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Beyond The Time

Dapper Dabbler

PostPosted: Tue Jul 30, 2024 8:09 am
Characters: Charlene and Sverre
Prompt: Leaving the dance floor, Sverre's whisked Charlene off into an adventure all their own. Will the duchess of the moon see through his bullshit? Exceedingly likely. Would the duke of time acknowledge his misdeeds? No, probably not. But it'll be fun, right?  
PostPosted: Wed Aug 07, 2024 9:12 pm
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                                                      SVERRE ⏲ FALKER
                                                      DUKE OF CHRONOS

                                                      Sverre Falker's day had so far been pretty much perfect. Not only had he gotten lucky enough to be partnered with one of the most beautiful women he'd ever laid eyes on, but Charlene had been lucky enough to be partnered with him! It wasn't just him, really; they both really lucked out. Charlene more so, of course, but Sverre was trying to keep his thoughts kind and fair. He was a gentleman now, after all. Charlene had christened him as such, and he really had always been so why deny himself the title any longer? As Sverre saw it, it was as though someone had truly seen him for the first time in ages. But not necessarily from a lack of trying.

                                                      Fane had spent many years trying to figure his duke out, but to no avail. It really shouldn't that difficult for him to understand what was going on inside Sverre's mind, he'd been inside Sverre plenty. And yet somehow, some way Fane still never got that Sverre Falker was no one's side piece. Even today, the idiot tried to make a fool out of Sverre. Make him do things he'd certainly regret. Sverre wasn't about to let that happen, though.

                                                      And with a beauty like Charlene by his side, Sverre was certain he'd be able to resist that incubus's charms. Taking her out into the courtyard, the duke of time kept up a chipper expression on his face. He also made not to think of more words like chipper to add to his vocabulary, as part of the life of a gentleman was to say prissy s**t like that from time to time. He'd read about 10 pages of a novel involving gentleman or something once, so he had no reason to doubt himself.

                                                      Having held the young woman's hand on the way there, he let go as he turned to her. The pair had reached his intended destination, now was the time to have some fun once again.

                                                      "Ah, isn't today just lovely? From the weather to the company, I don't think I could have picked better no matter how hard I tried!"

                                                      Taking a step to get in closer to Charlene, his still gentle expression belied more carnal interests. He was committed to try and not sleep with this gorgeous young lady on their first date, of course, but surely he could get away with some making out before the gentleman police would want to have a word with him. Right?

                                                      "And by the way, feel free to steal a kiss from me whenever you'd like. I stole one from you earlier, so it's only fair that you be given the same opportunity. A true gentleman would be remiss not to do so, wouldn't you agree?"

                                                      Location: Courtyard
                                                      Company: Charlene


Beyond The Time

Dapper Dabbler


Shy Vampire

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PostPosted: Fri Aug 09, 2024 3:38 pm
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      tab Charlene had found herself surprised that Sverre held her hand the entire way there. She wasn’t sure exactly where they were headed, but she was looking forward to the surprise of it all. The entirety of the walk she had been thinking back to when he kissed her, and she still found the move very bold and she was kind of surprised when he had done so. She didn’t mind the boldness, but rather she found it endearing and rather refreshing.

      tab When they arrived she turned her gaze back to him and away from the beautiful courtyard he had brought her to. Flowers, trees…they certainly knew how to keep plants alive, unlike herself. She smiled at his comment and nodded her head. ” I have to agree! It’s gorgeous out here, and I can’t think of anyone better suited to be spending time with.” If she was honest, she’d love to get her daughter there and show her everything but that was simply not possible right now and she knew that. Besides, Sverre had been such a gentleman the entire time, even helping her post wall crumbling down. She placed her hand on her forehead as she looked up at the sky, the blue a beautiful contrast to the green foliage.

      tab Charlene looked back down as Sverre stepped closer to her, her cheeks flushing a slightly darker shade of red. The reminder of what had happened earlier caused her heart to race as she smiled almost shyly but not quite at him. ” Oh how kind of you, I might have to take you up on that offer.” she tilted her head slightly before she took the closeness as opportunity. She didn’t know if there’d be another chance, nor if she’d have the courage later, so she leaned in and pressed her lips to his cheek for a moment. She knew her face heated up when she did but she leaned back and hid her mouth behind her hand, a smile formed. She could help but be proud of herself for doing so, and she closed her eyes. ” There…we’re even now, no?” she hadn’t flirted in years so this was all new to her, but she was happy.

