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Beyond The Time

Dapper Dabbler

PostPosted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 8:55 am
Characters: Mirabella and Bonita
Prompt: Two fierce rivals find themselves in the same room for the first time since the war. With a score to settle and their pride on the line, will they be able to find a way to set all of that aside in peacetime? It's less likely than you think.  
PostPosted: Sat Aug 17, 2024 3:56 pm
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                                                        MIRABELLA ☀ ROUSSEAU
                                                        DUCHESS OF ALORE

                                                        It was a dull morning at Utopia. Mirabella could vaguely remember some schedule of worthless classes for today, but she couldn't find it in herself to care much for whatever nonsensical lessons their utterly worthless headmistress had planned. The duchess of Alore had already done so much in the name of attending these utterly not worthwhile lectures, and so she decided to take today for herself. But she didn't simply play hooky like a child might; that'd be rude. Instead, she wrote a detailed letter regarding her plans for today and had her chosen send copies to each so-called instructor that would have their time in the limelight on this day.

                                                        And as per her written plans, she was currently enjoying a long overdue sunbathing session over at the beach area. The Mother Sun's chosen warrior had to admit, this wasn't the worst beach she'd ever been to. There were clear skies, soft sand, and for this time of year a rather pleasant heat. As she soaked in the solar rays, Mother's warmth brought Mirabella a sense of serenity, of belonging. Caring not to hide her full radiance in her solitude, the duchess allowed her abilities to flourish in the daylight. Her normally dark hair turned a brilliant crimson, as her eyes took on a striking glow. Stretching out and relaxing herself back onto the beach towel she'd gotten for herself, she laid there and allowed herself a moment's reprieve from all the boredom that permeated her life at this wretched institution.

                                                        "Ah, how I long to return home. But alas, my work here is not yet done", she began to say aloud as she continued to bask in the riches of the daylight.

                                                        "I will return to the homeland once I've shown the world what a charlatan your greatest traitor truly is, Mother Sun. And if all goes as planned, I'll come back with more than just a story to laugh about. It's my belief that if I stick around long enough and devote myself to your radiance, I'll be able to speak not only about how quickly this place crumbled but of how swiftly I vanquished all who forsook you."

                                                        Closing her eyes, she envisioned her return to radiant Alore. Of the praise she would rightfully receive for restoring her nation's honor. The awards adorned to her person once she bested the traitorous Marie Anne Gunter in single combat. Some might consider it abuse of the elderly, sure, but Mirabella imagined any perceived wrongdoings her punching a few teeth out would be mitigated by the fact she did it to the most deserving woman still alive on this planet.

                                                        "If I could be so endulged with just one thing, Mother, it would be for something to cure my boredom in the time between. Seeing my lamb flourish under my wing brings me a great deal of pride and joy, but of the long-term variety. Perhaps, if you consider me so deserving, you would offer me something more immediate to hold me over?"

                                                        Oftentimes did the people of Alore pray to Mother, hoping she would bless them for their devotion to her endless might. And while those wishes didn't always go answered, Mirabella couldn't help but hope that hers wouldn't go ignored. After all, she was the most devoted to her radiance at this academy. Surely she could be spoiled every now and again, no?

                                                        Then, the splash of the waves hit a decidedly different note than they had previously. Mirabella's eyes snapped open, and when she found the origin of the noise she was delighted to see that her prayers had indeed been answered. A figure had emerged from the ocean's depths, one that Mirabella knew all too well.

                                                        You never cease to amaze me, Mother Sun! Thank you for this gracious offering, I'll not waste it.

                                                        With a gleeful smile on her face, Mirabella charged at the young woman known as:


                                                        The duchess shouted at the top of her lungs, ensuring the bubblegum b***h would be able to hear her despite how waterlogged her ears probably were from talking to fish for too long or whatever it was that Stilicidians did in their free time. In a mad dash, she sprinted over to her forever rival in a state of sheer bliss. Finally, there was someone she wanted to just pound into a pulp who was actually in arm's reach. Stopping short of tackling the shorter woman, there was a clear excitement in her very being as she further addressed her sea-faring nemesis.

                                                        "Oh my sun, you really came! I should've known that your prissy a** would show up here eventually! Have you come to kiss up to the royal family or did you just miss me kicking your a** that much?"

                                                        In a way, she certainly had missed Bonnie. Fighting her felt good, felt right. When the two of them got at it, nothing else mattered. Not their countries, not their concerns. From the second their eyes met to the moment one of them passed out, their brawls were the stuff of legend. And for good reason. In a way, Mirabella wouldn't be the powerful warrior she was today if it weren't for Bonita. After all, every great hero was nothing without an almost-as-great, but not great enough, rival to constantly push them beyond their limits.

