Interesting. Again, yours is a name I scan for. sweatdrop
really? thanks ^.^
Yep yep. Welcome.

hey tea i have a question i didn't see a topic covering this here but i was recently in a debate that got chatter boxed. these two girls are insisting that that you don't have to be in a coven to be wiccan and i pretty much exhausted my understanding... here i think the thread is now dead but what are better links that could help them understand what i was trying to convey for future conversations?
The long and short of it is that one has to be intiated to be Wiccan. This is usually done through a Coven and while within the current debate one can suggest one is directly intiated by the Wiccan Lord and Lady, lineaged Wiccans are not obligated to accept this (or anything for that matter).

In short- their right, you don't have to be part of a coven to be Wiccan. But you must be a Witch who worships specific deities and acts as Clergy for these deities.
if you mean you need to be initated first in a coven first to be considered wiccan that i know. i probably should have made that more clear.