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            COMPANY: Sverre
            LOCATION: Courtyard
            FEELING: Happy, Flirty
            WEARING: Blue Dress
            OUT of CHARACTER: n/a
PostPosted: Fri Aug 16, 2024 11:05 am
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                                                      SVERRE ⏲ FALKER
                                                      DUKE OF CHRONOS

                                                      With the way this woman constantly took in the sights with resounding amazement, Sverre could tell he'd picked out a good spot for the two of them. Sverre had always been really good at eyeing locale, always picking out the cleanest stalls with the best locks for he and his worthless ex to make out in. Usually he preferred not to use his astounding ambiance-setting skills to his advantage, as combined with his dashing good looks he worried one might faint at the sight of the combination. But for Charlene, he felt the urge to spoil her just a little bit.

                                                      ” Oh how kind of you, I might have to take you up on that offer.”

                                                      Slowly but surely, the beautiful blonde brought her lips to his cheek and planted a kiss. Her warmth, brought about by her closeness, felt nice. Far too often, in the endless parties he'd get into back in Chronos, he wouldn't get to enjoy those little details. Whether because he was too tipsy or too lost in how many times those same events took place, Sverre could never get himself to cherish those moments. When each moment felt like they happened a million times over, one lost that feeling of importance in the individual sensations.

                                                      Here, however, he could relish that fleeting feeling. It propelled him forward, made him wish for another. But he knew this wasn't the time or place to just start a makeout session. Charlene was a proper lady, and he had a reputation to uphold. She'd called him a gentleman, and he wanted keep making her feel like he deserved such a title.

                                                      ” There…we’re even now, no?”

                                                      "It would seems so. For now, at least."

                                                      Still, it was worth a shot.

                                                      Gentle cradling her delicate chin up, he brought her face to a better angle to see his angelic features. When she opened her eyes, she deserved the best view of the best man around. A knowing smirk plastered his face, the smirk of a man who knew that she knew there was no one better out there than him. It was a shame more people weren't as aware of the fact, really, but what could Sverre do for those whose eyes clearly didn't work? Buy them glasses??? Charlene, however, had seen reason almost immediately. Such genius deserved proper appreciation, no?

                                                      "So what brings a beautiful woman like you to such an unfortunately questionable academy such as this? Surely you're much more deserving of being fawned over at home, hm?", he mused as he stood with this beauty in blue.

                                                      As per the Gentleman's handbook, a short picture novel he'd once read as a youth but remembered with absolute clarity, it was rude to ask too much of someone at one time. But surely this was only riding the line, if that even.

                                                      Location: Courtyard
                                                      Company: Charlene


Beyond The Time

Dapper Dabbler


Shy Vampire

9,175 Points
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PostPosted: Sat Aug 24, 2024 10:07 pm

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      tab Charlene wasn't entirely sure how the world worked outside of her own bubble, as much as her parents taught her and urged her to remember. She knew that each kingdom ran differently and this man was certainly not from Luna. She didn't know where he was from, but she certainly would have remembered such a presence if she had met him before. After she had kissed his cheek, she heard his response. For now? Does that mean he wanted to do more? She had let her hand fall from her mouth, only to feel his hand on her chin, tilting her head up slightly. She opened her eyes and almost immediately flushed slightly, red tinting her cheeks as she found herself staring directly at him. If this wasn't the sign of someone wanting to do more, she didn't know was! And she certainly had the unfortunate experience to know exactly what that could lead to. While she was very proud of her daughter, and loved her very much, she knew that she had made mistakes and they led to her family having a rough dynamic for a while.

      tab "So what brings a beautiful woman like you to such an unfortunately questionable academy such as this? Surely you're much more deserving of being fawned over at home, hm?"