                                                        "Gotta say though, if you're just arriving then coming here through the ocean is a bit on the nose don't you think?"

                                                        Lifting an eyebrow coyly, she hoped her words would get under Bonnie's skin. She hoped her mere presence got under her skin. It had been so long since their last quarrel, and Mirabella had dearly missed tearing apart her aquatic armies limb from bubbly limb. Since the war's end the duchess of light had even gotten sad about it, as the armistice came just as the pair had once again gotten an even score in terms of victories against one another. But no longer. With a beam on her face and a gleam in her eye, Mirabella Rosseau was the most excited she'd been in ages. She even let out a giggle, unable to contain her joy for this truly grand blessing.

                                                        "Oh who am I kidding, I couldn't care less! I haven't gotten myself a good workout in ages and you are looking just as punchable as ever. Care to pick up where we left off, knockoff?"

                                                        Location: Beach
                                                        Company: Bonita
                                                        OOC: Outfit

Beyond The Time

Dapper Dabbler

Kumako Shock

Loyal Lover

PostPosted: Sun Aug 25, 2024 3:58 pm
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                                                                After attending a couple days of classes and boning a few boys at this stupid academy, Bonnie honestly knew exactly how much she didn't really care for the actual purpose of this school. Like, yeah, blah blah peace or something was nice. But peace could be bought with a few smart arranged marriages. Whatever this school was doing was just ******** weird. Like, what was the point of learning about ballroom dances she'd been taught when she was seven and her parents were in denial about her actual talents?

                                                                Which was exactly why she had taken the opportunity of a sunny day to go for a swim. And yeah, sure they had a pool. But chlorine? Gag. Disgusting. The smell was, like, literally dead skin in the water. Or something. Probably. She definitely didn't actually know how chlorine worked. Sure, it would do in a pinch in the winter since this was actually an area that experienced seasons. But until then? You could not pay her enough money to put a toe into that pool. Also, she'd heard the rumors of what people were doing here already. She knew what she'd done here already. Who knew if dead skin was the only thing in that pool?

                                                                Making the logical choice, she'd decided to swim at the nearby beach. The nice, relaxing, extremely soothing -

                                                                "Korykiai Mirabella, did you look too closely at mommy sun and get blinded? Or were you really just that blind already that you didn't notice I've been here?" Bringing a hand up, spreading her fingers, and feigning shock, she continued. "Oh, no sorry, I forgot you've been spending too much time trying to chase tail to notice me. How's that been going anyway? It looked to me like you haven't scored s**t."

                                                                Bonnie laughed, the familiar feeling of bantering with the Aloran like an odd but well worn comfort blanket settling over her skin. Like any normal person, she would rather die than actually admit that to her solar powered enemy. Even if that same rival was making no effort in hiding her own sheer bliss at the extremely late realization that they were both here at the academy. The offer of a fight was so tempting. Like dangling a carrot in front of a chubby bunny to convince it to hop around the yard. What she wouldn't give to just absolutely drench Bella with defeat and also literal water from her bubbles. Buuuuuuuut...

                                                                Jutting her hip out, Bonnie rested her hand there while shooting Mirabella a look like she'd just lost her godsdamned mind. With her free hand she started gesturing down at herself wildly.

                                                                "Você caiu e bateu na sua cabecinha linda e não ruiva? Do I look like I am dressed to be fighting right now? Like, don't get me wrong. It sounds like fun but if you touch one seam on this bathing suit I will send you straight down to the whatever seven frozen hells rest under this earth."

                                                                She paused, rolling her eyes. Adjusting her posture she bent her knees, resting both hands on them like she was talking to a toddler. It didn't matter that Bella was technically taller than her. Apparently she'd forgotten her brain at home and needed the big girls to explain what things were.

                                                                "I'm sure you've forgotten by now, but this is a peace school. You know, like P-E-A-C-E. Peace. School. Like kiss and make up, be friends peace. And as much as I, personally, would love to watch you flounder around my bubbles like the fish out of water you are, I'm pretty sure if you end up dead my a** would be on the table."

                                                                It was honestly so hard being so smart and pretty. Clearly her sun blinded companion just couldn't understand the kindness and patience Bonnie had just blessed her with. Especially when her cute a** bathing suit was on the line. It was designer, after all.

