This is where boredom gets destroyed. Okay, scratch that, I'm not even sure if boredom will be destroyed here. But this is where I post competitions, or if someone wants to hold a competition. So, let's see today's game.


Get guild members!

What's a guild without members?! There's only what, 3 people here and that's like a teensy weensy one! Grab your friends who like Tendershipping and get them to join here!

How does it work? Get your friend to join and tell them to tell me your username, so I can count how many requests you got and it's also proof. The one with the most requests gets the prize. Only one person will win this! so grab your friends and go!

Prize money - 2k!!



Well, just for those who are in the artistic moods. Think you can get my attention? Make a banner for me and if it's really good, you get your prize.

Prize money - 1k

It should have Ryou and Bakura in it of course, since this is a tendershipping guild. It is recommended you get them in a 'lovey-dovey' mood. We don't want Ryou being slaved and all, 'eh? ^^;