【P h o t o 】

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【B a s i c s 】

Name: Reagan Kang
.xScreen Name:Lady Hex

.xx¤ 16
.xx¤ Female
.xx¤ Korean/American and French Canadian
.xx¤ Bi-Sexual
.xx¤ Single Bug
.xx¤ {likes}
• Insects
• Reptiles
• Anything Spicy
• Anything spooky or horror related
• Sports
.xx¤ {Dislikes}
• Anything too girly
• Being treated differently
• Coconuts (Deadly allergic to them)
• Bullies
• Not being able to control her perc
.xx¤ {Personality} Confident, strong minded and willed and at times blunt. Maybe even a little too blunt at times. She always speaks her mind and does not sugar coat it but she mean's well. She can be very independent but she likes to help others when she is needed but when it comes to herself she never likes to accept the help. Rea is also a tom boy and is seen more around boys then girls and doing more guyish things then a girl her age would.
.xx¤ {Height} 5'3
.xx¤ {Weight} 105lbs
.xx¤ {Distinguishing Features}
.xx¤ {Bio} Reagan Kang's story starts with her parents. Her father, Tae-hyun was a Korean/American studying at a university in Canada where he met Rea's mother, Maria, who was French Canadian. The two fell in love and soon married, living their lives in Canada. While those two played out their love story there was another in the shadows, watching their love story play out as jealousy formed inside him. This man in the shadow was named Charles Lavigne a close friend of Maria and had been in love with her for years. Charles watched the woman he loved be with another man who she would marry. It wasn't till the announcement of Rea's birth is what made Charles snap. Not long after Reagan was born, Charles came to the Kang's home to confront the two, claiming that Maria should be with him and that he should be the true father to Reagan. He tried to take Maria and Reagan by force but Tae-hyun would not let that happen over his dead body. Sadly that was what it came to... Charles murdered Rea's father in front of Maria. With Tae-hyun out of the way, he could now be with the love of his life. However Maria with rage attacked Charles, claiming how much she hated him and wanted him dead. Rage filled Charles as his love said harsh things and with that rage he killed Maria. With Maria now gone there was only one thing from her that Charles could have and that was her child that he felt that should be his. Before he could take Reagan from her crib the police had came into driveway and Charles made a run for it and was never caught.

With Reagan's parents death, she was then adopted by Tae-hyun's older brother Byung-ho who was a well off surgeon working in Canada. He was a single man who lived for his work who now had a child to take care of as well. Reagan spent a lot of time alone growing up and with a lot of male figures in her life. She never had a female figure to look up too and learned to take care of herself. She never did fit in with the girls at her school as she was more of a tom boy. She had short wild black hair and was always digging in the dirt for bugs. Never liked wearing skirts or dresses and was more then likely wearing boy's clothes. At the age of six, Byung-ho would send her down to Ithaca New York to spend time with her Grandparents house for the summer. This is when Rea met Kyosuke O'Brien, one of her best friends that the will ever make. He was the boy who lived next door to her grandparents that would get picked on for not having a peculiarity. Rea did not care about peculiarity's but more about who a person was on the inside. So she saw it as her mission to stand up for the little guy and protect him from the neighboring kids that picked on him.

Summer would come to an end and Rea would go back to Canada but return the following summer to find out that Kyo had made a new friend in his school named Caelia. She was nothing like Rea and honestly Rea was not sure she could be friends with a girl as she never had any luck with that. However, Cea was not like the other girls Rea knew and the two were able to become best friends and the three were inseparable. Every year, Rea looked forward to going to her grandparents to see her best friends but that soon came to an end when middle school came. Reagan was excellent when it came to sports but all her other subjects in school she struggled with. Her uncle decided it was best for her to go to an all private all girls school that was all year round so she could get her grades up and have more female figures in her life. Over the years in middle school her grades did start to improve but soon she started to having nightmares about her parents death and killer and struggles with her peculiarity.

Until at this point the Kang family had just figured her gift was Telekinesis as she was just able to move some objects. However by the age of 14 it was clear it was something more then just being able to move the odd object. She would loose control of her emotions and her peculiarity would act out to the point it hurt her whole class. It was then decided that it would be best for her to go to LeVane, where she can learn more about her gift and try to control it.

.xx¤ Sports
.xx¤ Speaking her mind

.xx¤ Math
.xx¤ Controlling her emotions

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【P e c u l i a r i t y 】

Chaos Magic: The user can utilize Chaos Magic, magic that taps into and utilizes the chaotic forces of the universe, granting the user nigh-omnipotent scale magical powers and mastery of spells capable of warping, manipulating and/or reconstructing reality and probability as well as the very fabric of existence

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【W e a p o n 】


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【C o m b a t D a t a】



¤ Intelligence: ■■□□□
¤ Perception: ■■□□□
¤ Strength: ■■■□□
¤ Toughness: ■■■■□
¤ Endurance: ■■■□□
¤ Speed: ■■■□□
¤ Reflexes: ■■■□□
¤ Hand to hand: □□□□□
¤ Weapon Skills: □□□□□
¤ Ranged Skills: ■■■□□
¤ Survival Skills: ■■□□□
¤ Technological Knowledge: ■■□□□
¤ Perc Control: ■□□□□

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【A d d i t i o n a l I n f o r m a t i o n】

Alignment Hero
.xJob Title: Student
.xDescription: Normally her eyes are green like color but when she uses a great amount of her perc or losses control of it her eyes will turn a bright ice like blue.
.xOther: She never talks about her parents or what happened but her dream is to become a cop and put the man who killed her parents behind bars.