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A Dragonriders of Pern B/C RP 

Tags: Pern, Dragons, Dragonriders, Role-Play, Fantasy 

Reply [IC RP] High Reaches Weyr
[PRP] Soft and Sweet (Elibrie/Lusialu)

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PostPosted: Mon Jun 01, 2020 8:16 pm
It seemed like just yesterday that Elibrie's entire existence had been turned upside-down and shaken, while also feeling like before and after Search were two completely different lives, a hundred Turns apart. Even this many months in, she was still not quite sure what to think about it all, whether it was good or bad or what she really wanted. To a certain extent, she just existed, drifting from one day to the next unil they all bled together as she waited for whatever was going to happen to happen.

She applied herself to her lessons and chores, accepting them all without objection; she had been raised to accept what she was told, after all, and more importantly, to accept what she was told to do and be. Though it had been meant to prepare her for marriage, it had also prepared her reasonably well for Candidacy, as it happened. She might not succeed at everything on her first try, or enjoy everything she was faced with, but she kept her head down and she did it. She might quietly commiserate with her sister about some of the dirtier or more difficult tasks at the end of the day, but was cautious and mindful of what she said in the presence of others so she wouldn't be thought fussy.

Time with her sister was a bright spot, as she had missed her terribly in the few months they'd been apart after Oranie had married. So too were visits with her little cousins, even if the, ah, relationship dynamic that had led to them was difficult for her to comprehend, and she shied away from trying to puzzle it out. And there was their friend Juhvek, who had taken them under his wing; Faranth only knew why the young man would bother, when surely he had more important things to do than shepherd the two of them about, but it was a kindness that she appreciated even if she didn't understand it.

Then there were her flits. The first, Lullaby, had essentially been a 'welcome to the Weyr!' gift from her aunt, and she adored him so very that when one of her aunt's sired a clutch, she had been unable to resist another egg in spite of warnings that the parents weren't the best-behaved or agreeable sorts. Lord Chomps was not too awful, really, just a bit territorial and protective. And greedy. But she loved him anyway. Perhaps it was a silly thing, but they made her happy in a way little else had even if she didn't know why, didn't understand that it was the simple, unconditional affection they supplied. Every little cheep and peep, every cuddle, every tiny boop, she adored. So she had - in a very roundabout and careful way because she was not accustomed to asking for things - implied that she would like another, and the subsequent egg had contained a third precious blue.

Her favorite time of day was when she could finally curl up on her cot with them, and fall asleep to Lullaby's gentle little hum while Snoop cuddled up close and Chomps set himself near the edge to better keep an eye out. Just in case. Today was a rest day, though, which meant the soothing little cuddlepile didn't have to just be a luxury for the very end of the day. Not that she was napping, no! Rather, she was studying, but it was a nice cuddlepile regardless.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 04, 2020 7:33 pm
Yet another clutch had been laid over at Western Weyr, and while Lusialu was glad that more dragons were being brought into the world, she was (admittedly) a bit jealous. Standing for a foreign clutch was entirely out of the picture for the girl--her home was here in the mountains, and she could never tear herself away from her family or risk Impressing elsewhere. Swaps were all well and good for others, but she wasn't going to risk it--unfortunately, some of her friends were not near as devoted.

Hadn't she lost a few already to the charms of Western? While she was grateful they'd found Theirs, it certainly wasn't an easy pill to swallow. Especially not with her own jealous nature.

It had stung not to Impress one of Zenobiath's beautiful babies, and while she was happy for her sister's queen, and knew someday there would be future opportunities, Lusialu couldn't help but feel let down by the entire affair. She had always thought she'd spend some amount of Candidacy with Alumet or C'lusi, but they had Impressed together--and Lusialu had started Candidacy well after Uridith's clutch. Even now, her sister was an illustrious gold rider, and her brother had not one, but two weyrmates with two other riders! Then came the babies, and now Alumet was pregnant...


It wasn't always easy being the little sister, and Lusialu couldn't help but feel extra sensitive about her shortcomings. While not Impressing wasn't considered a failure, necessarily, it did rather bruise the heart and make her extra aware of how alone she happened to be. Impressing Honeycomb had been worthwhile, and the little bronze made an excellent, stalwart companion. Usually. He was still young enough to sometimes cause mischief.

