W'tarl had likely heard of M'kai's arrival to the Weyr; but unless he was interested in learning about the new blue transfer, he might not have realized who M'kai was. M'kai certainly went out of his way to avoid W'tarl--not wanting to meet his uncle again until he felt really and truly ready.

Which, Asakoth had decided, would never happen.

M'kai was doing what he did best--worrying. He paced around the Weyrbowl, nervously considering what he was doing at a place like High Reaches. He hardly belonged somewhere like this--and was a reunion really the best idea? It's been weeks, M'kai, Asakoth offered, amused despite his own misgivings and concerns. Wouldn't you rather just get it over with?

No. If it doesn't go well... His thoughts trailed off. Shards. Let's not think about that part. Aloud, he offered a curse of "Shards," before walking directly into the person he wanted to see the most/least.

He was moving rather quickly, stalking the weyrbowl like some kind of angry bull, and as he turned a corner, he found himself running into...a familiar face. "Uncle?" The word, incredulous and horrified, slipped out before he could stop it. Shards. Yeah, great first impression on someone who might not even remember you. "Shards, uh. I mean, are you okay?"

Oh, hello, said Asakoth, speaking to both W'tarl and his dragon. It's about time M'kai found you. I was starting to worry.

M'kai scowled. Betrayed...by his own dragon. The indignity!

better late than never!

Note: this thread is backdated, so that it's maybe a month or two after M'kai came to the Weyr, instead of...a very, very long time after! Hope that's okay! OTL

Also, took a few liberties, feel free to change anything that doesn't jive!