      tab His questions brought her back to reality, and out of her thoughts where she was imagining how soft his lips would feel upon her own. She smiled, fighting the blush that was very clear on her pale skin now. " I was chosen to be sent here by the leaders." she started, careful not to give away her home kingdom, as per the rules. " I do not believe they realized how...questionable things would be here when they sent us all to this place. I'm merely grateful that I'm not royalty, or else I would have a lot more riding on my shoulders." she didn't hear of any rule that said they couldn't say what she had, but she knew it was tiptoeing a line. She was struggling to focus though, and because of that struggle she hoped she hadn't broken any unspoken rule. She didn't say Luna, she just said she wasn't a princess. " As for being fawned over at home...there merely isn't many suitors where I come from, I'm finding much better luck here despite how things have been going." she found herself speaking without thinking, the mere implication that she was enjoying his company more than anyone else slipping through her words.

      tab Charlene mentally scolded herself, she hadn't had this little self-control for a long time. It was like she was a young woman again, being swept off her feet by the handsome knight. He had protected her earlier, so it lined up...but she knew that she had to protect herself and her kingdom. She turned her head away from Sverre, in a mild attempt to keep her thoughts clear from the urge that she had to lean forward and steal another kiss from the man. " So, what brings you here to this academy? I'm sure you had plenty of women and men fawning over you." if his words and actions here said anything about him at home, she was sure he was sought after by many people.

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            COMPANY: Sverre
            LOCATION: Courtyard
            FEELING: Flustered
            WEARING: Blue Dress
            OUT of CHARACTER: n/a
PostPosted: Sat Aug 31, 2024 8:52 pm
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                                                      SVERRE ⏲ FALKER
                                                      DUKE OF CHRONOS

                                                      " I was chosen to be sent here by the leaders."

                                                      Sverre would have to one day send a letter to these leader to thank them for sending a heavenly angel like Charlene to this campus. As she continued to given context to her being at Utopia, she made a comment about not being royalty. Does she mean she doesn't have any royal status of any kind? Is she just like a really hot, well-dressed commoner then? Props to her I guess. Regardless of what she actually meant by her comment, it meant little to Sverre right now. He was spending time with Charlene right now for her good looks, not her status. However, it would make sense if she were a commoner that no one was out there singing her praises in her homeland. And if that were the case, Sverre Falker was delighted to be the first person to do so for this unfairly forsaken beauty.

                                                      " So, what brings you here to this academy? I'm sure you had plenty of women and men fawning over you."

                                                      From the way her hair brushed against his shirt to the millisecond their eyes lost focus with one another, Sverre was saddened to see how she turned away from him when she said that. Had she realized he'd only been a true gentleman since she first referred to him as such? That his former life prior to a few hours ago was that of a man with a reputation from trading partners like one traded pocket watches?

                                                      Was it from the way he'd looked back at his least favorite servant boy back in dance class? Surely he hadn't paid that much attention to that snake, that heartbreaker. He only ever looked at him to see him switch from partner to partner and to check to make sure he was dancing with Charlene better than the servant boy was and also looking at him when they left in the hopes that he saw and got jealous because he deserved some hurt upon seeing Sverre with someone who wasn't him. That was just what all exes do, right?

                                                      "Me? Fawned over?"

                                                      He couldn't just lie to the poor woman, could he?

                                                      "But of course, and could you blame them?"

                                                      Of course not. Sverre Falker was a man of culture now, the kind of person who only told 100% as far as he was concerned truths. He was the most eligible bachelor in all of Chronos, how could people from across the land not all wish to have his hand? Sure they rarely came to him as such, but that made sense as well. Knowing of Sverre Falker's mere existence was one thing, but to meet him in person? If he wasn't himself, he wasn't sure if he'd be able to muster up the courage to make a move on him either. He provided the people with such a difficult debacle, he almost felt bad for them. But alas, such is life. It wasn't his fault he was so intelligent and handsome and overall incredible; it was simply who he was.

