I see no section specifically for this.. So.. here it is.. FTW

Well, first off I live in Ohio, which is in the eastern time zone.. Anyone can Pm me.. But if anyone here is actually in my time zone that'd be cool too. xD The closer you are the more time we can spend together! Woot!

Anyway. Now that thats outta the way, heres some stoof about me.

Real name: Corey

What I are looking for: If you're close it could become a real life thing cause in march I can drive! weeee! But if you're not, then we can still flirt or here! Wooo!

Age/birthday: 15/March 27 1991~

Where I r teh living!: Ohio

What are I like: Uh.. I dunno.. I'm stupid. And wierd, and sometimes a pervert xP I very rarely make the first move! Almost never! And uh.. I like to feel protected! ^^

Stuff I like!: Anime, Wierd Al, Models, Poker, Guys, feeling protected, Juice, Cookies, Video/Computer Games, Yaoi, and.. a buncha other stuff!

Religion: I'm a pagan.. and.. Religion doesn't bother me at all. Unless you like, run up to me screaming "OMFG! YOU R GOING 2 HELL CAUSE YOU DONT BELIEVE IN JEBUS!!!11" Other then that I don't care about religion. xD

What I am looking for in a guy!: Good sense of humor, cute, smart, likes atleast some of the stuff I do, don't have to agree on everything ya know. Oh, and long hair is a plus! But I'm not going to turn anyone away because of their hair! xP

Edit: Hehe, you probably wanna know what I look like xP
Hmm Lets see! I have long brown hair, down to my shoulders. And I have green/brown eyes, whatever that colors called. I'm about 6'. And uh.. I'm white.. Dunno if that matters any.. xD OH! And I got a cute belly button! :3

Oh, and I can take a joke, like half this post was, "Where I r teh living" But seriously, good grammer is a must. I don't want our conversations to look like a dislexic guys typing class homework.