                                                                beach mirabella swimsuit
PostPosted: Wed Aug 28, 2024 6:59 pm
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                                                        MIRABELLA ☀ ROUSSEAU
                                                        DUCHESS OF ALORE

                                                        The immediate change in tune Bonnie's face had was such a wonderful sight for Mirabella to behold. She hoped that one day the younger woman would puff her face so much she'd pop like a bubble, but it would seem she needed to work on her technique a bit before she'd get results like that. Instead, all she got was water all over her as the little creature shook herself dry like a dog. Wiping her face off, Mirabella's smile remained. It would seem at least that she provoked some form of retaliation, even if it wasn't the pure violence she had hoped for.

                                                        "Korykiai Mirabella, did you look too closely at mommy sun and get blinded? Or were you really just that blind already that you didn't notice I've been here? Oh, no sorry, I forgot you've been spending too much time trying to chase tail to notice me. How's that been going anyway? It looked to me like you haven't scored s**t."

                                                        The warrior of light looked upon Bonita with a curious expression, raising an eyebrow at such a poor attempt at mockery. Chase tail? How preposterous! The only thing Mirabella ever chased after with the entirety of her being was conquest, and that had been stolen from her. If "tail" was something she wanted, she'd hardly have to chase for it. She was mother's chosen soldier, and the most beautiful warrior in all of Alore.

                                                        You'd think that by now she'd be able to let go of the fact that I'm simply far more gorgeous than her. Such a shame.

                                                        Snickering at her own silly thought, the two of them basked in the sunlight together silently for a moment. While it wasn't the senseless violence she so craved, this was still...pleasant, in a way. Familiar. There had been so much that went on since the war's end that felt entirely foreign to Mirabella; treaties, talks, chats. Everyone always acting like they got along, like they hadn't wanted to stomp each other to the ground a week prior. This artificial armistice left her ever-furious, wanting to gag every time one of the boot-kissing suck ups in the Aloran court opened their mouths.

                                                        Didn't they get it? They weren't meant to be shaking hands with foreign nations as if they were lifelong friends, Alore had won! In those final, decisive moments, they reigned supreme! But then Marie had to steal it all away for herself as if she hadn't had her country to thank for taking her to where she was when she claimed total victory! She betrayed Mother, and for what? Helping their enemies receive their diplomas???

                                                        And now, when the one person in the world she could always count on for a fight practically showed up at her doorstep, she didn't want to? Mouth agape, Mirabella's upper lip twitched in disgust as Bonnie made excuse after excuse. Their current attire aside, since when did she care about peace? And was expulsion from this sham of a school really the worst thing in the world? It wasn't like the bubblehead could really kill her anyways, if anything the opposite was more likely.

                                                        Closing her eyes, she collected herself. Bonita did not deserve to see her have a meltdown like she so desperately wanted to have. She breathed in, then out. The glow in her hair dissipated, returning to its natural dark brown hue. When she once again opened her eyes, they too lost their luster.

                                                        "Fine. But don't think we're done, mini me."

                                                        Swatting away at the finger so erroneously pointed in her direction, she let a composed smirk return to her face.

                                                        "Now what's all this about 'scoring'? Oh no, don't tell me you sirened some poor sap to bed you! I almost feel sorry for them, they probably still smell like sea urchin."

                                                        Circling around her nemesis like the sharks her swimsuit was modeled after, she lifted her chin and looked down upon Bonita with a clear sense of superiority. Raising an eyebrow once more, she continued to smile devilishly at the Stilicidian.

                                                        "Besides, when did you care so much about peace in the first place? Or is it that you've finally understood that I'm someone to be feared rather than challenged?"

                                                        While she doubted that Bonnie would take the bait, Mirabella nonetheless couldn't pass up on the opportunity to tease the woman. She stopped her circling, looking away from the other duchess and staring off into the never-ending sky above. Her smile faded, as did the arrogance she usually wore proudly on her face. She now seemed more...wistful. Normally the thought opening up to Bonnie of all people would make her want to gag, but who else would truly understand her now? Certainly not Sera, that much was for certain.

                                                        "But really, do you think...this is it for us, then? Reduced to mere students? Royals whose only responsibilities are to sit around all day, chit chat and sign paperwork?"

                                                        Her eyebrows furrowed. She'd found her calling on the battlefield, and now they'd all been wiped clean. And while she did understand the benefits of peacetime, it felt so uneasy. What would happen if war broke out again? Would Alore have to prove its supreme radiance once again? And what of those who died to lead the land of the light to victory, how could they rest in peace while this blasphemous academy still stood? Mirabella just felt ever so directionless in such an environment. In battle she thrived, but here? If she was truly being honest with herself, she sometimes felt like a fish out of water. Certainly Bonita of all people could understand what that was like, especially considering she just emerged from the depths herself.

                                                        "Doesn't all this feel wrong to you too, Bonita? Even a lesser warrior like yourself must feel caged now. Or is 'scoring' really all that's important to you now?"

