Advance Wars Drabbles

Chapter 1: Backdraft Rhythm

By Hiro Konobu

This is an older fic I've done just thought I should put it up here.

“Truthfully this idea came up when I was talking to someone about Advance Wars the other day just random sketch comedy from most of the Advance Wars characters, and I don’t own anything except my fics.”

(We see Jake just listening to his music at Orange Star headquarters two Orange Star soldiers are behind his back talking…let’s just call them Mike and Carlos)

“You know I heard rumors that whenever Jake doesn’t his headphones he goes crazy.” Mike said to his friend.

“I heard that Jake also manages to draw crude pictures of the other CO’s mainly Kindle.” Carlos said back to his buddy.

“I think that would be obvious to why no one likes her you know with her being stuck up and all.” Mike said to Carlos.

“That’s true, you think that Jake wouldn’t be able to live without his headphones?” Carlos said back to Mike.

“Probably not but let’s see what happens when we say that his headphones suck.” Mike said to Gary while looking over Jake.

“Hey Jake your headphones and music suck!” Mike said loudly towards Jake, as he doesn’t listen to his words due to the headphones he has on right now.

“Maybe this should work…” OS soldier two had grabbed some scissors out of thin air and cut Jake’s headphones only to find out that Jake’s music was still playing somehow.

“How can this be he isn’t getting angry at us…maybe we should ask him why.” Carlos says.

“Say Jake how can you still be listening to music when your headphone wire has been cut?” Mike says to Jake.

“What I can’t hear you come closer.” Jake said.

“What my friend is trying say is that how are those headphones working without those wires?” Carlos said to Jake.

“Come closer you two I still can’t hear you.” Jake said as Mike and Carlos came closer…Whap! Only to both get punched out by Jake at the same time. “Never ever mess with my music or headphones…now I have to get back to listening to my CD known as “Punchline.”

End Ch 1.

"Truthfully I had intended to make this more an actual fic rather than a drabble but you know time constraints..."

also it should be noted I'll post some of the older chapters on random dates till it catches up.