Sitting quietly on the cot of her bed, the young girl had taken it upon herself to try to (poorly) knit a babies blanket. She was hardly paying attention to the little bronze...which was, perhaps, her first problem. One moment she was in the process of pulling through a loop, when quite out of no where, Honeycomb snatched up the ball of yarn and took off.

"Honeycomb!" She exclaimed with a start. Down went the needles, and away went her work!

Thankfully, the little bronze didn't go far. He circled once before landing squarely on Elibrie's cot, peeping happily at her trio. A peace offering? Possibly--but Lusialu wasn't too far behind.

((I'm going to assume this is somewhere between Western's clutching and Touching. ))


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Sat Jun 06, 2020 7:29 am
The appearance of a fourth flit - and with quite the interesting prize! - startled a laugh out of Elibrie and a hiss out of Lord Chomps, but Lullaby and Snoop had only happy cheeps for the bronze. Snoop scuttled forward to investigate both the bronze and the ball of yarn, peep-peep-peeping busily as he did so. Friend! Thing!! Friend!!!

Elibrie had just leaned forward to snatch up Chomps and set him in her lap before he could start trouble when Lusialu appeared, and she looked up to smile warmly at the other Candidate. "Lusialu. Missing something?"

She didn't know the other girl well, but they were...something like family. Family-adjacent? In-laws? Something. Her aunt's situation had a way of twisting her stomach into uncomfortable knots: how could someone be with two people? Who were also with each other? How could three people all be together? Nevermind that the blue- and bronzeriders were quite intimidating regardless, with R'shahar the largest person she'd ever seen in her life and C'lusi being...being...she didn't even have a word for it, really. But Lusialu, at least, was much closer to Elibrie's idea of 'normal,' so she was a welcome sight.

PostPosted: Sun Jun 07, 2020 1:48 pm
Honeycomb wasn't at all fussed over Lord Chomps' hiss. Instead, his eyes whirled a bright green and puffed out his chest with pride as Snoop came peeping over. Stretching out his neck, he was happy to give his fellow flit a sniff and a head-boop, being of the friendly variety. If his wings were half-spread, it was only for balance (and perhaps a little show). He stood proudly over his quarry, and didn't even have the decency to look distressed when Lusialu approached.

The girl gave a shake of her head and a sigh. She did look apologetically at Elibrie. While she didn't know the other Candidate well, she wasn't entirely a stranger. They had met a few times since her niece and nephew were born--Elibrie appeared to be linked to Nadry in some fashion, though she couldn't well remember how if she'd ever been told. "Sorry," she apologized again. "I don't know what got into him. He's usually much better behaved."

Of course, the moment she reached over to pick him up, the little bronze immediately hopped forward and right out of arms reach. Typical. "Treats?" She brought up the word that usually got some sort of response out of the bronze--but of course, the little being was too clever to fall for that trick. At least not without an actual prize to tempt him away.




Shy Mage


PostPosted: Mon Jun 08, 2020 12:18 pm
Snoop trilled happily at the bronze and the fascinating prize he'd brought, and promptly started to bounce back and forth, trying to initiate play. The ball of yarn would be a fun thing to play with, he was sure! When Honeycomb dodged his bonded, the little blue hopped after him. Game!! Peep peep peep.

"It's okay," Elibrie assured her fellow Candidate with a genuine smile, "We don't mind. Do we, boys?" Though he'd no idea what was being said, of course, Lullaby cheeped in response, having learned early on that it pleased Elibrie to be responded to when she spoke to him. Chomps continued to lie in her lap and glower at the commotion, the grump.

PostPosted: Sat Aug 08, 2020 7:53 pm
Lusialu was grateful that Elibrie didn’t seem to mind the distraction. Honeycomb wasn’t being the best behaved flitter, though he wasn’t doing any harm, either. “No, no!” She scolded, making another reach -- not for Honeycomb, but at least the ball of yarn. She needed it, at any rate, and could only imagine where he’d wind up taking it if he had half a chance. The little bronze could play with Snoops all he liked--she just wanted the yarn.

