I still have not got the Double Face series 2 version yet though.. =v= i was going to get it with my Momochi CD.. but i thought it was for the best not too....

They are NOT that expensive.. (base price £10..) but it still would of rocked the boat if i had ordered it with Momochi CD...

Ugh.. when to get it.. is the question.... maybe after Christmas? or for Christmas? (after..?)

OKAY!!! so i just checked and ES series 3 is NOT that new after all... but still.. no Valkyire and Double Face yet.. (probably why i did not take notice before..? i do like Undead... but i was not interested in they're 3rd ES song... they are hit or miss with me really anyway... and the ones i am interested in has not been announced yet..

Not that i will be able to get them... only the high shipping priced options are there...