                                                      Still, this commoner showed a level of bravery even royals from his native kingdom lacked. That deserved a reward. Bringing the gorgeous young lady into his embrace, he wished to reassure her that her efforts were not going unnoticed. It couldn't be easy to come from nothing and then be selected to represent your country for this school of royals. It had been hard enough for him to learn the difference between the tea spoon and the coffee spoon when he had to see them on a daily basis, he couldn't imagine the amount of studying Charlene would've needed to commit to in order to play the part of royalty as well as she had been so far.

                                                      "Don't fret over it, though. You've gone above and beyond any sort of fawning that came my way in my homeland."

                                                      His voice was soft, intimate. He wanted to make all of her fears just disappear like the knight he claimed to be. He'd feel much more comfortable kissing her that way. For the last few nights he'd been locking lips with a bevy of gorgeous suitors, which normally was perfectly fine. But lately, there'd been an interloper who would pop every now and again in their place. In particular, he remembered having a very lovely evening with a man almost as handsome as he was. However, when opened his eyes after going to kiss the gentleman, he was instead met with the face of his horrible excuse for a prince.

                                                      But I guess this isn't the time to be thinking about myself. Then again, if I don't think about myself first how will I be able to then think about others. You've gotta help yourself before you can help the people around you; pretty sure some smart person wrote that down once or something.

                                                      Giving himself a second to bask in his own genius, he went back to cradling this poor woman with labored intent. The poor woman was clearly juggling a lot in the back of her mind, and she deserved a proper gentleman to help her through these tough times. And if that meant doing so with his lips pressed against her, Sverre Falker was willing to "take one for the team". He knew some upper class types looked down upon those of less privilege. But thanks to his time living with outside of the capital, he learned the importance of people from all walks of life. All people deserved Sverre Falker time, not just high society.

                                                      Location: Courtyard
                                                      Company: Charlene


Beyond The Time

Dapper Dabbler


Shy Vampire

9,175 Points
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PostPosted: Sun Sep 08, 2024 7:51 pm
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      tab Charlene hadn't paid much attention to where his eyes had wandered during dance class. She had almost entirely been caught in his web of stories and enjoying herself. When he responded she smiled slightly, she wasn't surprised. Someone as attractive as him must either come from somewhere that this kind of look is normal, or he was the one attractive person there. Most likely though it was the first option, and she couldn't help but wonder where he might be from, but she knew better than to actually ask the question. She turned her gaze back to him and couldn't help but smile. " Of course I can't! I'm sure that someone as handsome as you has been admired." She knew they had their fair share of both attractive men and women in her kingdom, but she had always had somewhat of an issue with her title. Because of her child, and the way she refused to hand the title of mother away.

      tab Charlene wasn't expecting the man to pull her into a hug, when she felt his arms move around her, she knew the moment her face lit right up, and she fell silent. She wasn't entirely too close yet, but her instinctual response was to place her hands against his chest, not having the moment before to place them over his shoulders. She looked at him and looked up at him, not sure what his intentions were but she certainly didn't mind being so close to him. She took a moment to process his words, before she smiled shyly again. " Really...?" she found it hard to believe that he didn't have multiple suitors, but perhaps he did and he just played the field? Either way, she knew that most people wouldn't be interested in her, but not for the reasons one might initially think. She had baggage that would be in the form of her child, but she didn't mind.

      tab Charlene took a breath before she relaxed slightly, his arms still around her as she closed her eyes. How many years had it been since someone held her like this? Five at least. Most duchesses haven't had it happen at all, but she found that she missed it quite a bit. As she leaned against the duke she rested her head on his shoulder. Her heart was racing in her chest as she tried to clear her head a little bit. She took a few moments before she leaned her head back up and met Sverre's gaze with her own blue eyes. " You're sweet to say that. It's been a while since I've found myself in the presence of someone who was so kind." she knew that even if he was playing the field, here in this school, there would be little chance for finding the one who she'd marry. Her mother likely was looking for a suitor elsewhere, and she'd already messed up her chances with men who wanted no baggage, so perhaps it was worth having a little bit of fun.

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            COMPANY: Sverre
            LOCATION: Courtyard
            FEELING: Flustered
            WEARING: Blue Dress
            OUT of CHARACTER: n/a
Year 1 Sept. 9th to Sept. 20th Time Skip

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