its the kind that have the space between steps). I even felt it in my gut, crazy. And yes, I died.

No worries though, it was a game after all, I ended up back in the same place, staring at the video game in my hands, mouth agape, wondering if that really just happened. But it did cuz someone asked me how it went or something like that.