                                                        Location: Beach
                                                        Company: Bonita
                                                        OOC: Outfit

Beyond The Time

Dapper Dabbler

Kumako Shock

Loyal Lover

PostPosted: Thu Sep 05, 2024 5:47 pm
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                                                                It was effort to keep her face perfectly still as Bella felt the need to hear her own voice. Korykiai she loved to talk. Which wouldn't be so bad if she would just admit it. Like, Bonnie could talk someone's ear off. That was something she knew about herself. Sunshine over here could give a fourty-five page speech on her own before remembering she was in a conversation and wouldn't say a damn thing about how much she just liked to hear her own voice. Especially when it was some lame, half attempt at trying to be insulting.

                                                                "But really, do you think...this is it for us, then? Reduced to mere students? Royals whose only responsibilities are to sit around all day, chit chat and sign paperwork? Doesn't all this feel wrong to you too, Bonita? Even a lesser warrior like yourself must feel caged now. Or is 'scoring' really all that's important to you now?"

                                                                The fact that Mirabella of all people could relate to how she was feeling? It was disgusting.

                                                                It wasn't so much that Bonnie liked the war. No, it was horrible and tragic and having two brothers who participated in it was terrifying. If she had lost them? Honestly, it was hard to even think about it. Family was everything to her, even when she didn't quite fit into the perfect mold she was supposed to. The fact that she didn't have to experience that kind of soul wrenching loss was a blessing from Korykiai and her nymphs. One that the duchess wasn't going to sniff at.

                                                                Yet... That was where she had fit. Cross stitching and tea parties just didn't hold any appeal to her. But learning a new language? Discovering just how many bubbles she could control at a time and pushing herself constantly to use more and more each time? That had been where she had felt the most alive. No. That wasn't right. That was where she had some kind of purpose. A purpose she desperately clung to in the wake of feeling so useless next to her siblings.

                                                                "Don't you think you're being dramatic?" Bonnie finally settled on, rolling her eyes. "You act like we're never allowed to set foot in a stadium or do any kind of fighting ever again. Last time I checked, Alore will still let you fight. Go start a wrestling league or something if you miss it that much."

                                                                The fact that the murder happy sunshine b***h could relate to her better than anyone else she knew left her with a sick feeling. Like ice water ran through her veins. Did... Did she need to re-evaluate herself? For all of Mirabella's bullshit about Bonnie being her mini-me, it wasn't like they were all that similar. Bonnie's look, firstly, was all natural and she didn't need some stupid "blessing from mommy sun" to have red hair. The only things they had in common was that they were both women who fought in the war who also liked to mouth off.

                                                                Hadn't that been the extent of it though?

                                                                Thinking about it, she didn't know the first thing about the other woman. Not really. Maybe it had just been easy for her to assume that was where their similarities ended. Frankly, Bonnie wanted to go back to thinking that was where their similarities ended. She didn't want to have anything in common with the Aloran. Especially not something like this. Folding her arms over her chest, she found herself meeting the duchess's eyes again. This time her brow was more furrowed, a look of pity on her face.

                                                                "You're supposed to be some great soldier, right?" The scoff in her voice had been an accident, but oh well. Mirabella probably deserved it. She usually did. "So ******** act like it. We adapt. Do I love this? I think you, of all people, would know I don't. Other than knowing my clothes won't get ruined. That part is kind of nice. But other than that? It's over. Unless you've got some secret Chronesian blood you're trying to unlock there's nothing we can do to change that."

                                                                Ughhh. Bonnie sounded like her mother. She hated sounding like her mother. For giving such a rousing pick up speech, Mirabella should be grovelling to her.

                                                                beach mirabella swimsuit
PostPosted: Wed Sep 11, 2024 4:38 pm
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                                                        MIRABELLA ☀ ROUSSEAU
                                                        DUCHESS OF ALORE

                                                        A breeze blew by, just strong enough to force Mirabella's dark locks to brush forward for a moment. The weather was nice, really. She looked around, finding the beach itself to be rather pleasant itself. And while she deeply despised the woman who'd The duchess of light rarely gave herself time to pay attention to such things while in the heat of battle, most of all when she was locked in combat with her eternal rival. But it hadn't been until eternity for them, now had it? Here she and Bonita were, just at a beach, no longer soldiers. They were duchesses in peacetime.

                                                        "Don't you think you're being dramatic?"

