It's the only Momochi songs on Spotify, but at least the album is on there...
I suspect if DearVo releases another album.. it will go up on Spotify too... well maybe anyway.. i suspect that will be a long way off anyway... it took years to release there first DearVo albums... and i mean years..

Put it this way.. i think the first time they released a CD was back in 2015... (if not a lot earlier than that...) and the first set of album's came out only last year... 😅

Not all songs was on each album... they was voted... (don't get me wrong.. Rejet did not release a single every year... more or less every two years (once 3 years i think..? but i think that was before the album...? but its still a long time before an album release... 😭plus lets not forget the random song album songs... )

I just hope that the next set of albums come out sooner than the last one.. @_@;;

Edit: Okay so... theres about 5 series of Momochi before the album i think..? 6 is album im guessing... and 7th is the latest single... :