Sleep had always been a fitful thing, even after impression had soothed away the worst of her fearful anxiety. Ichta had always been one to spend more of the night trying to get back to sleep than actually sleeping. While heavy bedfurs should have, and had been, enough to mostly mitigate the problem when she'd been sleeping alone, it was now a strong arm holding her tightly in place that kept her from the tossing and turning she'd been so accustom to. There, curled against her weyrmate's chest, she still woke in the night as she always had - just now she couldn't stir as she once did. It was only an occasional problem when she had to fumble and fight her way out from under his arm to leave the bed - proof to her frailer constitution when he could hold her steady with a single arm in his sleep - but most nights didn't have such calls to them when he was deep in slumber.

Even this morning left her less motivated than she once may have been to fully start her day. The cold bite of a cool, early spring morning had once never been enough deterrant to keep her from climbing out of a warm bed. But now a warm bed took on a different form and she was content to delay the ever creeping in start to her day to remain tucked against him. Idly, she ran her fingers across his cheek, watching the way his face seemed to relax under her touch. It made her chest bloom with fire - not painfully, though sometimes the pain did come after a particularly bad fall. Aurinkoth usually came sweeping in after with his sweet reminders that the worst had not come to pass and that all was well. Something she knew, but the touch of her lifemate's very essence against hers did much to quell her mind from it's frivolous worries.

A single day had remade her life anew time and time again - into a woman with her lifemate and two best friends she could rely on, into a woman who was in love and loved in turn. She could never imagine stepping back into any previous form of herself. These quiet, early mornings reminded her why every day. Each of her life's great loves was like a piece of her body now. This piece just happened to be twice her size and holding her like she was his comfort item that he couldn't sleep without. Though she could imagine the same for herself as his warm, tight embrace beckoned her back to sleep - at least until the sun rose.

Shifting carefully so she could lean her head into that crook between his cheek, shoulder, and neck - an ideal spot for it, if she did say so herself - she stretched her arm across his chest, dragging her fingers across it as she did so to note the little imperfections left from the ever ongoing battle they prepared for from day to day. They lingered for a moment on that first mark in the center of his chest that had threatened to take him the first time. It made what little ferocity she had in her ignite every time. But the ferocity soothed away all too quickly as she passed it by, finding her place against him with the ease of daily repetition.

Just a little longer, perhaps, and then the rest of the day could come.