                                                        Scarlet eyes were quick to bring their gaze right back to the sniveling little runt with that comment, a glint of light in them and scorn to spare on her face. Old habits died hard, and the urge to take a swing at the young woman burned brightly within Mirabella. But she didn't. She hated the way Bonita seemed so dead set on minimizing things, minimizing how they themselves had been minimized to the titles of their bloodline rather than the ones they themselves earned with their bare hands. Well, bare bubbles in Bonita's case. Nevertheless, her expression softened. The water duchess had denied her request for battle and she would honor it. For now.

                                                        "You act like we're never allowed to set foot in a stadium or do any kind of fighting ever again. Last time I checked, Alore will still let you fight. Go start a wrestling league or something if you miss it that much."

                                                        Mirabella found herself rolling her own eyes at such a remark. Crossing her arms in disapproval, she let her gaze wander elsewhere for a moment. A wrestling league? Like that was even remotely the same thing as the all out bloodfest that was the forever war. Wrestling hadn't been the same since Ad Saxum's fabled final match against The Sundertaker. The greats had long since retired and none of the current generation looked to be of any sport. If Mirabella so much as suplexed one of them, they'd probably go cry about it in a corner afterwards. They were no replacement for real combat. And if Bonita were a real fan, she'd know that. How dare she.

                                                        And sure, I could just be the world champion of the modern age. Get a few belts. Maybe even inspire a new generation of wrestlers who'd get their s**t together, but...

                                                        That idea wasn't entirely a bad one. Since she was better than Marie in every way imaginable, it would come to reason that she'd make a better inspiration to others than their traitorous headmistress could ever hope to be. But she'd then have to state that it was Bonita who inspired her to do so, which was completely unacceptable. Even if they were no longer allowed to be bitter rivals on the battlefield, it didn't mean that Mirabella would let the bubblegum b***h come anywhere near her future accomplishments.

                                                        "You're supposed to be some great soldier, right?"

                                                        Mirabella never really thought about it before, but talking to Bonita was like experiencing near-constant whiplash. The scoff the b***h let out was like a desperate plea to get a roundhouse kick to the jaw.

                                                        "So ******** act like it. We adapt. Do I love this? I think you, of all people, would know I don't. Other than knowing my clothes won't get ruined. That part is kind of nice. But other than that? It's over. Unless you've got some secret Chronesian blood you're trying to unlock there's nothing we can do to change that."


                                                        Mirabella knew how to be obnoxious too, so she made sure the click of her tongue was as audible as possible. But the worst part was why she found Bonita so annoying in that moment: she was making ******** sense! How dare she?

                                                        "Well let's get something straight first: I wasn't a 'great' soldier. As far as Alore is concerned, I was the best."

                                                        The warrior of light's hands clutched her upper arms as if to brace herself for what was about to come out of her mouth next.

                                                        "And I know that it's over, Bonita. I don't need you to remind me of that."

                                                        Mirabella had enough reminders as such already, the whole lot of them wasting their lives away in the halls of this gods-forsaken academy as if their spectacular failures in the war earned them a spot in this school for peace. Marie, her lapdog Nehal, the most worthless little healer girl to ever frolic about, and Sera: they all failed so spectacularly. They failed to live by the creed of Mother and failed to finish their mission of uniting the world under the banner of everlasting light. But worst of all, they made Mirabella fail as well. And for that the whole lot of them would never be forgiven.

                                                        "Besides, it's not like I don't have any plans for the future. There's retribution to be had at this school and I fully intend to claim it."

                                                        There was determination in her eyes now, her scarlet gaze confident as she once again looked at her diminutive aquatic counterpart. If there was one good thing about Bonita Smith, it was her ability to bring out the best in Mirabella. It was probably never intentional, mind you, but it was there. Even on her worst days, the duchess of light's battles with the duchess of the depths always brought out the best in her. Made her shine brighter than she ever had before. Compared to the only two other people who'd achieved such results in her life so far, Mirabella had to admit that Bonita was unfortunately the best of them.

                                                        She furrowed her brow for a moment at the thought of that, looking downward as the grip she had on herself eased up. Bringing her hands down to her hips, she looked back at Bonita rather expectantly. If the bubblegum b***h thought Mirabella Rousseau would allow herself to be the only person analyzed today she was surely mistaken. Which did make sense, considering Bonita was so often wrong about things when it regarded details about the two of them. If this was just a simple matter of deflecting, Mirabella would just do what she always did: smash her way through.

                                                        "So then, in what ways have you adapted? I can't imagine you being satisfied with just 'scoring' or whatever. Tell me, 'Bonnie': what does your future hold?"

                                                        Location: Beach
                                                        Company: Bonita
                                                        OOC: Outfit

Beyond The Time

Dapper Dabbler

Year 1 Sept. 9th to Sept. 20th Time Skip

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