Thankfully, Honeycomb found himself more curious about Snoops than the ball of yarn. When Lusialu made a grab for it, he dropped it-- and instead gave a playful cheap at the Snoops. Plays? Plays!! Eyes whirling a bright green-blue, the bronze was more than happy play chase with New Friend than with the yarn. Wings half-flared, Honeycomb whirled around to pounce at Snoops, quite prepared to take this into flight if necessary.

“I suppose I need to be more firm,” she confessed, watching the boys chatter and play. “Your lot seems calm enough. Are they very well behaved?” She asked, curiously. “I’ve only the one, and he’s already quite the handful. Your three are very cute, though.” If she was a little envious of Elibrie’s fair, she tried not to let it show. Honeycomb was a stalwart, if sometimes stubborn, companion. She wasn’t sure if it was just his personality or that he was a bronze--but he certainly enjoyed pushing boundaries and testing her patience.



Shy Mage


PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2020 7:31 pm
To Elibrie, Honeycomb's antics were not only harmless, but adorably charming. Now, if the bronze had come in and started a real fuss, kicked up chaos with her trio, or messed up her things, she might not have been quite so enamored, but really, as much as she loved flits? She probably would have forgiven that, too, and even if she hadn't, well. She'd certainly never have said as much! It would have been terribly rude, and besides that, hers were hardly perfect. Except for Lullaby: he was a gem at all times.

Play!! Snoops hopped backwards when Honeycomb tried to pounce, then bounced into a quick playbow before spinning himself in a tight circle and popping back up, all done with running series of cheeps and peeps. He did pause to peep sadly-curiously after the ball of yarn when it was taken - that had looked so fun! - but...Friend! he waggled his whole body and did a few more hop-skips. Plaaaays!

"He doesn't seem so bad," Elibrie said, not to contradict - Faranth no! - but hoping to reassure. She flushed a little when Lusialu complimented hers, ducking her head shyly, but smiled. "Oh, only Lullaby, really." She scritched the handsome blue under his chin, and he thrummed happily. "Chomps is very grumpy and, well, he bites." He'd come by his name honestly, and there was a good reason she was keeping one hand on him. "And Snoops is very nosy and..." She gestured to the current frolicking situation. Obviously he had quite a bit of energy.

PostPosted: Tue Sep 15, 2020 7:16 pm
Lusialu almost felt bad when Snoops peeped sadly at the stolen yarn, but she wasn't going to give in--she had things to knit, after all. By the time the new Turn rolled around, she thought she just might be at least an apprentice level knitter when it came to baby booties or baby hats. Between C'lusi's two, and now Alumet, the girl almost felt like her older siblings were trying to win a race. Both had Impressed at the same time, and now they were having their own kids not long after one another.

While she had no interest or desire in having kids right away, she did almost feel a pang of longing and jealousy. Their lives were by no means perfect, she knew, but... She couldn't help but yearn. They both had found their most amazing lifemates; they both seemed to be happy in their relationships; and now they were beginning to raise the next generation!

What did she have?

A little flit she adored, but otherwise, very little. There was nothing remarkable about her. Her sister was a gold rider, and C'lusi had always had charm in droves. By the time she got around to (hopefully) Impressing, or finding herself with someone special, she was quite sure no one would think twice about it.

Ah, but that was neither here nor there--and she made sure to re-focus her thoughts on Elibrie and her own brood. "Honeycomb seems to have his moments. Sometimes he's nothing but a perfect gentleman and the cutest little boy--but other times he's stubborn and willful. I guess he's a typical bronze," she mused, watching him play.

While Honeycomb was more than glad to have a new-found friend in Snoops, Lusialu did want to make sure Honeycomb didn't turn bossy. She knew that the little bronze could be stubborn and had no problem chittering at anyone or anything that got in the way of what he wanted to do. Thankfully, his current focus was Snoops--and he had no trouble giving into chase, with a little playbow and pounce of his own. If he could catch him, he'd try to tussle--but with how half-flared his wings were, flight was also an option on where to take the came.

"I would like a few more myself, I think," Lusialu confided. "Not that Honeycomb isn't perfect but it would be nice to have a whole brood." None of her siblings or mother had more than two, coincidentally enough. "Yours are all so diverse and lovely. When did you get your first one?" She inquired, curious.



