Dead Ed
Dead Ed
I really liked "This Corrosion" by Sisters of Mercy... but I can't find any of their albums
crying they are extremely hard to find in (in paces like FYE and Borders, etc.) I suggest you go online and look for on or ebay...
Borders is where you can find alot of the CDs you don't find today. That's usually were I go for Cds. And when I get Gift Cerftificates from the holidays.
Maybe I will try Borders then... because I've tried Barnes and Noble (where I get a lot of my rarer CDs) but I couldn't find them there.
If you can't find them in-store at either place, you can ask the store to order one from the warehouse. It's free of charge (to bring it to the store), and only takes 3-5 days. Now, some
really rare bands (like local bands or bands on independent labels; ex. Retard-o-bot or Reverend Glasseye) they won't have available, but you'll be able to find anything else no problem.
I just ordered Ashes by Christian Death at a Barnes and Noble tuesday and picked it up yesterday (friday).