Name: Ro'kim
Age: 60
Nameday: 3517.01.22
Sex: Male
Sexual Orientation: Homosexual
Weyr: Western Weyr
Rider Rank: Wingrider
Previous Rank/Craft: Weyrbrat
Physical Description: Ro'kim stands about 5'10" with tan skin, and sun bleached, dusty-brown hair. His eyes are a dark green, his nose hawkish, and his smile warm. He's reached the prime of his life, is comfortable with his appearance, and is in possession of an easy-going air. He might not be the most handsome man in the Weyr, but he's certainly not the worst looking, either.

His frame, like much of him, is quite average. Turns of dragonriding have given him strong arms and have helped keep him in shape, but besides keeping himself trim, he's not overly concerned with his appearance. Easy come, easy go, and he is more than happy for others to stress about silvering hair or crows feet crinkling the corners of ones eyes.

He does have quite significant Threadscore along his back, but doesn't feel the need to hide it. He's just as happy to go topless in the summer down at the beach or while oiling Suisanth. It has healed as well as major scoring can go, and while it isn't always the prettiest thing to look at it, it isn't something he's ashamed of. He's a rider, after all--and Threadscore is just par for the course.

Personality: Ro'kim makes for a very friendly man and an equally friendly rider. If ever someone was in need, you can bet Ro'kim wouldn't hesitate to offer a helping hand. He's as equally generous with strangers as he is his wingmates, and has little trouble making friends or getting to know new faces. While he isn't overly extroverted, he would be hard pressed to ever be called a wallflower, and feels it's his duty to ensure those who meet him walk away thinking well of both Western Weyr and dragonriders as a whole.

His friendly nature is paired with an overall relaxed attitude. He isn't prone to losing his temper, and tends to go with the flow much like a leaf floating atop a river. He isn't one to fight the currant, and tends not to sweat the small stuff. This can, unfortunately, cause him to have little opinions or preferences; he tends to go with what the majority prefers, and could be considered a little bit of a yes man. He is entirely a follower, and tends to follow those who have more drive, are particularly vehement, or otherwise have earned some sort of position of power. It isn't that he couldn't stand up and fight, but generally speaking, Ro'kim simply isn't a confrontational man.

His relaxed outlook can leave Ro'kim feeling more than a little listless. While he is happy to do his duty--he shows up to drills, he gets his work done, and does what he can to support his wingmates and Western Weyr--he has little ambition to go above and beyond. While this wasn't much of a problem when he was a younger man, now that he's getting a bit older, he finds himself at a bit of a loss on what to do.

He has no children, has no weyrmate, was never Hall trained in any craft, and has very little to show for himself. It isn't that he lacks talent, he simply lacks ambition, and tends to give up on projects well before they're finished. While he would never have called himself insecure, as he's aged, doubt has begun to grip him. With his younger brother leading the Weyr, a weyrmate at his side, and plenty of children (biological and adopted), Ro'kim has quiet vulnerability about his place in the world--though he tends to share it only with Suisanth and vehemently denies it when questioned.

Positive Trait List Relaxed, Supportive, Friendly
Negative Trait List Insecure, Follower, Listless
As the first born to greenrider Roriana and her blue rider weyrmate, V'kimor, Rorikim was spoiled and loved. His mother and father were both Western Weyr natives, and while they dabbled in crafts--Roriana as an apprentice Harper and V'kimor as a baker in the kitchens--it was true that they were devoted first and foremost to their dragons, and second, to their growing family.

The pair had always wanted a large family, and thus, Rorikim did not remain a single child for long. Every few Turns another face graced their lives, but thankfully, Rorikim wasn't a jealous. In fact, he adored each and every new brother and sister that was birthed, and was an eager playment to many of them. He was closest to his sister Vikoria and his baby brother Rorimor, but was thoroughly charmed by each and every new addition. For the most part, Rorikim was an ideal elder brother -- indulgent and patient, with nothing but support for his younger siblings and family.

As he aged, the man found himself eager to participate in the Weyrs hatchings. He became a Candidate at Turn 14, but his hopes and dreams of Impressing immediately were quickly dashed. In fact, he went on to see his brother Rorimore Impressed fist -- and to a fine bronze, Junenth. While Rorikim was pleased as each one of his siblings found Theirs, Rorikim didn't find Suisanth until he was close to aging out, at Turn 29.

The little green changed his life. She was a delicate little princess, who was needy, clingy, and desperate for his attention and approval, something Ro'kim was more than happy to give. She was a balm for the insecurity of his hearts--for after being so certain he might age out, he had to wonder if the fault lay with him. Thankfully, Suisanth entirely disagreed, and believes him to have hung both the moons, even to this day.

Life for Ro'kim after Impression was a life full of routine. He had no craft to specialize in, so instead worked at the Weyr doing odd jobs, or taking up delivery and transport jobs with Susianth for the odd mark. Mostly, Ro'kim didn't mind his easy-going lifestyle. Loves came and went, but he was never in any rush to settle down permanently. He had time. Besides which, he had a full life. Not only did may of his siblings live at the Weyr, along with his parents, but he had many nieces and nephews to spoil, as well as Suisanth.

At Turn 45, he found himself entirely smitten by a blue rider, H'gren. The two of them had much in common, and enjoyed living a breezy lifestyle together.
The blonde had once been a Journeyman Harper, and he brought music to the man's life. In fact, H'gren managed to get Ro'kim to settle down and put down some long-term roots; they even became weyrmates, much to Ro'kim's chagrin. Life was looking good and everything was coming up roses for Ro'kim...

Until Thread came back.

Thread changed everything. He lost friends, family, and most unfortunately, H'gren, his weyrmate, all in a blink of an eye. During one of his first time fighting Thread, Suisanth and he took a major hit which had them down almost a full Turn recovering. The easy-going life he had enjoyed was long over--and a new reality gripped Western Weyr and all of Pern. Ro'kim has tried his best to accept the changes, but it's not been easy, even after all these Turns.

Other: Ro'kim has no children, though he's considering fostering one to give his life a bit more purpose.

Name: Suisanth
Age: 31
Color: Green
Size: 38'
Physical Description: Suisanth is a delicate and small green. Her tail and neck are long, which add to her delicate appearance. She is lithe and graceful, both on land and up in the air, but her stamina suffers. While she can be quick on wing, and pull of impressive aeriel displays, she is prone to getting battered by strong winds, and needs to take ample breaks.
Personality: Suisanth is a loving, and eager green dragon. She adores her rider, and is desperate for his attention, affection, and support. Thankfully, it's something Ro'kim is only too happy to give. She would never believe herself to be a handful, but Suisanth's need to please can make her overly-attentive and clingy, especially when her rider isn't around to assure her. Her delicate hearts would be devastated if someone dared to confide as much, or tell her she was being a burden--and Ro'kim does his best to shield her. So far, he's done a relatively good job. Thankfully, when she is paind, her short-memory means she forgets it relatively easily. Unlike some of her sisters, she is not overly clever, nor overly bright--but she is endearing, loving, and as sweet a dragon as one might hope to meet.

Dragon Art or Proof of Obtainment: Green from Pach