Shy Mage


PostPosted: Sun Sep 20, 2020 6:46 pm
Snoops continued to be very vocal in his delight, full of cheeps and chitters as he pounced and hopped and chased around the cot with his new friend - but always careful not to get too close to Elibrie, since Chomps was in her lap and already riled. The young flit had learned very quickly not to push the paler blue! When one of Honeycomb's pounces succeeded, he squealed, not in alarm but with glee, and set to kicking and tussling.

"That does sound rather like I've heard them described." Elibrie couldn't help a little giggle when Lusialu mused that Honeycomb was a typical bronze, though she soon stifled it. Was it bad form to giggle over the most esteemed of the male dragons? She had virtually no firsthand experience, save a brief glinpse here and there of Viandarth. She really tried not to bother the dragons, even Menankith, and he was actively interested in her and her sister. Oranie really took to it far better than she did.

At Lusialu's admission that she would like a few more firelizards, Elibrie felt a twinge of guilt. As many as she'd seen since coming to the Weyr, she'd initially assumed they were quite common and relatively easy to acquire, especially as compared to elsewhere, until Juhvek had informed her that they could still cost a pretty bit if not found or gifted. "Thank you. I've been very lucky." Even if Chomps was, well, Chomps, she still adored even him. "My aunt gave me Lullaby's egg, not long after I got here. I...think she thought it would help."

And it had, a little bit. "Have you had Honeycomb long?"

PostPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2020 6:42 pm
Honeycomb was delighted in his tussle, and had little trouble rolling around with other little blue. His game was rather physical with his nips and kicks, but not aggressive. His eyes whirled a bright green-blue, his pleasure at this newfound friend clear.

Though Lusialu was worried their vocal game might disrupt others in the Barracks, she wasn't going to stop them. A little chittering and squealing didn't hurt anyone; and their game wasn't riling up the rest of the fair.So long as they were enjoying themselves, she could at least enjoy her conversation with Elibrie. "He definitely fits the mold" she grinned. "I suppose it's just inherent in the color--you should see some of the bronze dragons out in the Bowl--but he's a good boy, really. He also seems quite happy to have a new playmate."

Lusialu did tilt her head ever so curiously as Elibrie's admission. Still, her smile was warm, despite the pang of envy over her handful of firelizards. "That's very kind of her. My Mom gave me Honeycomb's egg! I've only had him about a Turn--and I do like him so--but having another one or two would be nice. Some people, and even dragons, find them pests--but I think they're quite charming." Even the grumpy ones, like Chomps.

"Did it work though? Your Aunt's egg, that is. I mean... Are you all right now?" Oh, she was bungling this whole thing. She didn't know exactly what it was that Elibrie might have needed help with--and didn't want to just ask--but she also wanted to make sure that things were good for the girl. The Weyr was a different place, she knew--she could only guess it was to take away the feeling of being homesick.

Not that Lusialu had much experience in that.

"I don't mean to pry, of course. You don't have to say if you don't want." She hastily added, feeling the softest flush of color heat her cheeks.


Shy Mage


PostPosted: Wed Mar 31, 2021 11:00 am
Snoops couldn't have been more pleased, and wasn't the least bit put off by how physical the little play-tussle was. Lullaby was far too dignified for such play, while Chomps had no tolerance for it at all, which often left the youngest blue in need of an outlet. While Elibrie would play tug and do gentle wrestles with him, she made sure to emphasize that anything rougher was off-limits with human playmates. So with a fellow flit to rough-house with, Snoops was in heaven. Chittering, chirping flit heaven.

"I haven't watched the bronzes as much as some of the others," Elibrie admitted. After all, they were bronzes, and far above a little Candidate like her. Even in the unlikely event that Impression was actually in her future, it would certainly not be to a bronze. "Honeycomb does seem like a good boy, though. Snoops has been dying for someone to play with, the other two just don't play the way he likes to."

"I think they're good company. I suppose I can see why some wouldn't, but I like them." The young woman was often not confident about her likes, preferences, or opinions, after a life where having them had been discouraged, but she was quite secure in her love for flits. And whers, though thus far she only knew Jhulansk.

"It- It did help," she answered after taking a moment to consider. Elibrie didn't mind the question, especially as she had practically invited it...and it was nice to have someone close to her own age to talk to for bit. "It's still a lot, sometimes, being here, but the company helps."

[IC RP] High Reaches Weyr

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