Recently I've become totally obsessed with ES21. Does anyone else here read the manga or watch the anime? Who do you ship?

I'm a Poseidon freak; I adore the entire team, and Mizumachi/Kakei is my main OTP in the series. <3 Lots of love for chapter 153 and the Poseidon visiting a public bath. twisted

I'm also a sucker for Musashi/Kotaro (MusaHira irks me... dunno why), Homer/Watt and Takami/Sakuraba. The latter one is pretty much canon, though. xD;

I don't really like two most popular slash pairings, that is Hiruma/Sena and Shin/Sena. Actually, anything involving Sena bothers me a little; he's the one person I'd rather see with a girl. I'm not a big fan of Shin/Sakuraba, either, but that's because I prefer to ship Sakuraba with Takami.