Angel Muerto
Mines kind of honoring someone my family and I lost in 1988.

My second brothers name is Keelan and when he was born, he was a still born. He had died from a hole in his heart or his lungs (I always get it mixed up). My brother and I are very close in more ways then one. He was born January 14, 1988 and I was born December 15, 1988.

My parents and I have a very strong beliefe that he gave his life so I could live. Nine weeks into my moms pregnancy with me her water broke. so my dad ran her to the hospital to find that they would have to remove the baby inside her (me). Just as the doctor was preparing for the surgery, he stopped for a second and decided to check for a heartbeat on more time and guess what! He found it! I was still alive. The doctor told my parents that I would either have brain damage or I wouldn't survive. There was only a 10% chance I was going to make it. He made my mom stay in bed for the rest of her pregnancy.

December 15th:: The doctors had told my mom the due date was Dec. 25th but my mom decided she didn't wanna be in the hospital on Christmas so she had them do a C-Section on the 15th. As the doctor was getting ready to open the sack around me, he came to find that the sack had sealed up twice as strong and there were systs and cancerous cells all around the sack. When he finally broke it open, he found that the sack was so strong, nothing harmful was able to get through. He pulled me out and gave me my scores. My mom says its hard for babies to get perfect scores..Well..I got the perfect scores. The doctors said it was amazing and that I was one of the only babies that survived without brain damage..Even though my dad swears I'm retarted! xd

My parents and I believe Keelan was protecting me so that I could take his place here and I thank him every chance I get. I've also been visited by him. I don't know how many people here believe in things like that but he's come to me many many times. My mom runs a website that has pictures I drew of angels I had seen.

I dedicated my user name to him because if it wasn't for him, I wouldn't be here. The other half of my name is a name my best friend and I made up.

this is the second time i hear this story and just like before it touched me deep inside. it's awesome. your brother is definitely out there watching over you. i know he is.
same here xp I strongly agree with you and your family that your brother is watching over you